Ranking of Tennessee Cities and Places By Total Population from Census 2020

Updated on May 5, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, the total population of Tennessee was 6.91M. Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government (balance) was the most populated city or place (town or village) (689.45K people) which was 9.98% of Tennessee's population, followed by Memphis city (633.10K people) which was 9.16% of Tennessee's population, and then Knoxville city (190.74K people) which was 2.76% of Tennessee's population. On the other hand, the 3 Tennessee cities or places that were least populated include: Huron CDP (58 people), Cottage Grove town (66 people), and Buchanan CDP (71 people).

The chart below shows the top 10 most populated cities or places in Tennessee.

You can also see this information for other states and also for the ranking of all cities or places in the United States by total population.

Hover over or click on the bars in the chart below, to see the number of people who live in each city or place. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

Ranking of Tennessee Cities and Places By Total Population from Census 2020
Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government (balance)
Johnson City
Ranking of Tennessee Cities and Places By Total Population from Census 2020
Items per page:
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Rank Place Population
1 Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government (balance) 689447
2 Memphis city 633104
3 Knoxville city 190740
4 Chattanooga city 181099
5 Clarksville city 166722
6 Murfreesboro city 152769
7 Franklin city 83454
8 Johnson City city 71046
9 Jackson city 68205
10 Hendersonville city 61753
11 Bartlett city 57786
12 Kingsport city 55442
13 Smyrna town 53070
14 Collierville town 51324
15 Spring Hill city 50005
16 Cleveland city 47356
17 Brentwood city 45373
18 Gallatin city 44431
19 Columbia city 41690
20 Germantown city 41333
21 Mount Juliet city 39289
22 La Vergne city 38719
23 Lebanon city 38431
24 Cookeville city 34842
25 Maryville city 31907
26 Oak Ridge city 31402
27 Morristown city 30431
28 Bristol city 27147
29 Shelbyville city 23557
30 Farragut town 23506
31 East Ridge city 22167
32 Tullahoma city 20339
33 Springfield city 18782
34 Sevierville city 17889
35 Goodlettsville city 17789
36 Dyersburg city 16164
37 Dickson city 16058
38 Greeneville town 15479
39 Seymour CDP 14705
40 Arlington town 14549
41 Elizabethton city 14546
42 Athens city 14084
43 Lakeland city 13904
44 Nolensville town 13829
45 Powell CDP 13802
46 McMinnville city 13788
47 Portland city 13156
48 Soddy-Daisy city 13070
49 White House city 12982
50 Lewisburg city 12288
51 Manchester city 12212
52 Crossville city 12071
53 Red Bank city 11899
54 Middle Valley CDP 11695
55 Lawrenceburg city 11633
56 Hartsville/Trousdale County 11615
57 Union City city 11170
58 Collegedale city 11109
59 Alcoa city 10978
60 Martin city 10825
61 Millington city 10582
62 Halls CDP 10341
63 Paris city 10316
64 Lenoir City city 10117
65 Clinton city 10056
66 Atoka town 10008
67 Brownsville city 9788
68 Winchester city 9375
69 Fairview city 9357
70 Fairfield Glade CDP 9152
71 Oakland town 8936
72 Bloomingdale CDP 8918
73 Signal Mountain town 8852
74 Covington city 8663
75 Jefferson City city 8419
76 Pulaski city 8397
77 Milan city 8171
78 Lexington city 7956
79 Harrison CDP 7902
80 Humboldt city 7874
81 Ripley city 7800
82 South Cleveland CDP 7673
83 Thompson's Station town 7485
84 La Follette city 7430
85 Tellico Village CDP 7311
86 Savannah city 7213
87 Fayetteville city 7068
88 Dayton city 7065
89 Church Hill city 6998
90 Greenbrier town 6898
91 Newport city 6868
92 Green Hill CDP 6518
93 Lynchburg, Moore County metropolitan government 6461
94 Pigeon Forge city 6343
95 Sweetwater city 6312
96 Henderson city 6308
97 Munford city 6302
98 Millersville city 6299
99 Erwin town 6083
100 Loudon city 5991
101 Kingston city 5953
102 Harriman city 5892
103 Jonesborough town 5860
104 Lafayette city 5584
105 McKenzie city 5529
106 Mount Carmel town 5473
107 Rockwood city 5444
108 Eagleton Village CDP 5393
109 Dunlap city 5357
110 Bolivar city 5205
111 Ashland City town 5193
112 Madisonville city 5132
113 Medina city 5126
114 Forest Hills city 5038
115 Smithville city 5004
116 Sparta city 4998
117 Oak Hill city 4891
118 Pleasant View city 4807
119 Mount Pleasant city 4784
120 Rogersville town 4671
121 Lake Tansi CDP 4629
122 Oak Grove CDP 4482
123 Coopertown town 4480
124 Selmer town 4446
125 Huntingdon town 4439
126 Apison CDP 4428
127 Harrogate city 4400
128 Louisville city 4384
129 Christiana CDP 4305
130 Waverly city 4297
131 Trenton city 4240
132 Spurgeon CDP 3978
133 Tiptonville town 3976
134 Algood city 3963
135 Livingston town 3905
136 White Bluff town 3862
137 Unicoi town 3833
138 Oneida town 3787
139 Camden city 3674
140 Hohenwald city 3668
141 Jasper town 3612
142 Etowah city 3603
143 Gatlinburg city 3577
144 Karns CDP 3536
145 Centerville town 3532
146 Somerville town 3415
147 Newbern town 3349
148 Dandridge town 3344
149 Shackle Island CDP 3331
150 Tusculum city 3298
151 Oliver Springs town 3297
152 Wildwood Lake CDP 3286
153 Blountville CDP 3120
154 South Pittsburg city 3106
155 Colonial Heights CDP 3055
156 Sale Creek CDP 3021
157 Dresden town 3019
158 Bean Station city 2967
159 Belle Meade city 2901
160 Brighton town 2888
161 Kingston Springs town 2824
162 New Tazewell town 2769
163 Mascot CDP 2760
164 Monterey town 2746
165 Westmoreland town 2718
166 Woodbury town 2703
167 Clifton city 2651
168 Whiteville town 2606
169 Sewanee CDP 2535
170 Mosheim town 2479
171 White Pine town 2471
172 Bells city 2463
173 Maynardville city 2456
174 Pine Crest CDP 2439
175 Park City CDP 2422
176 Mountain City town 2415
177 Strawberry Plains CDP 2405
178 Decherd city 2379
179 Coalfield CDP 2361
180 Tazewell town 2348
181 Alamo town 2336
182 Walnut Hill CDP 2331
183 Waynesboro city 2317
184 Dyer city 2308
185 Jacksboro town 2306
186 Carthage town 2291
187 Estill Springs town 2267
188 Adamsville town 2265
189 Piperton city 2263
190 South Fulton city 2245
191 Caryville town 2212
192 Fairmount CDP 2193
193 Ridgetop city 2155
194 Jellico city 2154
195 Central CDP 2114
196 Berry Hill city 2112
197 Parsons city 2100
198 Halls town 2091
199 Hopewell CDP 2087
200 Blaine city 2084
201 Pegram town 2072
202 Plainview city 2060
203 Lookout Mountain town 2058
204 Rural Hill CDP 2047
205 Greenfield city 2031
206 Hampton CDP 2030
207 Walden town 1981
208 Spring City town 1949
209 Jamestown city 1935
210 Valley Forge CDP 1926
211 Surgoinsville town 1882
212 Three Way city 1877
213 Falling Water CDP 1873
214 Lakesite city 1856
215 Biltmore CDP 1837
216 Dover city 1826
217 Pikeville city 1824
218 Bluff City city 1822
219 New Johnsonville city 1804
220 Hunter CDP 1803
221 Cross Plains city 1789
222 Cowan city 1759
223 Gruetli-Laager city 1742
224 Loretto city 1739
225 East Cleveland CDP 1725
226 Chapel Hill town 1717
227 Mowbray Mountain CDP 1705
228 Ridgely town 1690
229 Charlotte town 1656
230 New Union CDP 1646
231 McEwen city 1643
232 Whitwell city 1641
233 Rocky Top city 1628
234 Fincastle CDP 1611
235 Norris city 1599
236 Crump city 1594
237 Baxter town 1578
238 Vonore town 1574
239 Burns town 1573
240 Decatur town 1563
241 Watertown city 1553
242 Kimball town 1545
243 Benton town 1523
244 Bruceton town 1507
245 South Carthage town 1490
246 Englewood town 1483
247 Graysville town 1471
248 Spencer town 1462
249 Olivet CDP 1441
250 Banner Hill CDP 1426
251 Troy town 1423
252 Celina city 1422
253 Tracy City town 1406
254 Unionville CDP 1394
255 Monteagle town 1393
256 Gleason town 1369
257 Gordonsville town 1363
258 New Market town 1349
259 Mason town 1337
260 Tennessee Ridge town 1332
261 Rutledge town 1321
262 Powells Crossroads town 1296
263 Gray CDP 1293
264 Sneedville town 1282
265 Bon Aqua Junction CDP 1279
266 Rockvale CDP 1279
267 Sullivan Gardens CDP 1271
268 Huntsville town 1270
269 Fall Branch CDP 1248
270 Cornersville town 1228
271 Erin city 1224
272 Midtown CDP 1220
273 Grimsley CDP 1219
274 Ardmore city 1217
275 Kenton town 1205
276 Red Boiling Springs city 1205
277 Lone Oak CDP 1198
278 Gladeville CDP 1189
279 Rutherford town 1163
280 Lakewood Park CDP 1161
281 Dodson Branch CDP 1160
282 Wildwood CDP 1157
283 Altamont town 1117
284 Greenback city 1102
285 Roan Mountain CDP 1078
286 Rossville town 1041
287 John Sevier CDP 1026
288 Luttrell town 1017
289 Bradford town 1001
290 Linden town 997
291 Obion town 991
292 New Hope city 987
293 Alexandria town 981
294 Orlinda city 947
295 Winfield town 947
296 Atwood town 940
297 Sharon town 935
298 Orebank CDP 929
299 Gainesboro town 920
300 Lobelville city 919
301 Walnut Grove CDP 911
302 Telford CDP 909
303 Collinwood city 898
304 Friendsville city 896
305 Huntland town 886
306 Rarity Bay CDP 885
307 Fowlkes CDP 882
308 Mooresburg CDP 877
309 Scotts Hill town 877
310 Henning town 871
311 Summertown CDP 856
312 Wartburg city 848
313 Kahite CDP 834
314 Rockford city 822
315 Russellville CDP 822
316 Eagleville city 813
317 Cosby CDP 807
318 Decaturville town 807
319 Trezevant town 799
320 Byrdstown town 798
321 St. Joseph city 790
322 Coalmont city 784
323 Delano CDP 777
324 Finley CDP 774
325 Niota city 772
326 Eastview town 763
327 Lyles CDP 763
328 Tellico Plains town 762
329 Bulls Gap town 756
330 Bethel Springs town 742
331 Morrison town 733
332 Flintville CDP 722
333 Crab Orchard city 720
334 Puryear city 706
335 Riceville CDP 688
336 Ooltewah CDP 684
337 Hollow Rock town 683
338 Michie town 679
339 Charleston city 664
340 Gates town 664
341 Middleton city 658
342 Wartrace town 653
343 Helenwood CDP 635
344 Adams city 624
345 Sequatchie CDP 622
346 Friendship city 613
347 Castalian Springs CDP 608
348 Philadelphia city 607
349 Clarkrange CDP 596
350 McDonald CDP 586
351 Maury City town 583
352 Moscow city 572
353 Flat Top Mountain CDP 561
354 Allardt city 555
355 Palmer town 551
356 Townsend city 550
357 Trimble town 547
358 Elkton city 545
359 Chesterfield CDP 543
360 Pleasant Hill town 540
361 Ethridge town 537
362 Calhoun town 536
363 Gallaway city 528
364 Petersburg town 528
365 Baneberry city 523
366 Sunbright city 519
367 Nixon CDP 514
368 Hornbeak town 511
369 Andersonville CDP 508
370 Minor Hill city 504
371 Doyle town 493
372 Big Sandy town 486
373 Fairgarden CDP 481
374 Gilt Edge city 476
375 Mayland CDP 472
376 Gadsden town 469
377 Griffith Creek CDP 465
378 Leoma CDP 464
379 Pinson CDP 464
380 Ducktown city 461
381 Petros CDP 459
382 Pittman Center town 454
383 Henry town 446
384 Ridgeside city 446
385 Copperhill city 443
386 Baileyton town 436
387 Beersheba Springs town 434
388 Hillsboro CDP 433
389 Bon Air CDP 430
390 Embreeville CDP 429
391 Saltillo town 420
392 Stanton town 417
393 Guys town 414
394 Sardis town 414
395 Bell Buckle town 410
396 Walterhill CDP 407
397 New Deal CDP 398
398 Cottontown CDP 397
399 Beech Bluff CDP 379
400 Clarksburg town 379
401 Vanleer town 374
402 Pelham CDP 371
403 Burlison town 367
404 Gibson town 366
405 Darden CDP 364
406 Walnut Grove CDP 359
407 Watauga city 353
408 Williston city 349
409 Woodland Mills city 346
410 Dowelltown town 342
411 Grand Junction city 338
412 Hilham CDP 338
413 Stantonville town 335
414 Briceville CDP 334
415 Liberty town 334
416 Ramer city 325
417 Counce CDP 316
418 Bethpage CDP 313
419 Cumberland Gap town 313
420 Blanche CDP 310
421 Lenox CDP 308
422 Cumberland City town 305
423 Cedar Hill city 301
424 Bowman CDP 297
425 Butler CDP 297
426 Centertown town 297
427 Elgin CDP 297
428 Lynnville town 292
429 Big Rock CDP 291
430 Garland town 289
431 McLemoresville town 288
432 Parker's Crossroads city 284
433 Walland CDP 281
434 Finger city 276
435 Iron City CDP 274
436 Whiteside CDP 274
437 Auburntown town 272
438 Milledgeville town 271
439 Toone town 270
440 Farner CDP 267
441 Hornsby town 264
442 Tuckers Crossroads CDP 263
443 Randolph CDP 258
444 Wrigley CDP 257
445 Taft CDP 256
446 Braden town 255
447 Robbins CDP 254
448 Rives town 246
449 Eva CDP 239
450 Morris Chapel CDP 238
451 Oak Grove CDP 238
452 Yorkville city 236
453 Graball CDP 228
454 Hickman CDP 224
455 Parrottsville town 217
456 Samburg town 210
457 Ocoee CDP 201
458 Luray CDP 197
459 Oakdale town 191
460 Medon city 189
461 Enville town 188
462 Pocahontas CDP 176
463 Slayden town 170
464 Bransford CDP 166
465 Westpoint CDP 164
466 Mitchellville city 163
467 Shiloh CDP 163
468 Palmersville CDP 162
469 Wildersville CDP 161
470 Coker Creek CDP 150
471 Mercer CDP 150
472 Norene CDP 148
473 Essary Springs CDP 147
474 Fairfield CDP 141
475 Frankewing CDP 124
476 La Grange town 123
477 Sherwood CDP 122
478 Prospect CDP 121
479 Bogota CDP 112
480 Saulsbury town 112
481 Normandy town 108
482 Dukedom CDP 103
483 Yuma CDP 103
484 Childers Hill CDP 100
485 Silerton town 97
486 Belvidere CDP 96
487 Conasauga CDP 95
488 Holladay CDP 95
489 Whitlock CDP 95
490 Chewalla CDP 94
491 Viola town 93
492 Wynnburg CDP 91
493 Orme town 87
494 Dancyville CDP 85
495 Statesville CDP 82
496 Jacks Creek CDP 81
497 Lavinia CDP 81
498 Greenvale CDP 79
499 Hickory Valley town 78
500 Miston CDP 77
501 Dellrose CDP 73
502 Buchanan CDP 71
503 Cottage Grove town 66
504 Huron CDP 58