Hi-Nella borough, New Jersey Census 2020 Total Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Population

Updated on May 5, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, out of the total Hi-Nella borough, NJ population of 927 residents, 759 residents identified as Non-Hispanic (81.88%), and 168 residents identified as Hispanic or Latino (18.12%).

The first chart below shows the number of hispanics and non-hispanics, and the second chart shows the percentage of Hi-Nella borough, NJ population that are hispanics and non-hispanics.

You can also see this information for other cities and places in New Jersey and also for New Jersey.

Hi-Nella borough, NJ Census 2020 Total Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Population
Hi-Nella borough, NJ Census 2020 Percentage of Total Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Population
Hi-Nella borough, NJ Census 2020 Total Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Population
Items per page:
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Hispanic or Non-Hispanic Population % of City or Place Population
Hispanic 168 18.12
Non-Hispanic 759 81.88