North Dakota Death Rate By County in 2022

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2022, the death rate for North Dakota was 9.46, and the top three counties that had the highest death rate were:

  1. McIntosh County: 23.29
  2. Benson County: 19.05
  3. Grant County: 18.01

On the other hand, the top 3 counties that had the lowest death rate were:

  1. Slope County: 4.42
  2. Williams County: 5.93
  3. McKenzie County: 6.2

Use the interactive visualization and the table below to explore the death rate for each North Dakota county in 2022. You can also find links to the historical death rate for each county below.

See this for other years:
North Dakota Death Rate By County in 2022
North Dakota Death Rate By County in 2022
Items per page:
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County Death Rate
Adams 15.94
Barnes 15.02
Benson 19.05
Billings 8.09
Bottineau 11.24
Bowman 14.15
Burke 9.7
Burleigh 9.43
Cass 6.99
Cavalier 14.87
Dickey 15.26
Divide 10.96
Dunn 8.96
Eddy 17.69
Emmons 16.59
Foster 14.84
Golden Valley 9.71
Grand Forks 7.51
Grant 18.01
Griggs 15.43
Hettinger 14.5
Kidder 13.88
LaMoure 10.99
Logan 13.38
McHenry 15.15
McIntosh 23.29
McKenzie 6.2
McLean 12.23
Mercer 9.72
Morton 10.94
Mountrail 11.02
Nelson 17.55
Oliver 8.05
Pembina 12.26
Pierce 14.71
Ramsey 12.63
Ransom 14.33
Renville 15.62
Richland 8.81
Rolette 15.65
Sargent 12.35
Sheridan 14.82
Sioux 16.06
Slope 4.42
Stark 8.32
Steele 12.27
Stutsman 11.79
Towner 15.73
Traill 13.17
Walsh 12.53
Ward 8.69
Wells 15.32
Williams 5.93