South Carolina Deaths By County in 2022

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2022, the number of deaths for South Carolina was 64,531, and the top three counties that had the highest number of deaths were:

  1. Greenville County: 5,731
  2. Horry County: 5,098
  3. Spartanburg County: 4,259

On the other hand, the top 3 counties that had the lowest number of deaths were:

  1. Allendale County: 144
  2. McCormick County: 165
  3. Calhoun County: 245

Use the interactive visualization and the table below to explore the number of deaths for each South Carolina county in 2022. You can also find links to the historical number of deaths for each county below.

See this for other years:
South Carolina Deaths By County in 2022
South Carolina Deaths By County in 2022
Items per page:
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County Deaths
Abbeville 407
Aiken 2145
Allendale 144
Anderson 3062
Bamberg 259
Barnwell 336
Beaufort 2026
Berkeley 2114
Calhoun 245
Charleston 3962
Cherokee 908
Chester 567
Chesterfield 665
Clarendon 588
Colleton 707
Darlington 1121
Dillon 524
Dorchester 1601
Edgefield 320
Fairfield 395
Florence 2127
Georgetown 1072
Greenville 5731
Greenwood 1041
Hampton 301
Horry 5098
Jasper 346
Kershaw 976
Lancaster 1159
Laurens 1126
Lee 303
Lexington 3299
McCormick 165
Marion 549
Marlboro 420
Newberry 603
Oconee 1168
Orangeburg 1436
Pickens 1715
Richland 4046
Saluda 312
Spartanburg 4259
Sumter 1538
Union 509
Williamsburg 561
York 2575