Insider Transactions for Insiders at BRINKS CO
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at BRINKS CO, based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- Andrade Kathie J.
- Clough Ian D
- Docherty Susan E
- Eubanks Richard M. - (President and CEO)
- Herling Michael J
- Parker Arthelbert Louis
- Pertz Douglas A - (Executive Chairman)
- Wyche Keith R
- Beech Michael F - (Executive Vice President)
- Blackwood Lindsay K. - (EVP & General Counsel)
- Bossart Dominik - (EVP)
- Castillo Daniel J - (EVP)
- Davis Simon - (EVP, CHRO)
- Galloway Elizabeth A - (EVP and CHRO)
- McMaken Kurt B - (EVP, Chief Financial Officer)
- Parks James K - (EVP)
- Sweeney Michael E - (Controller)