Insider Transactions for Insiders at CITIGROUP INC
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at CITIGROUP INC, based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- Babej Peter - (Interim Head of Banking)
- COLE TITILOPE - (Head of Legacy Franchises)
- Fernandez de Ybarra Francisco - (CEO, Institutional Clients Grp)
- Garg Sunil - (CEO, Citibank, N.A.)
- KHALIQ SYED SHAHMIR - (Head of Services)
- LUCHETTI GONZALO - (Head of U.S. Personal Banking)
- Livingstone David - (Chief Client Officer)
- MORTON ANDREW JOHN - (Head of Markets)
- Mason Mark - (Chief Financial Officer)
- McIntosh Brent - (Chief Legal Off. & Corp. Sec'y)
- Okpara Johnbull - (Controller & Chief Acc Officer)
- Peetz Karen B - (Chief Administrative Officer)
- RAGHAVAN VISWAS - (Head of Banking)
- Selvakesari Anand - (Chief Operating Officer)
- Sieg Andrew M. - (Head of Wealth)
- Skyler Edward - (Hd of Ent Svc & Public Affairs)
- Torres Cantu Ernesto - (Head of International)
- Turek Zdenek - (Chief Risk Officer)
- Wechter Sara - (Chief Human Resources Officer)
- Whitaker Michael - (Head of O & T)