Insider Transactions for Insiders at COMMUNITY TRUST BANCORP INC /KY/
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at COMMUNITY TRUST BANCORP INC /KY/, based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- DRAUGHN JAMES B - (Executive Vice President)
- Dollins Billie J. - (Executive Vice President)
- GARTNER JAMES J - (Executive Vice President)
- GOOCH MARK A - (President & CEO)
- Hancock Charles Wayne II - (Executive Vice President)
- JONES LARRY W - (Executive Vice President)
- Jones David Andrew - (Executive Vice President)
- MINNIFIELD FRANKY - (Board of Director)
- NEWSOM RICHARD W - (Executive Vice President)
- SPARKMAN RICKY D - (Executive Vice President)
- STUMBO KEVIN J - (Executive Vice President)
- Smith Mark Edward - (Executive Vice President)
- TACKETT DAVID I - (Executive Vice President)
- Waters Andy D - (Executive Vice President)