Insider Transactions for Insiders at CrossAmerica Partners LP
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at CrossAmerica Partners LP, based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- Gannon Justin A.
- Kelso Thomas E
- Kim Mickey
- Lynch Keenan D - (Gen Counsel and CAO)
- Nifong Charles M Jr. - (President and CEO)
- Reilly John B. III
- Topper Joseph V. Jr.
- Topper Maura - (Chief Financial Officer)
- Valosky Kenneth G
- Benfield Jonathan E - (Chief Accounting Officer)
- Brecker Robert - (Executive Vice Pres Operations)
- Hrinak David - (Executive Vice President)
- Lattig Stephen J - (Senior Vice President Retail)