Insider Transactions for Insiders at DELUXE CORP
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at DELUXE CORP, based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- BRADFORD DEBRA A - (President, Merchant Services)
- Capers Garry L - (SVP, Chief of Operations)
- Cotter Jeffrey Louis - (SVP, CAO and General Counsel)
- Engelhardt Tracey G - (SVP, Division President)
- Herrick Jean L - (SVP, CHRO)
- Jeyaprakasam Yogaraj - (Chief Tech. & Digital Officer)
- Kurth Chad P - (Chief Accounting Officer, PAO)
- Lazzaretti Kristopher D - (President, Data Solutions)
- Parrilli Amanda B - (SVP, Chief of Strategy)
- Reed Michael Aaron - (SVP, Division President)
- Thomas Christopher Lee - (SVP, Chief Revenue Officer)
- Zint William C - (SVP, Chief Financial Offier)