Insider Transactions for Insiders at Eaton Corp plc
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at Eaton Corp plc, based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- BRICKHOUSE BRIAN S - (See Remarks below.)
- CHERUVATATH NANDAKUMAR - (See Remarks below)
- Denk Peter - (See Remarks below.)
- Faria Joao V - (See Remarks below.)
- Hopgood Daniel Roy - (See Remarks below.)
- LEONETTI OLIVIER - (See Remarks below.)
- MARSHALL ERNEST W JR - (See Remarks below.)
- Monesmith Heath B. - (See Remarks below.)
- RUIZ STERNADT PAULO - (See Remarks below.)
- Szmagala Taras G. Jr. - (See Remarks below.)
- Yelton Michael - (See Remarks below)