Insider Transactions for Insiders at FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANCORP INC
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANCORP INC, based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- Boyce Ian D
- Briggs Andrew J - (Chairman)
- Burkholder Eugene N
- Eller Lars B - (President & CEO)
- Hornish Jo Ellen
- Johnson Jack Cornelius
- Johnston Lori Ann
- Latta Marcia Sloan
- Planson Steven J
- SAUDER KEVIN J - (Vice Chairman)
- Stamm K. Brad
- Vernon David P
- BRITENRIKER BARBARA J - (Exec. Vice President)
- Gerken David R - (Executive Vice President)
- RICE REX D - (Exec. Vice President)
- Rupp Benet S - (Exec. Vice President)