Insider Transactions for Insiders at FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at FARMERS NATIONAL BANC CORP /OH/, based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- Adair Alan Troy - (SEVP, CFO)
- CARNEY TIMOTHY - (SEVP/Chief Banking Officer)
- GASIOR JAMES M - (SEVP/Corp Development Officer)
- Jackson Brian E - (Sr VP/CIO)
- Matuszak Michael E - (EVP/Chief Operating Officer)
- Nicastro Mark A - (SVP/Human Resource Director)
- Oberhaus Michael G - (VP, Chief Risk Officer)
- Sabat Joseph W - (VP/Chief Accounting Officer)
- Shaffer Timothy F - (SEVP, CCO)
- Wallace Amber B - (Sr VP/Chief Retail/Marketing)
- Wenick Mark J - (SEVP/ Chief Wealth Mgr)