Insider Transactions for Insiders at GARTNER INC
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at GARTNER INC, based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- Allard Kenneth - (EVP, Digital Markets)
- Beck Joseph P. - (EVP, Global Technology Sales)
- Dawkins Alwyn - (EVP, Global Business Sales)
- Diliberto Michael Patrick - (EVP, Chief Information Officer)
- Genovese Yvonne - (EVP, Global Product Management)
- Hensel Scott - (EVP Global Services & Delivery)
- Herkes Claire - (EVP, Conferences)
- Jain Akhil - (EVP, Consulting)
- Kim Thomas Sang - (EVP, GC)
- Kranich Robin B - (EVP & CHRO)
- Safian Craig - (EVP & CFO)
- Sribar Valentin - (EVP, Research & Advisory)
- Wartinbee William James III - (EVP, Global Sales Strat & Ops)