Insider Transactions for Insiders at HALLIBURTON CO
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at HALLIBURTON CO, based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- Banks Margaret Katherine
- Cummings Earl M
- Malone Robert A
- Miller Jeffrey Allen - (Director, President & CEO)
- Weiss Janet L
- Young Tobi M.
- Beckwith Van H. - (EVP, Secretary and CLO)
- Carre Eric - (EVP & Chief Financial Officer)
- Geer Charles Jr. - (SVP & Chief Accounting Officer)
- Jones Myrtle L - (Senior Vice Pres - Tax)
- McKeon Timothy - (Senior VP and Treasurer)
- Pope Lawrence J - (EVP Administration & CHRO)
- Rainey Joe D - (Pres., Eastern Hemisphere)
- Richard Mark - (President - Western Hemisphere)
- Sharp Jill D. - (SVP Internal Assurance Svcs.)
- Slocum Jeffrey Shannon - (President - Eastern Hemisphere)