Insider Transactions for Insiders at Inotiv, Inc.
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at Inotiv, Inc., based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- Brown Nigel
- Coelho Mary Theresa
- Davis Gregory Cole
- Harrington Michael J
- Johnson Richard Allen
- Landman David
- Leasure Robert Jr. - (President and CEO)
- Neff R Matthew
- Sagartz John E - (Chief Strategy Officer)
- Beattie John Gregory - (Chief Operating Officer)
- Beraldi Fernanda - (Former Gen'l Counsel & Sec'y)
- Castetter Andrea - (SVP, Gen. Counsel & Secretary)
- Freeman Jeffrey Brennan - (VP-Finance & Corp. Controller)
- Garrett Michael - (Chief Commercial Officer)
- Hardy Adrian - (Chief Commercial Officer)
- Krupp Jeffrey Arthur - (Chief Human Resources Officer)
- Taylor Beth - (Chief Financial Officer)