Insider Transactions for Insiders at KOHLS Corp
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at KOHLS Corp, based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- Alves David - (President & COO)
- Chini Marc A. - (Former Sr. EVP & CPO)
- Hand Fred - (SEVP, Director of Stores)
- Jones Nicholas D. G. - (Chief Merch. / Digital Officer)
- Jones Nicholas David George - (Chief Merch. / Digital Officer)
- Kent Jennifer J. - (Sr.EVP & CLO & Corp. Sec.)
- Mc Feeney Siobhan - (Sr EVP & Chief Tech & Digi Off)
- Raymond Christie - (Sr. EVP & Chief Marketing Off.)
- Timm Jill - (Chief Financial Officer)