Insider Transactions for Insiders at PARKER HANNIFIN CORP
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at PARKER HANNIFIN CORP, based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- BANKS LEE C - (Vice Chairman and President)
- Bendali Rachid - (VP & Pres.- Eng. Mat. Grp.)
- Bowman William R - (VP & Pres.- Instrument. Grp.)
- Bracht Berend - (VP & Pres.- Motion Sys. Grp.)
- Czaja Mark T - (VP & Chief Tech. & Info Off.)
- Gentile Thomas C - (VP-Global Supply Chain)
- Hart Mark J - (EVP-HR & External Affairs)
- Ives Angela R - (VP & Controller)
- Leombruno Todd M. - (EVP & CFO)
- Leonti Joseph R - (VP, Gen Counsel & Secretary)
- Malone Robert W - (VP & Pres.-Filtration Grp.)
- Parel Dinu J - (VP & Chief Digital & Info Off.)
- Reidy Jay - (VP & Pres.-Aerospace Grp.)
- Ross Andrew D - (Pres.& Chief Operating Officer)
- Scott Patrick - (VP & Pres. - Fluid Conn.)
- Sherrard Roger S - (VP & President-Aerospace)
- Williams Thomas L - (Executive Chairman)