Insider Transactions for Insiders at Permian Resources Corp
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at Permian Resources Corp, based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- Anderson Robert John
- Baldwin Maire A.
- Eves Karan E
- Hickey William M III - (Co-Chief Executive Officer)
- Hyde Matthew Glover
- Marquez Aron
- Quinn William J
- REL IP General Partner Ltd
- Riverstone Energy GP VI Corp.
- Riverstone Energy Ltd Investment Holdings, LP
- Riverstone Energy Partners VI, L.P.
- Silver Run Sponsor, LLC
- Tepper Jeffrey
- Tichio Robert M.
- Walter James H - (Co-Chief Executive Officer)
- Bell John Charles - (EVP, General Counsel)
- Garrison Matthew R. - (EVP, Chief Operating Officer)
- Jensen Brent P - (SVP, Chief Accounting Officer)
- Oliphint Guy M - (EVP, Chief Financial Officer)
- Shannon Robert Regan - (EVP, Chief Accounting Officer)