Insider Transactions for Insiders at TOMPKINS FINANCIAL CORP
Use the links below to see the insider transactions for the following insiders at TOMPKINS FINANCIAL CORP, based on data from the SEC. You can also see similar info for other companies.
- Anderson Johanna B - (Officer: EVP, Pres., TCB CNY)
- BOYCE DAVID S - (EVP, Pres. & CEO Tompkins Ins.)
- DeMilia David M - (EVP, Pres of TCB Hudson Valley)
- FETSKO FRANCIS M - (EVP, COO, CFO & Treasurer)
- Fontaine Alyssa H - (EVP, General Counsel & CRO)
- Guarino Charles J - (SVP Chief Bank Operations Off.)
- Howard Brian A - (EVP, Pres. Tompkins Fin. Adv.)
- Kershaw David - (SVP, PAO)
- Kunkel Ginger G - (President TCB Pennsylvania)
- Lindberg Bonita N - (SVP, Human Resource Director)
- Mastin Stacie M - (SVP, Director of HR)
- McKenna John M - (EVP, Pres. Tompkins Comm. Bank)
- Taylor Eric W - (EVP, President TFA)
- Tomazin Matthew D - (EVP, CFO & Treasurer)
- Torcello Diane D - (EVP & President, Tompkins WNY)
- VALENTI SUSAN M. - (EVP, Corporate Marketing)