Baker Bros. Advisors (GP) LLC - Insider Non-Derivative Transactions at ACADIA PHARMACEUTICALS INC (ACAD) - (SEC)

Updated on December 12, 2024.

According to recent SEC insider information filed on May 24, 2023, Baker Bros. Advisors (GP) LLC's relationship to ACADIA PHARMACEUTICALS INC (ACAD) is Director,TenPercentOwner, and currently has 39,317,673 shares of Common Stock.

The chart below shows the number of shares owned, and the table shows the recent insider transactions.

You can see similar information for other ACAD insiders.

Data Source: SEC.
Baker Bros. Advisors (GP) LLC - Insider Non-Derivative Transactions of ACAD Common Stock
Baker Bros. Advisors (GP) LLC - Insider Non-Derivative Transactions at ACAD
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Date Transaction No. of Shares Price Per Share Shares Owned After Transactions
May 25, 2023 P -- (Common Stock) 20304 25.27 3583642
May 25, 2023 P -- (Common Stock) 2688 25.51 3586330
May 25, 2023 P -- (Common Stock) 24113 25.65 3610443
May 25, 2023 P -- (Common Stock) 218171 25.27 39029686
May 25, 2023 P -- (Common Stock) 28878 25.51 39058564
May 25, 2023 P -- (Common Stock) 259109 25.65 39317673
May 24, 2023 M -- (Common Stock) 12500 17.01 3545539
May 24, 2023 P -- (Common Stock) 10858 25.33 3556397
May 24, 2023 P -- (Common Stock) 6941 25.54 3563338
May 24, 2023 M -- (Common Stock) 12500 17.01 38620261
May 24, 2023 P -- (Common Stock) 116672 25.33 38736933
May 24, 2023 P -- (Common Stock) 74582 25.54 38811515
May 23, 2023 P -- (Common Stock) 7645 24.46 3529258
May 23, 2023 P -- (Common Stock) 3781 24.8 3533039
May 23, 2023 P -- (Common Stock) 82148 24.46 38567129
May 23, 2023 P -- (Common Stock) 40632 24.8 38607761