PLOURDE KATHARINE - Insider Non-Derivative Transactions at ALBANY INTERNATIONAL CORP /DE/ (AIN) - (SEC)
Updated on December 12, 2024.
According to recent SEC insider information filed on May 12, 2023, PLOURDE KATHARINE's relationship to ALBANY INTERNATIONAL CORP /DE/ (AIN) is Director, and currently has 15,969 shares of Class A Common Stock.
The chart below shows the number of shares owned, and the table shows the recent insider transactions.
You can see similar information for other AIN insiders.
Data Source: SEC.
PLOURDE KATHARINE - Insider Non-Derivative Transactions at AIN
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Date | Transaction | No. of Shares | Price Per Share | Shares Owned After Transactions |
May 13, 2023 | Acquisition -- (Class A Common Stock) | 1325 | 0 | 15969 |