Household Income Distribution for Texas Cities and Places in 2021 (ACS-5Yrs)
Use the following links to see the household income distribution for the following Texas cities and places.
- Abbott city
- Abernathy city
- Abilene city
- Abram CDP
- Acala CDP
- Ackerly city
- Addison town
- Adrian city
- Agua Dulce CDP
- Agua Dulce city
- Aguilares CDP
- Airport Heights CDP
- Airport Road Addition CDP
- Alamo city
- Alamo Beach CDP
- Alamo Heights city
- Alanreed CDP
- Alba town
- Albany city
- Aldine CDP
- Aledo city
- Alfred CDP
- Alice city
- Alice Acres CDP
- Allen city
- Allison CDP
- Alma town
- Alpine city
- Alto town
- Alto Bonito Heights CDP
- Alton city
- Alvarado city
- Alvin city
- Alvord town
- Amada Acres CDP
- Amargosa CDP
- Amarillo city
- Amaya CDP
- Ames city
- Amherst city
- Amistad CDP
- Anacua CDP
- Anahuac city
- Anderson city
- Andrews city
- Angleton city
- Angus city
- Anna city
- Annetta town
- Annetta North town
- Annetta South town
- Annona town
- Anson city
- Anthony town
- Anton city
- Appleby city
- Aquilla city
- Aransas Pass city
- Archer City city
- Arcola city
- Argyle city
- Arlington city
- Arp city
- Arroyo Colorado Estates CDP
- Arroyo Gardens CDP
- Asherton city
- Aspermont town
- Atascocita CDP
- Athens city
- Atlanta city
- Aubrey city
- Aurora city
- Austin city
- Austwell city
- Avery town
- Avinger town
- Azle city
- Bacliff CDP
- Bailey city
- Bailey's Prairie village
- Baird city
- Balch Springs city
- Balcones Heights city
- Ballinger city
- Balmorhea city
- B and E CDP
- Bandera city
- Bangs city
- Banquete CDP
- Bardwell city
- Barksdale CDP
- Barrera CDP
- Barrett CDP
- Barry city
- Barstow city
- Bartlett city
- Barton Creek CDP
- Bartonville town
- Bastrop city
- Batesville CDP
- Bay City city
- Bayou Vista city
- Bayside town
- Baytown city
- Bayview town
- Beach City city
- Bear Creek village
- Bear Creek Ranch CDP
- Beasley city
- Beaumont city
- Beauxart Gardens CDP
- Beaver Creek CDP
- Beckville city
- Bedford city
- Bedias city
- Bee Cave city
- Beeville city
- Bellaire city
- Bellevue city
- Bellmead city
- Bells town
- Bellville city
- Belterra CDP
- Belton city
- Ben Arnold CDP
- Benavides city
- Ben Bolt CDP
- Benbrook city
- Benjamin city
- Benjamin Perez CDP
- Ben Wheeler CDP
- Berryville town
- Bertram city
- Beverly Hills city
- Bevil Oaks city
- Bigfoot CDP
- Big Lake city
- Big Sandy town
- Big Spring city
- Big Thicket Lake Estates CDP
- Big Wells city
- Bishop city
- Bishop Hills town
- Bivins CDP
- Bixby CDP
- Blackwell city
- Blanco city
- Blanket town
- Bledsoe CDP
- Blessing CDP
- Bloomburg town
- Blooming Grove town
- Bloomington CDP
- Blossom city
- Blue Berry Hill CDP
- Blue Mound city
- Blue Ridge city
- Bluetown CDP
- Bluff Dale CDP
- Blum town
- Boerne city
- Bogata city
- Boling CDP
- Bolivar Peninsula CDP
- Bonanza Hills CDP
- Bonham city
- Bonney village
- Booker town
- Borger city
- Botines CDP
- Bovina city
- Bowie city
- Box Canyon CDP
- Boyd town
- Boys Ranch CDP
- Brackettville city
- Brady city
- Brazoria city
- Brazos CDP
- Brazos Country city
- Breckenridge city
- Bremond city
- Brenham city
- Briar CDP
- Briarcliff village
- Briaroaks city
- Bridge City city
- Bridgeport city
- Briggs CDP
- Bristol CDP
- Broaddus town
- Bronte town
- Brookshire city
- Brookside Village city
- Brookston CDP
- Browndell city
- Brownfield city
- Brownsboro city
- Brownsville city
- Brownwood city
- Bruceville-Eddy city
- Brundage CDP
- Bruni CDP
- Brushy Creek CDP
- Bryan city
- Bryson city
- Buchanan Dam CDP
- Buchanan Lake Village CDP
- Buckholts town
- Buda city
- Buena Vista CDP
- Buffalo city
- Buffalo Gap town
- Buffalo Springs village
- Bullard town
- Bulverde city
- Buna CDP
- Bunker Hill Village city
- Burkburnett city
- Burke city
- Burleson city
- Burlington CDP
- Burnet city
- Burton city
- Bushland CDP
- Butterfield CDP
- Byers city
- Bynum town
- Cactus city
- Caddo Mills city
- Cade Lakes CDP
- Caldwell city
- Callender Lake CDP
- Callisburg city
- Calvert city
- Camargito CDP
- Cameron city
- Cameron Park CDP
- Campbell city
- Campo Verde CDP
- Camp Swift CDP
- Camp Wood city
- Canadian city
- Caney City town
- Canton city
- Cantu Addition CDP
- Canutillo CDP
- Canyon city
- Canyon Creek CDP
- Canyon Lake CDP
- Cape Royale CDP
- Carbon town
- Carlsbad CDP
- Carl's Corner town
- Carlton CDP
- Carmine city
- Carrizo Hill CDP
- Carrizo Springs city
- Carrollton city
- Carter CDP
- Carthage city
- Casa Blanca CDP
- Casas CDP
- Cashion Community city
- Castle Hills city
- Castroville city
- Catarina CDP
- Cedar Creek CDP
- Cedar Hill city
- Cedar Park city
- Cedar Point CDP
- Celeste city
- Celina city
- Center city
- Center Point CDP
- Centerville city
- Central Gardens CDP
- César Chávez CDP
- Chandler city
- Channelview CDP
- Channing city
- Chaparrito CDP
- Chapeno CDP
- Charlotte city
- Chester town
- Chico city
- Childress city
- Chillicothe city
- Chilton CDP
- China city
- China Grove town
- China Spring CDP
- Chireno city
- Christine town
- Christoval CDP
- Chula Vista CDP (Cameron County)
- Chula Vista CDP (Maverick County)
- Chula Vista CDP (Zavala County)
- Cibolo city
- Cienegas Terrace CDP
- Cinco Ranch CDP
- Circle D-KC Estates CDP
- Cisco city
- Citrus City CDP
- Clarendon city
- Clarksville city
- Clarksville City city
- Claude city
- Clay CDP
- Clear Lake Shores city
- Cleburne city
- Cleveland city
- Clifton city
- Clint town
- Cloverleaf CDP
- Clute city
- Clyde city
- Coahoma town
- Cockrell Hill city
- Coffee City town
- Coldspring city
- Coleman city
- College Station city
- Colleyville city
- Collinsville town
- Colmesneil city
- Colorado Acres CDP
- Colorado City city
- Columbus city
- Comanche city
- Combes town
- Combine city
- Comfort CDP
- Commerce city
- Como town
- Concepcion CDP
- Conroe city
- Converse city
- Cool city
- Coolidge town
- Cooper city
- Coppell city
- Copperas Cove city
- Copper Canyon town
- Corinth city
- Corpus Christi city
- Corrigan town
- Corsicana city
- Cottonwood city
- Cottonwood Shores city
- Cotulla city
- Country Acres CDP
- Coupland city
- Cove city
- Covington city
- Coyanosa CDP
- Coyote Acres CDP
- Coyote Flats city
- Crandall city
- Crane city
- Cranfills Gap city
- Crawford town
- Creedmoor city
- Cresson city
- Crockett city
- Crosby CDP
- Crosbyton city
- Cross Mountain CDP
- Cross Plains town
- Cross Roads town
- Cross Timber town
- Crowell city
- Crowley city
- Crystal City city
- Cuero city
- Cuevitas CDP
- Cumby city
- Cumings CDP
- Cuney town
- Cushing city
- Cut and Shoot city
- Daingerfield city
- Daisetta city
- Dalhart city
- Dallas city
- Dalworthington Gardens city
- Damon CDP
- Danbury city
- Darrouzett town
- Dawson town
- Dayton city
- Dayton Lakes city
- Dean city
- Deanville CDP
- Decatur city
- DeCordova city
- Deer Park city
- Deerwood CDP
- De Kalb city
- De Leon city
- Dell City city
- Del Mar Heights CDP
- Delmita CDP
- Del Rio city
- Del Sol CDP
- Denison city
- Dennis CDP
- Denton city
- Denver City town
- Deport city
- DeSoto city
- Detroit town
- Devers city
- Devine city
- Deweyville CDP
- D'Hanis CDP
- Diboll city
- Dickens city
- Dickinson city
- Dilley city
- Dime Box CDP
- Dimmitt city
- DISH town
- Dodd City town
- Dodson town
- Doffing CDP
- Domino town
- Donna city
- Doolittle CDP
- Dorchester city
- Double Oak town
- Douglassville town
- Draper town
- Driftwood CDP
- Dripping Springs city
- Driscoll city
- Dublin city
- Dumas city
- Duncanville city
- Eagle Lake city
- Eagle Pass city
- Early city
- Earth city
- East Alto Bonito CDP
- East Bernard city
- East Columbia CDP
- Eastland city
- East Mountain city
- Easton city
- East Tawakoni city
- Ector city
- Edcouch city
- Eden city
- Edgecliff Village town
- Edgewater Estates CDP
- Edgewood town
- Edinburg city
- Edmonson town
- Edna city
- Edom city
- Edroy CDP
- Eidson Road CDP
- Elbert CDP
- El Brazil CDP
- El Camino Angosto CDP
- El Campo city
- El Castillo CDP
- El Cenizo CDP
- El Cenizo city
- El Chaparral CDP
- Eldorado city
- Electra city
- Elgin city
- Elias-Fela Solis CDP
- El Indio CDP
- Elkhart town
- El Lago city
- Ellinger city
- Elm Creek CDP
- Elmendorf city
- El Mesquite CDP
- Elmo CDP
- E. Lopez CDP
- El Paso city
- El Quiote CDP
- El Rancho Vela CDP
- El Refugio CDP
- Elsa city
- El Socio CDP
- Emerald Bay CDP
- Emhouse town
- Emory city
- Encantada-Ranchito-El Calaboz CDP
- Enchanted Oaks town
- Encinal city
- Encino CDP
- Ennis city
- Escobares city
- Estelline town
- Eugenio Saenz CDP
- Euless city
- Eureka city
- Eustace city
- Evadale CDP
- Evant town
- Evergreen CDP
- Everman city
- Fabens CDP
- Fabrica CDP
- Fairchilds village
- Fairfield city
- Fair Oaks Ranch city
- Fairview town
- Falconaire CDP
- Falcon Heights CDP
- Falcon Lake Estates CDP
- Falcon Mesa CDP
- Falcon Village CDP
- Falfurrias city
- Falls City city
- Falman CDP
- Fannett CDP
- Farmers Branch city
- Farmersville city
- Farnsworth CDP
- Farwell city
- Fate city
- Fayetteville city
- Fernando Salinas CDP
- Ferris city
- Fifth Street CDP
- Flat CDP
- Flatonia town
- Flor del Rio CDP
- Florence city
- Floresville city
- Flowella CDP
- Flower Mound town
- Floydada city
- Fluvanna CDP
- Follett city
- Forest Heights CDP
- Forest Hill city
- Forney city
- Forsan city
- Fort Bliss CDP
- Fort Clark Springs CDP
- Fort Davis CDP
- Fort Hancock CDP
- Fort Hood CDP
- Fort Stockton city
- Fort Worth city
- Four Corners CDP
- Four Points CDP
- Fowlerton CDP
- Franklin city
- Frankston town
- Fredericksburg city
- Freeport city
- Freer city
- Fresno CDP
- Friendswood city
- Friona city
- Frisco city
- Fritch city
- Fronton CDP
- Fronton Ranchettes CDP
- Frost city
- Fruitvale city
- Fulshear city
- Fulton town
- Gail CDP
- Gainesville city
- Galena Park city
- Gallatin city
- Galveston city
- Ganado city
- Garceno CDP
- Garciasville CDP
- Garden City CDP
- Gardendale CDP
- Garden Ridge city
- Garfield CDP
- Garland city
- Garner CDP
- Garrett town
- Garrison city
- Garwood CDP
- Gary City town
- Garza-Salinas II CDP
- Gatesville city
- Gause CDP
- Georgetown city
- George West city
- Geronimo CDP
- Gholson city
- Giddings city
- Gilmer city
- Girard CDP
- Gladewater city
- Glazier CDP
- Glenn Heights city
- Glen Rose city
- Glidden CDP
- Godley city
- Goldsmith city
- Goldthwaite city
- Goliad city
- Golinda city
- Gonzales city
- Goodlow city
- Goodrich city
- Gordon city
- Goree city
- Gorman city
- Graford city
- Graham city
- Granbury city
- Grandfalls town
- Grand Prairie city
- Grand Saline city
- Grandview city
- Granger city
- Grangerland CDP
- Granite Shoals city
- Granjeno city
- Grape Creek CDP
- Grapeland city
- Grapevine city
- Grays Prairie village
- Green Valley Farms CDP
- Greenville city
- Gregory city
- Grey Forest city
- Groesbeck city
- Groom town
- Groves city
- Groveton city
- Gruver city
- Guadalupe Guerra CDP
- Guerra CDP
- Gun Barrel City city
- Gunter city
- Gustine town
- Guthrie CDP
- Gutierrez CDP
- Hackberry town
- Hale Center city
- Hallettsville city
- Hallsburg city
- Hallsville city
- Haltom City city
- Hamilton city
- Hamlin city
- Hamshire CDP
- Happy town
- Hardin city
- Harding Gill Tract CDP
- Hargill CDP
- Harker Heights city
- Harlingen city
- Harper CDP
- Harrold CDP
- Hart city
- Hartley CDP
- Harwood town
- Haskell city
- Haslet city
- Havana CDP
- Hawk Cove city
- Hawkins city
- Hawley city
- Hays city
- H. Cuellar Estates CDP
- Hearne city
- Heartland CDP
- Heath city
- Hebbronville CDP
- Hebron town
- Hedley city
- Hedwig Village city
- Heidelberg CDP
- Helotes city
- Hemphill city
- Hempstead city
- Henderson city
- Henrietta city
- Hereford city
- Hermleigh CDP
- Hewitt city
- Hickory Creek town
- Hico city
- Hidalgo city
- Hideaway city
- Higgins city
- Highland Haven city
- Highland Park town
- Highlands CDP
- Highland Village city
- Hill Country Village city
- Hillcrest village
- Hillsboro city
- Hillside Acres CDP
- Hilltop CDP (Frio County)
- Hilltop CDP (Starr County)
- Hilltop Lakes CDP
- Hilshire Village city
- Hitchcock city
- Holiday Beach CDP
- Holiday Lakes town
- Holland town
- Holliday city
- Holly Lake Ranch CDP
- Hollywood Park town
- Homestead Meadows North CDP
- Homestead Meadows South CDP
- Hondo city
- Honey Grove city
- Hooks city
- Horizon City city
- Hornsby Bend CDP
- Horseshoe Bay city
- Horseshoe Bend CDP
- Houston city
- Howardwick city
- Howe town
- Hubbard city
- Huckabay CDP
- Hudson city
- Hudson Bend CDP
- Hudson Oaks city
- Hughes Springs city
- Hull CDP
- Humble city
- Hungerford CDP
- Hunters Creek Village city
- Huntington city
- Huntsville city
- Hurst city
- Hutchins city
- Hutto city
- Huxley city
- Iago CDP
- Idalou city
- Iglesia Antigua CDP
- Impact town
- Imperial CDP
- Indian Hills CDP
- Indian Lake town
- Indian Springs CDP
- Indio CDP
- Industry city
- Inez CDP
- Ingleside city
- Ingleside on the Bay city
- Ingram city
- Iola city
- Iowa Colony village
- Iowa Park city
- Iraan city
- Iredell city
- Irving city
- Italy town
- Itasca city
- Ivanhoe city
- Jacinto City city
- Jacksboro city
- Jacksonville city
- Jamaica Beach city
- Jardin de San Julian CDP
- Jarrell city
- Jasper city
- Jayton city
- Jefferson city
- Jersey Village city
- Jewett city
- J.F. Villareal CDP
- Joaquin city
- Johnson City city
- Jolly city
- Jones Creek village
- Jonestown city
- Josephine city
- Joshua city
- Jourdanton city
- Juarez CDP
- Junction city
- Justin city
- Karnes City city
- Katy city
- Kaufman city
- K-Bar Ranch CDP
- Keene city
- Keller city
- Kemah city
- Kemp city
- Kempner city
- Kendleton city
- Kenedy city
- Kenefick town
- Kennard city
- Kennedale city
- Kerens city
- Kermit city
- Kerrville city
- Kilgore city
- Killeen city
- Kingsbury city
- Kingsland CDP
- Kingsville city
- Kirby city
- Kirbyville city
- Kirvin town
- Knippa CDP
- Knollwood city
- Knox City town
- Kopperl CDP
- Kosse town
- Kountze city
- Kress city
- Krugerville city
- Krum city
- Kurten town
- Kyle city
- La Blanca CDP
- La Carla CDP
- La Casita CDP
- La Chuparosa CDP
- Lackland AFB CDP
- La Coma CDP
- La Coma Heights CDP
- LaCoste city
- Lacy-Lakeview city
- Ladonia town
- La Escondida CDP
- La Esperanza CDP
- La Feria city
- La Feria North CDP
- Lago CDP
- Lago Vista CDP
- Lago Vista city
- La Grange city
- La Grulla city
- Laguna Heights CDP
- Laguna Park CDP
- Laguna Seca CDP
- Laguna Vista town
- La Homa CDP
- La Joya city
- Lake Bridgeport city
- Lake Brownwood CDP
- Lake Bryan CDP
- Lake Cherokee CDP
- Lake City town
- Lake Colorado City CDP
- Lake Dallas city
- Lake Dunlap CDP
- Lakehills CDP
- Lake Jackson city
- Lake Kiowa CDP
- Lake Medina Shores CDP
- Lake Meredith Estates CDP
- Lakeport city
- Lakeshore Gardens-Hidden Acres CDP
- Lakeside town (San Patricio County)
- Lakeside town (Tarrant County)
- Lakeside City town
- Lake Tanglewood village
- Lakeview town
- Lake View CDP
- Lakeway city
- Lakewood Village city
- Lake Worth city
- La Loma de Falcon CDP
- Lamar CDP
- La Marque city
- Lamesa city
- La Minita CDP
- Lamkin CDP
- La Moca Ranch CDP
- Lampasas city
- Lancaster city
- Lantana CDP
- La Paloma CDP
- La Paloma Addition CDP
- La Paloma-Lost Creek CDP
- La Paloma Ranchettes CDP
- La Porte city
- La Presa CDP
- La Pryor CDP
- La Puerta CDP
- Laredo city
- Laredo Ranchettes CDP
- Laredo Ranchettes West CDP
- La Rosita CDP
- Lasana CDP
- Lasara CDP
- Las Haciendas CDP
- Las Lomas CDP
- Las Lomitas CDP
- Las Palmas CDP
- Las Palmas II CDP
- Las Pilas CDP
- Las Quintas Fronterizas CDP
- Latexo city
- La Tina Ranch CDP
- Laughlin AFB CDP
- Laureles CDP
- La Vernia city
- La Victoria CDP
- La Villa city
- Lavon city
- La Ward city
- Lawn town
- League City city
- Leakey city
- Leander city
- Leary city
- Lefors town
- Lelia Lake CDP
- Leming CDP
- Leona city
- Leonard city
- Leon Valley city
- Leroy city
- Levelland city
- Lewisville city
- Lexington town
- Liberty city
- Liberty City CDP
- Liberty Hill city
- Lindale city
- Linden city
- Lindsay city
- Lindsay CDP
- Lingleville CDP
- Linn CDP
- Lipan city
- Lipscomb CDP
- Little Cypress CDP
- Little Elm city
- Littlefield city
- Little River-Academy city
- Live Oak city
- Liverpool city
- Livingston town
- Llano city
- Llano Grande CDP
- Lockett CDP
- Lockhart city
- Lockney town
- Log Cabin city
- Lolita CDP
- Loma Grande CDP
- Loma Linda CDP
- Loma Linda East CDP (Jim Wells County)
- Loma Linda East CDP (Starr County)
- Loma Linda West CDP
- Loma Vista CDP
- Lometa city
- Lone Oak city
- Lone Star city
- Longoria CDP
- Longview city
- Loop CDP
- Lopeño CDP
- Lopezville CDP
- Loraine town
- Lorena city
- Lorenzo city
- Los Altos CDP
- Los Alvarez CDP
- Los Angeles CDP
- Los Arcos CDP
- Los Arrieros CDP
- Los Barreras CDP
- Los Centenarios CDP
- Los Corralitos CDP
- Los Ebanos CDP (Hidalgo County)
- Los Ebanos CDP (Starr County)
- Los Fresnos city
- Los Fresnos CDP
- Los Huisaches CDP
- Los Indios town
- Los Lobos CDP
- Los Minerales CDP
- Los Nopalitos CDP
- Lost Creek CDP
- Los Veteranos I CDP
- Los Veteranos II CDP
- Los Ybanez city
- Lott city
- Louise CDP
- Lovelady city
- Loving CDP
- Lowry Crossing city
- Lozano CDP
- Lubbock city
- Lucas city
- Lueders city
- Lufkin city
- Luling city
- Lumberton city
- Lyford city
- Lyons CDP
- Lytle city
- Mabank town
- McAllen city
- McCamey city
- McCaulley CDP
- McDade CDP
- Macdona CDP
- McGregor city
- McKinney city
- McKinney Acres CDP
- McLean town
- McLendon-Chisholm city
- McLeod CDP
- McQueeney CDP
- Madisonville city
- Magnolia city
- Magnolia Beach CDP
- Malakoff city
- Malone town
- Manchaca CDP
- Manor city
- Mansfield city
- Manuel Garcia CDP
- Manuel Garcia II CDP
- Manvel city
- Marathon CDP
- Marble Falls city
- Marfa city
- Marietta town
- Marion city
- Markham CDP
- Marlin city
- Marquez city
- Marshall city
- Mart city
- Martindale city
- Martinez CDP
- Mason city
- Matador town
- Matagorda CDP
- Mathis city
- Maud city
- Mauriceville CDP
- May CDP
- Maypearl city
- Meadow town
- Meadowlakes city
- Meadows Place city
- Medina CDP
- Megargel town
- Melissa city
- Melvin town
- Memphis city
- Menard city
- Mentone CDP
- Mercedes city
- Meridian city
- Merkel town
- Mertens town
- Mertzon city
- Mesquite city
- Mesquite CDP
- Mexia city
- Miami city
- Midfield CDP
- Midland city
- Midlothian city
- Midway city
- Midway North CDP
- Midway South CDP
- Miguel Barrera CDP
- Mikes CDP
- Mila Doce CDP
- Milam CDP
- Milano city
- Mildred town
- Miles city
- Milford town
- Miller's Cove town
- Millsap town
- Mineola city
- Mineral Wells city
- Mingus city
- Mi Ranchito Estate CDP
- Mirando City CDP
- Mission city
- Mission Bend CDP
- Missouri City city
- Mobeetie city
- Mobile City city
- Monahans city
- Montague CDP
- Mont Belvieu city
- Monte Alto CDP
- Montgomery city
- Moody city
- Moore CDP
- Moore Station city
- Moraida CDP
- Morales-Sanchez CDP
- Moran city
- Morgan city
- Morgan Farm CDP
- Morgan's Point city
- Morgan's Point Resort city
- Morning Glory CDP
- Morse CDP
- Morton city
- Mosheim CDP
- Moulton town
- Mound CDP
- Mountain City city
- Mount Calm city
- Mount Enterprise city
- Mount Pleasant city
- Mount Vernon town
- Muenster city
- Muleshoe city
- Mullin town
- Munday city
- Muniz CDP
- Murchison city
- Murillo CDP
- Murphy city
- Mustang town
- Mustang Ridge city
- Myra CDP
- Myrtle Springs CDP
- Nacogdoches city
- Nada CDP
- Naples city
- Narciso Pena CDP
- Nash city
- Nassau Bay city
- Natalia city
- Navarro town
- Navasota city
- Nazareth city
- Neches CDP
- Nederland city
- Needville city
- Nesbitt town
- Netos CDP
- Nevada city
- Newark city
- New Berlin city
- New Boston city
- New Braunfels city
- Newcastle city
- New Chapel Hill city
- New Deal town
- New Fairview city
- New Falcon CDP
- New Home city
- New Hope town
- New London city
- New Summerfield city
- Newton city
- New Ulm CDP
- New Waverly city
- Neylandville town
- Niederwald city
- Nina CDP
- Nixon city
- Nocona city
- Nocona Hills CDP
- Nolanville city
- Nome city
- Noonday city
- Nordheim city
- Normandy CDP
- Normangee town
- Normanna CDP
- North Alamo CDP
- North Cleveland city
- North Escobares CDP
- Northlake town
- North Pearsall CDP
- North Richland Hills city
- North San Pedro CDP
- Novice city
- Oak Grove town
- Oakhurst CDP
- Oak Island CDP
- Oak Leaf city
- Oak Point city
- Oak Ridge town (Cooke County)
- Oak Ridge town (Kaufman County)
- Oak Ridge North city
- Oak Trail Shores CDP
- Oak Valley town
- Oakwood town
- O'Brien city
- Odem city
- Odessa city
- O'Donnell city
- Oglesby city
- Oilton CDP
- Oklaunion CDP
- Old River-Winfree city
- Olivarez CDP
- Olivia Lopez de Gutierrez CDP
- Olmito CDP
- Olmito and Olmito CDP
- Olmos Park city
- Olney city
- Olton city
- Omaha city
- Onalaska city
- Opdyke West town
- Orange city
- Orange Grove city
- Orason CDP
- Orchard city
- Ore City city
- Overton city
- Ovilla city
- Owl Ranch CDP
- Oyster Creek city
- Ozona CDP
- Pablo Pena CDP
- Paducah town
- Paige CDP
- Paint Rock town
- Paisano Park CDP
- Palacios city
- Palestine city
- Palisades village
- Palmer town
- Palmer CDP
- Palmhurst city
- Palm Valley city
- Palmview city
- Palmview South CDP
- Palo Blanco CDP
- Paloma Creek CDP
- Paloma Creek South CDP
- Palo Pinto CDP
- Pampa city
- Panhandle town
- Panorama Village city
- Pantego town
- Paradise city
- Paris city
- Parker city
- Pasadena city
- Pattison city
- Patton Village city
- Pawnee CDP
- Payne Springs town
- Pearland city
- Pearsall city
- Pecan Acres CDP
- Pecan Gap city
- Pecan Grove CDP
- Pecan Hill city
- Pecan Plantation CDP
- Pecos city
- Pelican Bay city
- Pena CDP
- Pendleton CDP
- Penelope town
- Penitas city
- Perezville CDP
- Perrin CDP
- Perryton city
- Petersburg city
- Petrolia city
- Petronila city
- Pettus CDP
- Petty CDP
- Pflugerville city
- Pharr city
- Pilot Point city
- Pinebrook CDP
- Pine Forest city
- Pine Harbor CDP
- Pinehurst CDP
- Pinehurst city
- Pine Island town
- Pineland city
- Pinewood Estates CDP
- Piney Point Village city
- Pittsburg city
- Placedo CDP
- Plains town
- Plainview city
- Plano city
- Plantersville city
- Pleak village
- Pleasant Hill CDP
- Pleasanton city
- Pleasant Valley town
- Plum CDP
- Plum Grove city
- Point city
- Point Blank city
- Point Comfort city
- Point Venture village
- Ponder town
- Port Aransas city
- Port Arthur city
- Porter Heights CDP
- Port Isabel city
- Portland city
- Port Lavaca city
- Port Mansfield CDP
- Port Neches city
- Port O'Connor CDP
- Post city
- Post Oak Bend City town
- Poteet city
- Poth town
- Potosi CDP
- Pottsboro town
- Powderly CDP
- Powell town
- Poynor town
- Prado Verde CDP
- Praesel CDP
- Prairie View city
- Premont city
- Presidio city
- Preston CDP
- Priddy CDP
- Primera town
- Princeton city
- Proctor CDP
- Progreso city
- Progreso Lakes city
- Prosper town
- Providence Village town
- Pueblo East CDP
- Pueblo Nuevo CDP
- Putnam town
- Pyote town
- Quail CDP
- Quail Creek CDP
- Quanah city
- Queen City city
- Quemado CDP
- Quesada CDP
- Quinlan city
- Quintana town
- Quitaque city
- Quitman city
- Radar Base CDP
- Rafael Pena CDP
- Ralls city
- Ramireno CDP
- Ramirez-Perez CDP
- Ramos CDP
- Ranchette Estates CDP
- Ranchitos del Norte CDP
- Ranchitos East CDP
- Ranchitos Las Lomas CDP
- Rancho Alegre CDP
- Rancho Banquete CDP
- Rancho Chico CDP
- Ranchos Penitas West CDP
- Rancho Viejo town
- Rancho Viejo CDP
- Randolph AFB CDP
- Ranger city
- Rangerville village
- Rankin city
- Ransom Canyon town
- Ratamosa CDP
- Ravenna city
- Raymondville city
- Realitos CDP
- Redfield CDP
- Redford CDP
- Redland CDP
- Red Lick city
- Red Oak city
- Red Rock CDP
- Redwater city
- Redwood CDP
- Refugio town
- Regino Ramirez CDP
- Reid Hope King CDP
- Reklaw city
- Relampago CDP
- Rendon CDP
- Reno city (Lamar County)
- Reno city (Parker and Tarrant Counties)
- Retreat town
- Rhome city
- Ricardo CDP
- Rice city
- Rice Tracts CDP
- Richards CDP
- Richardson city
- Richland town
- Richland Hills city
- Richland Springs town
- Richmond city
- Richwood city
- Riesel city
- Ringgold CDP
- Rio Bravo city
- Rio Grande City city
- Rio Hondo city
- Rio Vista city
- Rising Star town
- Rivereno CDP
- River Oaks city
- Riverside city
- Riviera CDP
- Road Runner town
- Roanoke city
- Roaring Springs town
- Robert Lee city
- Robinson city
- Robstown city
- Roby city
- Rochelle CDP
- Rochester town
- Rockdale city
- Rock Island CDP
- Rockport city
- Rocksprings town
- Rockwall city
- Rockwell Place CDP
- Rocky Mound town
- Rogers town
- Rollingwood city
- Roma city
- Roman Forest city
- Ropesville city
- Rosanky CDP
- Roscoe city
- Rosebud city
- Rose City city
- Rose Hill Acres city
- Rosenberg city
- Rosharon CDP
- Rosita CDP
- Ross city
- Rosser village
- Rotan city
- Round Mountain town
- Round Rock city
- Round Top town
- Rowena CDP
- Rowlett city
- Roxton city
- Royse City city
- Rule town
- Runaway Bay city
- Runge town
- Rusk city
- Sabinal city
- Sachse city
- Sadler city
- Saginaw city
- St. Hedwig town
- St. Jo city
- St. Paul town
- St. Paul CDP
- Salado village
- Salida del Sol Estates CDP
- Salineño CDP
- Salineño North CDP
- Sammy Martinez CDP
- Samnorwood CDP
- Sam Rayburn CDP
- San Angelo city
- San Antonio city
- San Augustine city
- San Benito city
- San Carlos CDP
- San Carlos I CDP
- San Carlos II CDP
- Sanctuary town
- Sanderson CDP
- Sandia CDP
- San Diego city
- Sandoval CDP
- Sand Springs CDP
- Sandy Hollow-Escondidas CDP
- Sandy Oaks city
- Sandy Point city
- San Elizario city
- San Felipe town
- San Fernando CDP
- Sanford town
- Sanger city
- San Isidro CDP
- San Juan city
- San Juan CDP
- San Leanna village
- San Leon CDP
- San Marcos city
- San Patricio city
- San Pedro CDP
- San Perlita city
- San Saba city
- Sansom Park city
- Santa Anna town
- Santa Anna CDP
- Santa Clara city
- Santa Cruz CDP
- Santa Fe city
- Santa Maria CDP
- Santa Monica CDP
- Santa Rita Ranch CDP
- Santa Rosa town
- Santa Rosa CDP
- Santel CDP
- Santo CDP
- San Ygnacio CDP
- Sargent CDP
- Sarita CDP
- Savannah CDP
- Savoy city
- Scenic Oaks CDP
- Schertz city
- Schulenburg city
- Scissors CDP
- Scotland city
- Scottsville city
- Scurry town
- Seabrook city
- Seadrift city
- Seagoville city
- Seagraves city
- Sealy city
- Sebastian CDP
- Seco Mines CDP
- Seguin city
- Seis Lagos CDP
- Selma city
- Seminole city
- Serenada CDP
- Seth Ward CDP
- Seven Oaks city
- Seven Points city
- Seymour city
- Shadybrook CDP
- Shady Hollow CDP
- Shady Shores town
- Shallowater city
- Shamrock city
- Shavano Park city
- Sheffield CDP
- Shelbyville CDP
- Sheldon CDP
- Shenandoah city
- Shepherd city
- Sheridan CDP
- Sherman city
- Sherwood Shores CDP
- Shiner city
- Shiro CDP
- Shoreacres city
- Sienna CDP
- Sierra Blanca CDP
- Siesta Acres CDP
- Siesta Shores CDP
- Silsbee city
- Silverton city
- Simonton city
- Sinton city
- Skellytown town
- Skidmore CDP
- Slaton city
- Smiley city
- Smithville city
- Smyer town
- Snook city
- Snyder city
- Socorro city
- Solis CDP
- Somerset city
- Somerville city
- Sonora city
- Sonterra CDP
- Sour Lake city
- South Alamo CDP
- South Fork Estates CDP
- South Frydek city
- South Houston city
- Southlake city
- South La Paloma CDP
- Southmayd city
- South Mountain town
- South Padre Island town
- South Point CDP
- Southside Place city
- South Toledo Bend CDP
- Southwest Sandhill CDP
- Spade CDP
- Sparks CDP
- Spearman city
- Splendora city
- Spofford city
- Spring CDP
- Spring Branch city
- Spring Gardens CDP
- Springlake town
- Springtown city
- Spring Valley Village city
- Spur city
- Stafford city
- Stagecoach town
- Stamford city
- Stanton city
- Staples city
- Star Harbor city
- Steiner Ranch CDP
- Stephenville city
- Sterling City city
- Stinnett city
- Stockdale city
- Stockton Bend city
- Stonewall CDP
- Stowell CDP
- Stratford city
- Strawn city
- Streetman town
- Study Butte CDP
- Sudan city
- Sugar Land city
- Sullivan City city
- Sulphur Springs city
- Summerfield CDP
- Sundown city
- Sunnyvale town
- Sunray city
- Sunrise Beach Village city
- Sunrise Shores CDP
- Sunset CDP (Montague County)
- Sunset CDP (Starr County)
- Sunset Acres CDP
- Sunset Valley city
- Sun Valley city
- Surfside Beach city
- Sweeny city
- Sweetwater city
- Sylvester CDP
- Taft city
- Taft Southwest CDP
- Tahoka city
- Talco city
- Talty town
- Tanquecitos South Acres CDP
- Tanquecitos South Acres II CDP
- Tatum city
- Taylor city
- Taylor Lake Village city
- Taylor Landing city
- Teague city
- Tehuacana town
- Temple city
- Tenaha town
- Terlingua CDP
- Terrell city
- Terrell Hills city
- Texarkana city
- Texas City city
- Texhoma city
- Texline town
- The Colony city
- The Hills village
- The Homesteads CDP
- The Woodlands CDP
- Thompsons town
- Thompsonville CDP
- Thorndale city
- Thornton town
- Thorntonville town
- Thrall city
- Three Rivers city
- Throckmorton town
- Thunderbird Bay CDP
- Tierra Bonita CDP
- Tierra Dorada CDP
- Tierra Grande CDP
- Tierra Verde CDP
- Tiki Island village
- Tilden CDP
- Timbercreek Canyon village
- Timberwood Park CDP
- Timpson city
- Tioga town
- Tira town
- Tivoli CDP
- Toco city
- Todd Mission city
- Tolar city
- Tomball city
- Tom Bean city
- Tool city
- Tornillo CDP
- Tow CDP
- Toyah town
- Tradewinds CDP
- Travis Ranch CDP
- Trent town
- Trenton city
- Trinidad city
- Trinity city
- Trophy Club town
- Troup city
- Troy city
- Tuleta CDP
- Tulia city
- Tulsita CDP
- Tunis CDP
- Turkey city
- Tuscola city
- Tye city
- Tyler city
- Tynan CDP
- Uhland city
- Umbarger CDP
- Uncertain city
- Union Grove city
- Union Valley city
- Universal City city
- University Park city
- Utopia CDP
- Uvalde city
- Uvalde Estates CDP
- Valentine town
- Valera CDP
- Valle Hermoso CDP
- Valle Verde CDP
- Valle Vista CDP
- Valley Mills city
- Valley View city
- Val Verde Park CDP
- Van city
- Van Alstyne city
- Vanderbilt CDP
- Van Horn town
- Van Vleck CDP
- Vega city
- Venus town
- Vernon city
- Victoria city
- Victoria Vera CDP
- Vidor city
- Villa del Sol CDP
- Villa Pancho CDP
- Villarreal CDP
- Villa Verde CDP
- Vinton village
- Volente village
- Von Ormy city
- Waco city
- Wadsworth CDP
- Waelder city
- Waka CDP
- Wake Village city
- Waller city
- Wallis city
- Walnut Springs city
- Warren CDP
- Warren City city
- Washburn CDP
- Waskom city
- Watauga city
- Waxahachie city
- Weatherford city
- Webberville village
- Webster city
- Weimar city
- Weinert city
- Weir city
- Welch CDP
- Wellington city
- Wellman city
- Wells town
- Wells Branch CDP
- Weslaco city
- West city
- West Alto Bonito CDP
- Westbrook city
- West Columbia city
- Westdale CDP
- Western Lake CDP
- Westlake town
- West Lake Hills city
- West Livingston CDP
- Westminster CDP
- West Odessa CDP
- Weston city
- Weston Lakes city
- West Orange city
- Westover Hills town
- West Sharyland CDP
- West Tawakoni city
- West University Place city
- Westway CDP
- Westwood Shores CDP
- Westworth Village city
- Wharton city
- Wheeler city
- White Deer town
- Whiteface town
- Whitehouse city
- White Oak city
- Whitesboro city
- White Settlement city
- Whitewright town
- Whitharral CDP
- Whitney town
- Wichita Falls city
- Wickett town
- Wildorado CDP
- Wild Peach Village CDP
- Wildwood CDP
- Willis city
- Willow Grove CDP
- Willow Park city
- Wills Point city
- Wilmer city
- Wilson city
- Wimberley city
- Windcrest city
- Windom town
- Windthorst town
- Winfield city
- Wingate CDP
- Wink city
- Winnie CDP
- Winnsboro city
- Winona town
- Winters city
- Wixon Valley city
- Wolfe City city
- Wolfforth city
- Woodbranch city
- Woodcreek city
- Woodloch town
- Woodsboro town
- Woodson town
- Woodville town
- Woodway city
- Wortham town
- Wyldwood CDP
- Wylie city
- Yancey CDP
- Yantis town
- Yoakum city
- Yorktown city
- Yznaga CDP
- Zapata CDP
- Zapata Ranch CDP
- Zarate CDP
- Zavalla city
- Zephyr CDP
- Zuehl CDP