Average Hourly Earnings for United States Employees in the Education and Health Services Industry in December, 2020
Updated on March 13, 2023.

The seasonally adjusted average hourly earnings for employees in the education and health services industry in the United States in December, 2020 was $29.43, according to recent data from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The top 3 states that had the highest average hourly earnings for employees in the education and health services industry (not seasonally adjusted) in December, 2020 were:

  1. Washington: $34.21
  2. Hawaii: $33.37
  3. California: $33.2

On the other hand, the top 3 states that had the lowest average hourly earnings for employees in the education and health services industry (not seasonally adjusted) in December, 2020 were:

  1. Louisiana: $22.46
  2. Arkansas: $22.52
  3. South Dakota: $22.79

You can interact with the chart below and also use the table below to see the average hourly earnings for each state. You can also find links for similar data for other months, as well as links to the trend of average hourly earnings for each US state at the bottom of this page.

Average Hourly Earnings for U.S. Employees in the Education and Health Services Industry in December, 2020 ($)
$1 - $25
$26 - $30
$31 - $35
$36 - $40
Over $40
No Data Avail.
Average Hourly Earnings for U.S. Employees in the Education and Health Services Industry in December, 2020 ($)
Items per page:
0 of 0
State Avg. Hourly Earnings ($)
Alabama 25.28
Arizona 27.32
Arkansas 22.52
California 33.2
Colorado 29.8
Connecticut 31.17
Delaware 30.28
Florida 28.74
Georgia 31.4
Hawaii 33.37
Idaho 23.44
Illinois 26.93
Indiana 32.01
Iowa 24.95
Kansas 24.24
Kentucky 26.4
Louisiana 22.46
Maine 29.29
Maryland 29.36
Massachusetts 31.82
Michigan 28.16
Minnesota 31.52
Mississippi 23.64
Missouri 23.88
Montana 27.58
Nebraska 28.89
New Hampshire 31.21
New Jersey 31.99
New Mexico 23.25
New York 27.62
North Carolina 28.33
North Dakota 27.41
Ohio 24.12
Oklahoma 24.67
Oregon 31.18
Pennsylvania 24.39
Rhode Island 30.67
South Carolina 27.71
South Dakota 22.79
Tennessee 24.82
Texas 25.4
Utah 28.66
Vermont 28.75
Virginia 25.57
Washington 34.21
West Virginia 27.28
Wisconsin 28.39
Wyoming 23.66

US Average Hourly Earnings in the Education and Health Services Industry for Other Months and Years

Use the links below to see the US average hourly earnings of employees in the education and health services industry for other years and months. You can also see the monthly links for many other years, as well as for many more industries here.