Missouri Average Weekly Wage By County in 2015 Q1
Updated on March 19, 2023.

According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average weekly wage for Missouri in 2015 Q1 was $882. Among all Missouri counties, St. Louis city had the highest average weekly wage ($1,178), followed by St. Louis County ($1,100), and Jackson County ($1,006). On the other hand, Ozark County had the lowest average weekly wage ($414), followed by Oregon County ($415), and Ripley County ($423).

Interact with the chart below to see the average weekly wage for each county. This information can also be found in the table below.

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Related Topics: US BLS Topic List.
See this for other quarters:
Missouri Average Weekly Wage By County in 2015 Q1 ($)
Missouri Average Weekly Wage By County in 2015 Q1 ($)
Items per page:
0 of 0
State Avg. Weekly Wages ($)
Adair 583
Andrew 548
Atchison 523
Audrain 623
Barry 644
Barton 521
Bates 529
Benton 532
Bollinger 476
Boone 771
Buchanan 761
Butler 600
Caldwell 521
Callaway 750
Camden 549
Cape Girardeau 695
Carroll 560
Carter 441
Cass 586
Cedar 473
Chariton 524
Christian 537
Clark 451
Clay 886
Clinton 586
Cole 746
Cooper 579
Crawford 649
Dade 510
Dallas 450
Daviess 470
DeKalb 597
Dent 522
Douglas 458
Dunklin 457
Franklin 680
Gasconade 542
Gentry 565
Greene 752
Grundy 586
Harrison 514
Henry 708
Hickory 443
Holt 577
Howard 472
Howell 601
Iron 706
Jackson 1006
Jasper 780
Jefferson 631
Johnson 624
Knox 454
Laclede 569
Lafayette 559
Lawrence 606
Lewis 519
Lincoln 640
Linn 617
Livingston 593
McDonald 558
Macon 568
Madison 520
Maries 495
Marion 614
Mercer 584
Miller 556
Mississippi 559
Moniteau 543
Monroe 548
Montgomery 575
Morgan 480
New Madrid 723
Newton 612
Nodaway 589
Oregon 415
Osage 558
Ozark 414
Pemiscot 576
Perry 624
Pettis 597
Phelps 676
Pike 578
Platte 869
Polk 597
Pulaski 642
Putnam 542
Ralls 758
Randolph 645
Ray 619
Reynolds 455
Ripley 423
St. Charles 850
St. Clair 482
Ste. Genevieve 811
St. Francois 560
St. Louis 1100
Saline 607
Schuyler 469
Scotland 518
Scott 628
Shannon 430
Shelby 493
Stoddard 579
Stone 511
Sullivan 701
Taney 542
Texas 540
Vernon 647
Warren 615
Washington 517
Wayne 426
Webster 557
Worth 462
Wright 504
St. Louis city 1178