US Number of Private Business Establishments By State in the Service-providing Industry in 2023 Q2
Updated on February 20, 2024.

According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2023 Q2, among all US states, Florida added the highest number of private business establishments in the service-providing industry (19,052), followed by Georgia (7,043), and Pennsylvania (6,219).

The first chart below shows the number of establishments by state and the second chart shows the number of establishments added by state. This information can also be found in the table below.

You can see similar information for other industries and sectors.

Related Topics: US BLS Topic List.
See this for other quarters:
US Number of Private Business Establishments By State inthe Service-providing Industry in 2023 Q2
< 50K
50K to 100K
100K to 500K
500K to 1M
Over 1M
No Data Avail.
US Number of Private Business Establishments Added By State in the Service-providing Industry in 2023 Q2
< -10K
-10K to -5K
-5K to 0
1 to 5K
5K to 10K
Over 10K
No Data Avail.
US Number of Private Business Establishments By State in the Service-providing Industry in 2023 Q2
Items per page:
0 of 0
State Number of Business Establishments Number of Business Establishments Added
Alabama 129252 2581
Alaska 19511 243
Arizona 192658 3787
Arkansas 85352 1268
California 1575593 -10311
Colorado 221101 -4594
Connecticut 129562 2143
Delaware 36443 -34
Florida 771000 19052
Georgia 337365 7043
Hawaii 48628 1123
Idaho 72047 1320
Illinois 345738 5153
Indiana 157132 2541
Iowa 87390 243
Kansas 79863 1934
Kentucky 124365 1102
Louisiana 127516 1189
Maine 52180 922
Maryland 161718 1479
Massachusetts 257901 1759
Michigan 260508 4505
Minnesota 168638 -2097
Mississippi 72394 1319
Missouri 209313 3967
Montana 50968 1181
Nebraska 61051 1119
Nevada 96432 1720
New Hampshire 54752 1376
New Jersey 290875 4752
New Mexico 53803 705
New York 609660 5795
North Carolina 311722 5904
North Dakota 26670 378
Ohio 282287 1738
Oklahoma 104107 1569
Oregon 164228 3933
Pennsylvania 330418 6219
Rhode Island 41409 240
South Carolina 147104 2074
South Dakota 30616 224
Tennessee 185246 3105
Texas 697484 951
Utah 109672 2042
Vermont 25598 238
Virginia 310609 5912
Washington 192420 2414
West Virginia 47749 1239
Wisconsin 169775 2289
Wyoming 23461 241