US Number of Private Business Establishments By State in the Trade, transportation, and utilities Industry in 2022 Q1
Updated on February 20, 2024.

According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2022 Q1, among all US states, Indiana added the highest number of private business establishments in the trade, transportation, and utilities industry (1,574), followed by North Carolina (1,190), and South Carolina (1,082).

The first chart below shows the number of establishments by state and the second chart shows the number of establishments added by state. This information can also be found in the table below.

You can see similar information for other industries and sectors.

Related Topics: US BLS Topic List.
See this for other quarters:
US Number of Private Business Establishments By State inthe Trade, transportation, and utilities Industry in 2022 Q1
< 10K
10K to 25K
25K to 50K
50K to 100K
Over 100K
No Data Avail.
US Number of Private Business Establishments Added By State in the Trade, transportation, and utilities Industry in 2022 Q1
< -1K
-1K to -500
-500 to 0
1 to 500
500 to 1K
Over 1K
No Data Avail.
US Number of Private Business Establishments By State in the Trade, transportation, and utilities Industry in 2022 Q1
Items per page:
0 of 0
State Number of Business Establishments Number of Business Establishments Added
Alabama 33920 371
Alaska 4275 -102
Arizona 36602 0
Arkansas 22264 42
California 205675 -4842
Colorado 37706 87
Connecticut 25274 148
Delaware 7532 286
Florida 150438 -844
Georgia 67352 -122
Hawaii 8009 -10
Idaho 14406 -109
Illinois 77985 -2093
Indiana 43120 1574
Iowa 23813 142
Kansas 19185 -397
Kentucky 29040 -95
Louisiana 32165 45
Maine 10689 57
Maryland 31273 334
Massachusetts 41392 59
Michigan 54526 -49
Minnesota 37566 -12
Mississippi 20144 115
Missouri 39713 -224
Montana 9570 -55
Nebraska 15630 48
Nevada 16095 512
New Hampshire 12820 -431
New Jersey 56032 -1491
New Mexico 11285 102
New York 114699 440
North Carolina 68633 1190
North Dakota 7676 -51
Ohio 70645 35
Oklahoma 25505 1031
Oregon 26568 395
Pennsylvania 74964 -154
Rhode Island 8385 99
South Carolina 33903 1082
South Dakota 8398 -13
Tennessee 43671 393
Texas 159219 871
Utah 21114 -681
Vermont 4961 -92
Virginia 44596 116
Washington 39892 -284
West Virginia 10574 -260
Wisconsin 35503 -643
Wyoming 4932 7