US Number of Private Business Establishments By State in the Unclassified Industry in 2022 Q4
Updated on February 19, 2024.

According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2022 Q4, among all US states, New York added the highest number of private business establishments in the unclassified industry (6,765), followed by Georgia (5,468), and New Jersey (2,573).

The first chart below shows the number of establishments by state and the second chart shows the number of establishments added by state. This information can also be found in the table below.

You can see similar information for other industries and sectors.

Related Topics: US BLS Topic List.
See this for other quarters:
US Number of Private Business Establishments By State inthe Unclassified Industry in 2022 Q4
< 5K
5K to 10K
10K to 25K
25K to 50K
Over 50K
No Data Avail.
US Number of Private Business Establishments Added By State in the Unclassified Industry in 2022 Q4
< -5K
-5K to -2.5K
-2.5K to 0
1 to 2.5K
2.5K to 5K
Over 5K
No Data Avail.
US Number of Private Business Establishments By State in the Unclassified Industry in 2022 Q4
Items per page:
0 of 0
State Number of Business Establishments Number of Business Establishments Added
Alabama 4 -1
Alaska 818 163
Arizona 13147 1060
California 3011 -298
Colorado 690 371
Connecticut 6564 827
Florida 40093 -3116
Georgia 74819 5468
Hawaii 6560 745
Idaho 74 -67
Illinois 19650 168
Kentucky 626 90
Louisiana 96 22
Maine 4972 1036
Maryland 231 13
Massachusetts 345 324
Michigan 6292 -38
Missouri 18 13
Montana 1449 -180
Nevada 18135 2174
New Hampshire 985 73
New Jersey 27158 2573
New York 86955 6765
Ohio 1172 29
Oregon 14275 1101
Rhode Island 237 83
South Carolina 81 -616
Tennessee 3931 768
Texas 7650 -403
Utah 128 10
Vermont 24 10
Virginia 19667 -212
Washington 1 0
West Virginia 603 -61
Wisconsin 18212 1804
Wyoming 75 -13