Oregon Census 2020 Non-Hispanic - White Alone Population By County

Updated on March 23, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, as at April 2020, there were 3,036,158 people who identified as Non-Hispanic - White Alone in Oregon, which was 71.65% of the total Oregon population.

Multnomah County had the highest number of people who identified as Non-Hispanic - White Alone (535,623), followed by Washington County (365,232), and Clackamas County (325,361). On the other hand, the three counties with the least number of people who identified as Non-Hispanic - White Alone were: Wheeler County (1,256), Sherman County (1,610), and Gilliam County (1,747).

When it comes to the percentage of each county's population that identify as Non-Hispanic - White Alone, Wallowa County had the highest percentage (89.27%), followed by Grant County (88.90%), and Baker County (87.98%).

Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's Non-Hispanic - White Alone population. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

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Oregon Census 2020 Non-Hispanic - White Alone Population By County
Oregon Census 2020 Non-Hispanic - White Alone Population By County
Items per page:
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County Non-Hispanic - White Alone Population % of County Population
Baker 14664 87.98
Benton 72209 75.86
Clackamas 325361 77.21
Clatsop 33526 81.63
Columbia 44228 84.10
Coos 53538 82.46
Crook 20874 84.38
Curry 19428 82.86
Deschutes 164595 83.02
Douglas 93525 84.10
Gilliam 1747 87.57
Grant 6430 88.90
Harney 6435 85.86
Hood River 14935 62.29
Jackson 170232 76.25
Jefferson 15005 61.24
Josephine 72730 82.56
Klamath 51919 74.80
Lake 6508 79.76
Lane 298507 77.94
Lincoln 39498 78.38
Linn 104118 80.96
Malheur 18975 60.10
Marion 213650 61.76
Morrow 6600 54.16
Multnomah 535623 65.69
Polk 64719 74.02
Sherman 1610 86.10
Tillamook 22000 80.32
Umatilla 49753 62.13
Union 22075 84.27
Wallowa 6598 89.27
Wasco 18703 70.13
Washington 365232 60.83
Wheeler 1256 86.56
Yamhill 79352 73.66