Maine American Indian and Alaska Native Alone Population By County in Census 2020

Updated on February 11, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, in April 2020, there were 7,885 people in Maine who identified their race as American Indian and Alaska Native Alone, which is 0.58% of the total population of Maine. Penobscot County had the highest number of people who identify as American Indian and Alaska Native Alone (1,431), followed by Washington County (1,407), and Aroostook County (1,221). On the other hand, the three counties with the least number of people who identify as American Indian and Alaska Native Alone were: Franklin County (73), Lincoln County (105), and Sagadahoc County (113).

In terms of the percentage of each county's total population, Washington County had the highest percentage, with 4.53% of its population identifying their race as American Indian and Alaska Native Alone, followed by Aroostook County (1.82%), and Penobscot County (0.94%).

You can see similar information for other states and also for the United States by state. You can also see similar information for other racial groups as well as the different ethnicities in Maine.

Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's population that identify as American Indian and Alaska Native Alone. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

Maine American Indian and Alaska Native Alone Population By County in Census 2020
Maine American Indian and Alaska Native Alone Population By County in Census 2020
Items per page:
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County American Indian & Alaska Native Population % of County Population
Androscoggin County 420 0.38
Aroostook County 1221 1.82
Cumberland County 831 0.27
Franklin County 73 0.25
Hancock County 262 0.47
Kennebec County 511 0.41
Knox County 154 0.38
Lincoln County 105 0.30
Oxford County 197 0.34
Penobscot County 1431 0.94
Piscataquis County 113 0.67
Sagadahoc County 113 0.31
Somerset County 237 0.47
Waldo County 153 0.39
Washington County 1407 4.53
York County 657 0.31