Nebraska 2020 Census Population Density By County Map

Updated on October 16, 2023.

The population density of Nebraska from the 2020 Census was 25.53 people per square mile, based on data from the US Census Bureau.

Douglas County had the highest population density (1,790.79 people per square mile), followed by Sarpy County (800.52 people per square mile), and then Lancaster County (385.18 people per square mile). On the other hand, the 3 counties with the lowest population density were: McPherson County (0.46 people per square mile), Sioux County (0.55 people per square mile), and Blaine County (0.61 people per square mile).

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Hover over or click on the counties to see the population density for each county. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

Nebraska 2020 Census Population Density By County
Nebraska 2020 Census Population Density By County
Items per page:
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County Population Density
Adams 55.40
Antelope 7.34
Arthur 0.61
Banner 0.90
Blaine 0.61
Boone 7.84
Box Butte 10.08
Boyd 3.35
Brown 2.38
Buffalo 51.73
Burt 13.67
Butler 14.31
Cass 47.72
Cedar 11.32
Chase 4.35
Cherry 0.92
Cheyenne 7.92
Clay 10.67
Colfax 25.71
Cuming 15.80
Custer 4.09
Dakota 81.67
Dawes 5.87
Dawson 23.80
Deuel 4.18
Dixon 11.78
Dodge 70.25
Douglas 1790.79
Dundy 1.80
Fillmore 9.65
Franklin 5.02
Frontier 2.59
Furnas 6.45
Gage 25.49
Garden 1.10
Garfield 3.18
Gosper 4.13
Grant 0.79
Greeley 3.84
Hall 115.11
Hamilton 17.39
Harlan 5.55
Hayes 1.20
Hitchcock 3.69
Holt 4.20
Hooker 0.99
Howard 11.37
Jefferson 12.70
Johnson 14.07
Kearney 12.96
Keith 7.85
Keya Paha 1.00
Kimball 3.61
Knox 7.57
Lancaster 385.18
Lincoln 13.52
Logan 1.25
Loup 1.08
McPherson 0.46
Madison 62.14
Merrick 15.74
Morrill 3.20
Nance 7.65
Nemaha 17.36
Nuckolls 7.12
Otoe 25.85
Pawnee 5.90
Perkins 3.24
Phelps 16.61
Pierce 12.76
Platte 50.88
Polk 11.89
Red Willow 14.93
Richardson 14.26
Rock 1.25
Saline 24.90
Sarpy 800.52
Saunders 29.75
Scotts Bluff 48.79
Seward 30.82
Sheridan 2.10
Sherman 5.23
Sioux 0.55
Stanton 13.66
Thayer 8.77
Thomas 0.94
Thurston 17.21
Valley 7.15
Washington 53.51
Wayne 21.89
Webster 5.91
Wheeler 1.35
York 24.67