Wyoming 2020 Census Population Density By County Map

Updated on October 16, 2023.

The population density of Wyoming from the 2020 Census was 5.94, based on data from the US Census Bureau.

Laramie County had the highest population density (37.42), followed by Natrona County (14.97), and then Sheridan County (12.25). On the other hand, the 3 counties with the lowest population density were: Niobrara County (0.94), Sublette County (1.79), and Carbon County (1.84).

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Hover over or click on the counties to see the population density for each county. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

Wyoming 2020 Census Population Density By County
Wyoming 2020 Census Population Density By County
Items per page:
0 of 0
County Population Density
Albany 8.67
Big Horn 3.67
Campbell 9.79
Carbon 1.84
Converse 3.23
Crook 2.52
Fremont 4.27
Goshen 5.62
Hot Springs 2.31
Johnson 2.03
Laramie 37.42
Lincoln 4.81
Natrona 14.97
Niobrara 0.94
Park 4.27
Platte 4.13
Sheridan 12.25
Sublette 1.79
Sweetwater 4.05
Teton 5.84
Uinta 9.82
Washakie 3.43
Weston 2.85