Colorado 2020 Census Total Population By County

Updated on January 23, 2023.

The total population of Colorado from the 2020 Census was 5,773,714, based on data from the US Census Bureau.

El Paso County was the most populated county (730,395), followed by Denver County (715,522), and then Arapahoe County (655,070). On the other hand, the 3 counties that were least populated include: San Juan County (705), Hinsdale County (788), and Mineral County (865).

You can also see this information for other states and also for the US by state.

Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of Colorado population that lives in each county. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

You can also see the population by county for the different racial groups as well as the different ethnicities in Colorado.

Colorado 2020 Census Total Population By County
Colorado 2020 Census Total Population By County
Items per page:
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County Population % of Colorado Pop.
Adams 519572 9.00
Alamosa 16376 0.28
Arapahoe 655070 11.35
Archuleta 13359 0.23
Baca 3506 0.06
Bent 5650 0.10
Boulder 330758 5.73
Broomfield 74112 1.28
Chaffee 19476 0.34
Cheyenne 1748 0.03
Clear Creek 9397 0.16
Conejos 7461 0.13
Costilla 3499 0.06
Crowley 5922 0.10
Custer 4704 0.08
Delta 31196 0.54
Denver 715522 12.39
Dolores 2326 0.04
Douglas 357978 6.20
Eagle 55731 0.97
Elbert 26062 0.45
El Paso 730395 12.65
Fremont 48939 0.85
Garfield 61685 1.07
Gilpin 5808 0.10
Grand 15717 0.27
Gunnison 16918 0.29
Hinsdale 788 0.01
Huerfano 6820 0.12
Jackson 1379 0.02
Jefferson 582910 10.10
Kiowa 1446 0.03
Kit Carson 7087 0.12
Lake 7436 0.13
La Plata 55638 0.96
Larimer 359066 6.22
Las Animas 14555 0.25
Lincoln 5675 0.10
Logan 21528 0.37
Mesa 155703 2.70
Mineral 865 0.02
Moffat 13292 0.23
Montezuma 25849 0.45
Montrose 42679 0.74
Morgan 29111 0.50
Otero 18690 0.32
Ouray 4874 0.08
Park 17390 0.30
Phillips 4530 0.08
Pitkin 17358 0.30
Prowers 11999 0.21
Pueblo 168162 2.91
Rio Blanco 6529 0.11
Rio Grande 11539 0.20
Routt 24829 0.43
Saguache 6368 0.11
San Juan 705 0.01
San Miguel 8072 0.14
Sedgwick 2404 0.04
Summit 31055 0.54
Teller 24710 0.43
Washington 4817 0.08
Weld 328981 5.70
Yuma 9988 0.17