Delaware 2020 Census Total Voting-age Population (18yrs and over) By County

Updated on August 21, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, as at April 2020, the total Voting-age population (18 years and over) of Delaware was 783,543, which was 79.15% of the total Delaware population.

New Castle County had the highest voting-age population (449,876), followed by Sussex County (193,862), and then Kent County (139,805). On the other hand, the 3 counties with low voting-age population were: Kent County (139,805), Sussex County (193,862), and New Castle County (449,876).

You can also see this information for other states and also for the US by state.

Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of Delaware population that lives in each county. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

You can also see the voting-age population by county for the different racial groups as well as the different ethnicities in Delaware.

Delaware 2020 Census Total Voting-age Population By County
Delaware 2020 Census Total Voting-age Population By County
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County Voting-age Population % of Delaware Pop.
Kent 139805 17.84
New Castle 449876 57.42
Sussex 193862 24.74