Missouri Hispanic Black or African American alone Population By County in 2012

Updated on February 3, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2012, there were 11,615 people that identified as Hispanic Black or African American alone in Missouri and they represented 0.19% of the total population of Missouri in 2012. Jackson County had the highest number of Hispanic Black or African American alone population (3,652), followed by St. Louis County (1,892), and St. Louis city (1,320). On the other hand, Shelby County had the lowest number of Hispanic Black or African American alone (0), followed by Scotland County (0), and Schuyler County (0).

When it comes to the percentage of each county's population that identified as Hispanic Black or African American alone, Pulaski County had the highest percentage (0.96%), followed by Jackson County (0.54%), and St. Louis city (0.41%).

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Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's Hispanic Black or African American alone population. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Missouri Hispanic Black or African American alone Population By County in 2012
Missouri Hispanic Black or African American alone Population By County in 2012
Items per page:
0 of 0
County Hispanic Black or African American alone Population % of County Population
Adair 20 0.08
Andrew 8 0.05
Atchison 0 0
Audrain 22 0.09
Barry 33 0.09
Barton 8 0.07
Bates 8 0.05
Benton 4 0.02
Bollinger 1 0.01
Boone 266 0.16
Buchanan 188 0.21
Butler 59 0.14
Caldwell 1 0.01
Callaway 41 0.09
Camden 17 0.04
Cape Girardeau 102 0.13
Carroll 14 0.15
Carter 2 0.03
Cass 148 0.15
Cedar 1 0.01
Chariton 1 0.01
Christian 32 0.04
Clark 0 0
Clay 576 0.25
Clinton 10 0.05
Cole 154 0.2
Cooper 7 0.04
Crawford 3 0.01
Dade 2 0.03
Dallas 5 0.03
Daviess 4 0.05
DeKalb 5 0.04
Dent 6 0.04
Douglas 5 0.04
Dunklin 66 0.21
Franklin 20 0.02
Gasconade 3 0.02
Gentry 2 0.03
Greene 299 0.11
Grundy 1 0.01
Harrison 4 0.05
Henry 14 0.06
Hickory 2 0.02
Holt 2 0.04
Howard 15 0.15
Howell 2 0.01
Iron 7 0.07
Jackson 3652 0.54
Jasper 373 0.32
Jefferson 49 0.02
Johnson 88 0.16
Knox 0 0
Laclede 8 0.02
Lafayette 32 0.1
Lawrence 42 0.11
Lewis 9 0.09
Lincoln 37 0.07
Linn 2 0.02
Livingston 3 0.02
McDonald 33 0.14
Macon 7 0.05
Madison 5 0.04
Maries 4 0.04
Marion 35 0.12
Mercer 3 0.08
Miller 4 0.02
Mississippi 25 0.18
Moniteau 4 0.03
Monroe 3 0.04
Montgomery 8 0.07
Morgan 11 0.06
New Madrid 31 0.17
Newton 43 0.07
Nodaway 11 0.05
Oregon 2 0.02
Osage 3 0.02
Ozark 1 0.01
Pemiscot 39 0.22
Perry 6 0.03
Pettis 83 0.2
Phelps 41 0.09
Pike 12 0.07
Platte 214 0.23
Polk 13 0.04
Pulaski 511 0.96
Putnam 0 0
Ralls 1 0.01
Randolph 23 0.09
Ray 33 0.14
Reynolds 0 0
Ripley 0 0
St. Charles 326 0.09
St. Clair 9 0.09
Ste. Genevieve 2 0.01
St. Francois 38 0.06
St. Louis 1892 0.19
Saline 79 0.34
Schuyler 0 0
Scotland 0 0
Scott 55 0.14
Shannon 10 0.12
Shelby 0 0
Stoddard 1 0
Stone 11 0.03
Sullivan 19 0.29
Taney 88 0.17
Texas 6 0.02
Vernon 6 0.03
Warren 28 0.09
Washington 3 0.01
Wayne 12 0.09
Webster 11 0.03
Worth 1 0.05
Wright 4 0.02
St. Louis city 1320 0.41