Nebraska Hispanic Black or African American alone Population By County in 2018

Updated on February 3, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2018, there were 6,137 people that identified as Hispanic Black or African American alone in Nebraska and they represented 0.32% of the total population of Nebraska in 2018. Douglas County had the highest number of Hispanic Black or African American alone population (2,363), followed by Lancaster County (955), and Sarpy County (748). On the other hand, Wheeler County had the lowest number of Hispanic Black or African American alone (0), followed by Webster County (0), and Thurston County (0).

When it comes to the percentage of each county's population that identified as Hispanic Black or African American alone, Colfax County had the highest percentage (1.31%), followed by Saline County (0.77%), and Hall County (0.63%).

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Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's Hispanic Black or African American alone population. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Nebraska Hispanic Black or African American alone Population By County in 2018
Nebraska Hispanic Black or African American alone Population By County in 2018
Items per page:
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County Hispanic Black or African American alone Population % of County Population
Adams 93 0.3
Antelope 6 0.1
Arthur 0 0
Banner 0 0
Blaine 0 0
Boone 3 0.06
Box Butte 7 0.07
Boyd 1 0.05
Brown 0 0
Buffalo 85 0.17
Burt 6 0.09
Butler 2 0.03
Cass 21 0.08
Cedar 5 0.06
Chase 3 0.08
Cherry 2 0.03
Cheyenne 5 0.05
Clay 9 0.14
Colfax 140 1.31
Cuming 18 0.2
Custer 2 0.02
Dakota 73 0.36
Dawes 7 0.08
Dawson 122 0.51
Deuel 0 0
Dixon 18 0.32
Dodge 140 0.38
Douglas 2363 0.42
Dundy 1 0.06
Fillmore 8 0.14
Franklin 2 0.07
Frontier 1 0.04
Furnas 3 0.06
Gage 14 0.07
Garden 0 0
Garfield 0 0
Gosper 1 0.05
Grant 0 0
Greeley 2 0.09
Hall 389 0.63
Hamilton 8 0.09
Harlan 0 0
Hayes 0 0
Hitchcock 1 0.04
Holt 6 0.06
Hooker 0 0
Howard 2 0.03
Jefferson 15 0.21
Johnson 8 0.16
Kearney 4 0.06
Keith 15 0.19
Keya Paha 0 0
Kimball 0 0
Knox 0 0
Lancaster 955 0.3
Lincoln 89 0.25
Logan 2 0.27
Loup 0 0
McPherson 0 0
Madison 157 0.45
Merrick 14 0.18
Morrill 6 0.13
Nance 0 0
Nemaha 4 0.06
Nuckolls 0 0
Otoe 28 0.18
Pawnee 0 0
Perkins 7 0.24
Phelps 4 0.04
Pierce 6 0.08
Platte 136 0.41
Polk 10 0.19
Red Willow 6 0.06
Richardson 7 0.09
Rock 0 0
Saline 110 0.77
Sarpy 748 0.41
Saunders 15 0.07
Scotts Bluff 134 0.37
Seward 14 0.08
Sheridan 1 0.02
Sherman 1 0.03
Sioux 0 0
Stanton 18 0.3
Thayer 3 0.06
Thomas 0 0
Thurston 0 0
Valley 3 0.07
Washington 23 0.11
Wayne 7 0.08
Webster 0 0
Wheeler 0 0
York 18 0.13