Kansas Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian And Pacific Islander alone Population By County in 2022

Updated on August 2, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2022, there were 3,388 people that identified as Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian And Pacific Islander alone in Kansas and they represented 0.12% of the total population of Kansas in 2022. Wyandotte County had the highest number of Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian And Pacific Islander alone population (533), followed by Sedgwick County (422), and Geary County (404). On the other hand, Woodson County had the lowest number of Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian And Pacific Islander alone (0), followed by Wallace County (0), and Wabaunsee County (0).

When it comes to the percentage of each county's population that identified as Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian And Pacific Islander alone, Geary County had the highest percentage (1.14%), followed by Cowley County (0.59%), and Crawford County (0.58%).

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Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian And Pacific Islander alone population. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Kansas Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian And Pacific Islander alone Population By County in 2022
Kansas Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian And Pacific Islander alone Population By County in 2022
Items per page:
0 of 0
County Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian And Pacific Islander alone Population % of County Population
Allen 5 0.04
Anderson 3 0.04
Atchison 13 0.08
Barber 1 0.02
Barton 8 0.03
Bourbon 9 0.06
Brown 6 0.06
Butler 89 0.13
Chase 0 0
Chautauqua 2 0.06
Cherokee 97 0.51
Cheyenne 0 0
Clark 2 0.1
Clay 3 0.04
Cloud 5 0.06
Coffey 0 0
Comanche 0 0
Cowley 204 0.59
Crawford 226 0.58
Decatur 0 0
Dickinson 22 0.12
Doniphan 0 0
Douglas 115 0.1
Edwards 0 0
Elk 1 0.04
Ellis 19 0.07
Ellsworth 0 0
Finney 23 0.06
Ford 43 0.13
Franklin 4 0.02
Geary 404 1.14
Gove 1 0.04
Graham 1 0.04
Grant 0 0
Gray 0 0
Greeley 0 0
Greenwood 0 0
Hamilton 3 0.12
Harper 2 0.04
Harvey 16 0.05
Haskell 1 0.03
Hodgeman 0 0
Jackson 4 0.03
Jefferson 12 0.07
Jewell 0 0
Johnson 169 0.03
Kearny 2 0.05
Kingman 2 0.03
Kiowa 1 0.04
Labette 15 0.08
Lane 2 0.13
Leavenworth 150 0.18
Lincoln 0 0
Linn 2 0.02
Logan 0 0
Lyon 18 0.06
McPherson 22 0.07
Marion 7 0.06
Marshall 2 0.02
Meade 0 0
Miami 15 0.04
Mitchell 10 0.18
Montgomery 38 0.12
Morris 3 0.06
Morton 1 0.04
Nemaha 7 0.07
Neosho 10 0.06
Ness 0 0
Norton 1 0.02
Osage 7 0.05
Osborne 0 0
Ottawa 0 0
Pawnee 0 0
Phillips 0 0
Pottawatomie 35 0.13
Pratt 4 0.04
Rawlins 0 0
Reno 73 0.12
Republic 0 0
Rice 7 0.08
Riley 191 0.27
Rooks 3 0.06
Rush 0 0
Russell 1 0.02
Saline 26 0.05
Scott 2 0.04
Sedgwick 422 0.08
Seward 27 0.13
Shawnee 194 0.11
Sheridan 0 0
Sherman 7 0.12
Smith 2 0.06
Stafford 2 0.05
Stanton 0 0
Stevens 0 0
Sumner 8 0.04
Thomas 10 0.13
Trego 1 0.04
Wabaunsee 0 0
Wallace 0 0
Washington 3 0.06
Wichita 1 0.05
Wilson 8 0.09
Woodson 0 0
Wyandotte 533 0.32