South Carolina Natural Population Increase By County in 2014

Updated on June 30, 2022.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2014, the natural population increase for South Carolina was 12,779, and the top three counties that had the highest natural population increase were:

  1. Greenville County: 2,236
  2. Charleston County: 1,962
  3. Richland County: 1,852

On the other hand, the top 3 counties that had the lowest natural population increase were:

  1. Oconee County: -110
  2. Georgetown County: -89
  3. Colleton County: -84

Use the interactive visualization and the table below to explore the natural population increase for each South Carolina county in 2014. You can also find links to the historical natural population increase for each county below.

Natural Population Increase refers to the number of births minuse the number of deaths.

South Carolina Natural Population Increase By County in 2014
See this information for other years:
South Carolina Natural Population Increase By County in 2014
Items per page:
0 of 0
County Natural Pop. Increase
Abbeville -18
Aiken 186
Allendale -19
Anderson 194
Bamberg -3
Barnwell 49
Beaufort 540
Berkeley 1274
Calhoun -22
Charleston 1962
Cherokee 55
Chester -55
Chesterfield 36
Clarendon -35
Colleton -84
Darlington -51
Dillon 91
Dorchester 882
Edgefield 6
Fairfield -77
Florence 353
Georgetown -89
Greenville 2236
Greenwood 155
Hampton 30
Horry 183
Jasper 120
Kershaw 134
Lancaster 120
Laurens -43
Lee -20
Lexington 954
McCormick -62
Marion -38
Marlboro -32
Newberry 41
Oconee -110
Orangeburg 25
Pickens 44
Richland 1852
Saluda 48
Spartanburg 578
Sumter 484
Union -64
Williamsburg -83
York 1052