Non-Hispanic Population By Race
for Each City and Place
in Colorado from Census 2020
Use the city or place links below to see the non-hispanic population by race for each city and place in Colorado from the US 2020 decennial Census.
You can also see similar information for all the counties in Colorado. Also see state links at the bottom of the page for similar list of cities and places for other states.
You can also see the non-hispanic population by race for Colorado.
- Acres Green CDP
- Aetna Estates CDP
- Aguilar town
- Air Force Academy CDP
- Akron town
- Alamosa city
- Alamosa East CDP
- Allenspark CDP
- Alma town
- Alpine CDP
- Altona CDP
- Amherst CDP
- Antonito town
- Applewood CDP
- Arapahoe CDP
- Arboles CDP
- Aristocrat Ranchettes CDP
- Arriba town
- Arvada city
- Aspen city
- Aspen Park CDP
- Atwood CDP
- Ault town
- Aurora city
- Avon town
- Avondale CDP
- Bark Ranch CDP
- Basalt town
- Battlement Mesa CDP
- Bayfield town
- Bennett town
- Berkley CDP
- Berthoud town
- Bethune town
- Beulah Valley CDP
- Black Forest CDP
- Black Hawk city
- Blanca town
- Blende CDP
- Blue River town
- Blue Sky CDP
- Blue Valley CDP
- Bonanza town
- Bonanza Mountain Estates CDP
- Boone town
- Boulder city
- Bow Mar town
- Brandon CDP
- Branson town
- Breckenridge town
- Brick Center CDP
- Briggsdale CDP
- Brighton city
- Brook Forest CDP
- Brookside town
- Broomfield city
- Brush city
- Buena Vista town
- Burlington city
- Byers CDP
- Calhan town
- Campo town
- Cañon City city
- Capulin CDP
- Carbonate town
- Carbondale town
- Cascade-Chipita Park CDP
- Castle Pines city
- Castle Pines Village CDP
- Castle Rock town
- Cathedral CDP
- Catherine CDP
- Cattle Creek CDP
- Cedaredge town
- Centennial city
- Center town
- Central City city
- Chacra CDP
- Cheraw town
- Cherry Creek CDP
- Cherry Hills Village city
- Cheyenne Wells town
- Cimarron Hills CDP
- City of Creede town
- Clifton CDP
- Coal Creek CDP
- Coal Creek town
- Coaldale CDP
- Cokedale town
- Collbran town
- Colona CDP
- Colorado City CDP
- Colorado Springs city
- Columbine CDP
- Columbine Valley town
- Comanche Creek CDP
- Commerce City city
- Conejos CDP
- Cope CDP
- Copper Mountain CDP
- Cortez city
- Cotopaxi CDP
- Craig city
- Crawford town
- Crested Butte town
- Crestone town
- Cripple Creek city
- Crisman CDP
- Crook town
- Crowley town
- Dacono city
- Dakota Ridge CDP
- De Beque town
- Deer Trail town
- Del Norte town
- Delta city
- Denver city
- Derby CDP
- Dillon town
- Dinosaur town
- Divide CDP
- Dolores town
- Dotsero CDP
- Dove Creek town
- Dove Valley CDP
- Downieville-Lawson-Dumont CDP
- Durango city
- Eads town
- Eagle town
- East Pleasant View CDP
- Eaton town
- Echo Hills CDP
- Eckley town
- Edgewater city
- Edwards CDP
- Elbert CDP
- Eldora CDP
- Eldorado Springs CDP
- Elizabeth town
- El Jebel CDP
- Ellicott CDP
- El Moro CDP
- Empire town
- Englewood city
- Erie town
- Estes Park town
- Evans city
- Evergreen CDP
- Fairmount CDP
- Fairplay town
- Federal Heights city
- Firestone town
- Flagler town
- Fleming town
- Florence city
- Florissant CDP
- Floyd Hill CDP
- Fort Carson CDP
- Fort Collins city
- Fort Garland CDP
- Fort Lupton city
- Fort Morgan city
- Fountain city
- Four Square Mile CDP
- Fowler town
- Foxfield town
- Franktown CDP
- Fraser town
- Frederick town
- Frisco town
- Fruita city
- Fruitvale CDP
- Fulford CDP
- Garden City town
- Gardner CDP
- Garfield CDP
- Genesee CDP
- Genoa town
- Georgetown town
- Gerrard CDP
- Gilcrest town
- Glendale city
- Glendale CDP
- Gleneagle CDP
- Glenwood Springs city
- Golden city
- Goldfield CDP
- Gold Hill CDP
- Granada town
- Granby town
- Grand Junction city
- Grand Lake town
- Grand View Estates CDP
- Greeley city
- Green Mountain Falls town
- Greenwood Village city
- Grover town
- Guffey CDP
- Gunbarrel CDP
- Gunnison city
- Gypsum town
- Hartman town
- Hartsel CDP
- Hasty CDP
- Haswell town
- Haxtun town
- Hayden town
- Heeney CDP
- Hidden Lake CDP
- Highlands Ranch CDP
- Hillrose town
- Hoehne CDP
- Holly town
- Holly Hills CDP
- Holyoke city
- Hooper town
- Hotchkiss town
- Hot Sulphur Springs town
- Howard CDP
- Hudson town
- Hugo town
- Idaho Springs city
- Idalia CDP
- Idledale CDP
- Ignacio town
- Iliff town
- Indian Hills CDP
- Inverness CDP
- Jackson Lake CDP
- Jamestown town
- Jansen CDP
- Joes CDP
- Johnson Village CDP
- Johnstown town
- Julesburg town
- Keenesburg town
- Ken Caryl CDP
- Kersey town
- Keystone CDP
- Kim town
- Kiowa town
- Kirk CDP
- Kit Carson town
- Kittredge CDP
- Kremmling town
- Lafayette city
- Laird CDP
- La Jara town
- La Junta city
- La Junta Gardens CDP
- Lake City town
- Lakeside town
- Lakewood city
- Lamar city
- Laporte CDP
- Larkspur town
- La Salle town
- Las Animas city
- La Veta town
- Lazear CDP
- Lazy Acres CDP
- Leadville city
- Leadville North CDP
- Lewis CDP
- Leyner CDP
- Limon town
- Lincoln Park CDP
- Littleton city
- Lochbuie town
- Loghill Village CDP
- Log Lane Village town
- Loma CDP
- Lone Tree city
- Longmont city
- Louisville city
- Louviers CDP
- Loveland city
- Lynn CDP
- Lyons town
- McClave CDP
- McCoy CDP
- Manassa town
- Mancos town
- Manitou Springs city
- Manzanola town
- Marble town
- Marvel CDP
- Matheson CDP
- Maybell CDP
- Maysville CDP
- Mead town
- Meeker town
- Meridian CDP
- Meridian Village CDP
- Merino town
- Midland CDP
- Milliken town
- Minturn town
- Moffat town
- Monte Vista city
- Montezuma town
- Montrose city
- Monument town
- Morgan Heights CDP
- Morrison town
- Mountain Meadows CDP
- Mountain View town
- Mountain Village town
- Mount Crested Butte town
- Mulford CDP
- Nathrop CDP
- Naturita town
- Nederland town
- New Castle town
- Niwot CDP
- No Name CDP
- Norrie CDP
- Northglenn city
- North La Junta CDP
- North Washington CDP
- Norwood town
- Nucla town
- Nunn town
- Oak Creek town
- Olathe town
- Olney Springs town
- Ophir town
- Orchard CDP
- Orchard City town
- Orchard Mesa CDP
- Ordway town
- Otis town
- Ouray city
- Ovid town
- Padroni CDP
- Pagosa Springs town
- Palisade town
- Palmer Lake town
- Paoli town
- Paonia town
- Parachute town
- Paragon Estates CDP
- Park Center CDP
- Parker town
- Parshall CDP
- Peetz town
- Penrose CDP
- Peoria CDP
- Perry Park CDP
- Peyton CDP
- Phippsburg CDP
- Piedra CDP
- Pierce town
- Pine Brook Hill CDP
- Pine Valley CDP
- Pitkin town
- Placerville CDP
- Platteville town
- Poncha Springs town
- Ponderosa Park CDP
- Portland CDP
- Pritchett town
- Pueblo city
- Pueblo West CDP
- Ramah town
- Rangely town
- Raymer (New Raymer) town
- Red Cliff town
- Red Feather Lakes CDP
- Redlands CDP
- Redstone CDP
- Redvale CDP
- Rico town
- Ridgway town
- Rifle city
- Rock Creek Park CDP
- Rockvale town
- Rocky Ford city
- Rollinsville CDP
- Romeo town
- Roxborough Park CDP
- Rye town
- Saddle Ridge CDP
- Saguache town
- St. Ann Highlands CDP
- St. Mary's CDP
- Salida city
- Salt Creek CDP
- San Acacio CDP
- Sanford town
- San Luis town
- Sawpit town
- Security-Widefield CDP
- Sedalia CDP
- Sedgwick town
- Segundo CDP
- Seibert town
- Seven Hills CDP
- Severance town
- Shaw Heights CDP
- Sheridan city
- Sheridan Lake town
- Sherrelwood CDP
- Sierra Ridge CDP
- Silt town
- Silver Cliff town
- Silver Plume town
- Silverthorne town
- Silverton town
- Simla town
- Smeltertown CDP
- Snowmass Village town
- Snyder CDP
- Somerset CDP
- Southern Ute CDP
- South Fork town
- Springfield town
- Starkville town
- Steamboat Springs city
- Stepping Stone CDP
- Sterling city
- Sterling Ranch CDP
- Stonegate CDP
- Stonewall Gap CDP
- Strasburg CDP
- Stratmoor CDP
- Stratton town
- Sugar City town
- Sugarloaf CDP
- Sunshine CDP
- Superior town
- Swink town
- Tabernash CDP
- Tall Timber CDP
- Telluride town
- The Pinery CDP
- Thornton city
- Timnath town
- Todd Creek CDP
- Towaoc CDP
- Towner CDP
- Trail Side CDP
- Trinidad city
- Twin Lakes CDP
- Twin Lakes CDP
- Two Buttes town
- Upper Bear Creek CDP
- Upper Witter Gulch CDP
- Vail town
- Valdez CDP
- Valmont CDP
- Vernon CDP
- Victor city
- Vilas town
- Vineland CDP
- Vona town
- Walden town
- Walsenburg city
- Walsh town
- Ward town
- Watkins CDP
- Welby CDP
- Weldona CDP
- Wellington town
- Westcliffe town
- Westcreek CDP
- Westminster city
- Weston CDP
- West Pleasant View CDP
- Wheat Ridge city
- Wiggins town
- Wiley town
- Williamsburg town
- Windsor town
- Winter Park town
- Wolcott CDP
- Woodland Park city
- Woodmoor CDP
- Woody Creek CDP
- Wray city
- Yampa town
- Yuma city
Use the links below to see similar links of cities and places for other states as well: