Non-Hispanic Population By Race
for Each City and Place
in Mississippi from Census 2020
Use the city or place links below to see the non-hispanic population by race for each city and place in Mississippi from the US 2020 decennial Census.
You can also see similar information for all the counties in Mississippi. Also see state links at the bottom of the page for similar list of cities and places for other states.
You can also see the non-hispanic population by race for Mississippi.
- Abbeville town
- Aberdeen city
- Ackerman town
- Agricola CDP
- Alcorn State University CDP
- Algoma town
- Alligator town
- Amory city
- Anguilla town
- Arcola town
- Arkabutla CDP
- Arnold Line CDP
- Artesia town
- Ashland town
- Austin CDP
- Baldwyn city
- Bassfield town
- Batesville city
- Baxterville CDP
- Bay St. Louis city
- Bay Springs city
- Beaumont town
- Beauregard village
- Beechwood CDP
- Belmont town
- Belzoni city
- Benndale CDP
- Benoit town
- Benton CDP
- Bentonia town
- Bethlehem CDP
- Beulah town
- Big Creek village
- Biggersville CDP
- Big Point CDP
- Biloxi city
- Blue Mountain town
- Blue Springs village
- Bobo CDP
- Bogue Chitto CDP
- Bogue Chitto CDP
- Bolivar CDP
- Bolton town
- Bond CDP
- Booneville city
- Bovina CDP
- Boyle town
- Brandon city
- Braxton village
- Bridgetown CDP
- Brookhaven city
- Brooksville town
- Bruce town
- Buckatunna CDP
- Bude town
- Burnsville town
- Byhalia town
- Byram city
- Caledonia town
- Calhoun City town
- Canton city
- Carrollton town
- Carthage city
- Cary town
- Centreville town
- Chalybeate CDP
- Charleston city
- Chunky town
- Clara CDP
- Clarksdale city
- Cleary CDP
- Cleveland city
- Clinton city
- Cloverdale CDP
- Coahoma town
- Coffeeville town
- Coldwater town
- Collins city
- Collinsville CDP
- Columbia city
- Columbus city
- Columbus AFB CDP
- Como town
- Conehatta CDP
- Corinth city
- Courtland town
- Crawford town
- Crenshaw town
- Crosby town
- Crowder town
- Cruger town
- Crystal Springs city
- Darling CDP
- Decatur town
- De Kalb town
- DeLisle CDP
- Delta City CDP
- Dennis CDP
- Derma town
- De Soto CDP
- Diamondhead city
- D'Iberville city
- D'Lo town
- Doddsville town
- Drew city
- Dublin CDP
- Duck Hill town
- Dumas town
- Duncan town
- Dundee CDP
- Durant city
- Eagle Bend CDP
- Eastabuchie CDP
- Ecru town
- Eden village
- Edwards town
- Elizabeth CDP
- Elliott CDP
- Ellisville city
- Enterprise town
- Escatawpa CDP
- Ethel town
- Eudora CDP
- Eupora city
- Falcon town
- Falkner town
- Farmington town
- Farrell CDP
- Fayette city
- Fernwood CDP
- Flora town
- Florence city
- Flowood city
- Forest city
- Foxworth CDP
- French Camp town
- Friars Point town
- Fulton city
- Gattman village
- Gautier city
- Georgetown town
- Glen town
- Glen Allan CDP
- Glendale CDP
- Glendora village
- Gloster town
- Gluckstadt CDP
- Golden town
- Goodman town
- Grace CDP
- Greenville city
- Greenwood city
- Grenada city
- Gulf Hills CDP
- Gulf Park Estates CDP
- Gulfport city
- Gunnison town
- Guntown town
- Hamilton CDP
- Harperville CDP
- Hatley town
- Hattiesburg city
- Hazlehurst city
- Heidelberg town
- Helena CDP
- Henderson Point CDP
- Hermanville CDP
- Hernando city
- Hickory town
- Hickory Flat town
- Hide-A-Way Lake CDP
- Hillsboro CDP
- Holcomb CDP
- Hollandale city
- Holly Springs city
- Horn Lake city
- Houston city
- Hurley CDP
- Independence CDP
- Indianola city
- Inverness town
- Isola town
- Itta Bena city
- Iuka city
- Jacinto CDP
- Jackson city
- Jonestown town
- Jumpertown town
- Kearney Park CDP
- Kilmichael town
- Kiln CDP
- Kirkville CDP
- Kokomo CDP
- Kosciusko city
- Kossuth village
- Lake town
- Lakeview CDP
- Lamar CDP
- Lambert town
- Latimer CDP
- Lauderdale CDP
- Laurel city
- Leaf CDP
- Leakesville town
- Learned town
- Leland city
- Lena town
- Lexington city
- Liberty town
- Long Beach city
- Longview CDP
- Louin town
- Louise town
- Louisville city
- Lucedale city
- Lula town
- Lumberton city
- Lyman CDP
- Lynchburg CDP
- Lyon town
- Maben town
- McComb city
- McCool town
- McLain town
- Macon city
- Madison city
- Magee city
- Magnolia city
- Mantachie town
- Mantee village
- Marietta town
- Marion town
- Marks city
- Mathiston town
- Mayersville town
- Meadville town
- Mendenhall city
- Meridian city
- Meridian Station CDP
- Merigold town
- Metcalfe town
- Mississippi State CDP
- Mississippi Valley State University CDP
- Mize town
- Monticello town
- Montrose town
- Mooreville CDP
- Moorhead city
- Morgan City town
- Morgantown CDP
- Morton city
- Moselle CDP
- Moss Point city
- Mound Bayou city
- Mount Olive town
- Mount Pleasant CDP
- Myrtle town
- Natchez city
- Nellieburg CDP
- Nettleton city
- New Albany city
- New Augusta town
- New Hamilton CDP
- New Hebron town
- New Hope CDP
- New Houlka town
- New Site CDP
- Newton city
- Nicholson CDP
- Nitta Yuma CDP
- North Carrollton town
- North Tunica CDP
- Noxapater town
- Oak Grove CDP
- Oakland town
- Ocean Springs city
- Okolona city
- Olive Branch city
- Osyka town
- Ovett CDP
- Oxford city
- Pace town
- Pachuta town
- Paden village
- Panther Burn CDP
- Paris CDP
- Pascagoula city
- Pass Christian city
- Pattison CDP
- Pearl city
- Pearlington CDP
- Pearl River CDP
- Pelahatchie town
- Petal city
- Pheba CDP
- Philadelphia city
- Picayune city
- Pickens town
- Pittsboro village
- Plantersville town
- Pleasant Hill CDP
- Polkville town
- Pontotoc city
- Pope village
- Poplarville city
- Porterville CDP
- Port Gibson city
- Potts Camp town
- Prentiss town
- Puckett village
- Purvis city
- Quitman city
- Raleigh town
- Randolph CDP
- Rawls Springs CDP
- Raymond city
- Red Banks CDP
- Redwater CDP
- Redwood CDP
- Rena Lara CDP
- Renova town
- Richland city
- Richton town
- Ridgeland city
- Rienzi town
- Ripley city
- Robinhood CDP
- Rolling Fork city
- Rosedale city
- Roxie town
- Ruleville city
- Runnelstown CDP
- St. Martin CDP
- Sallis town
- Saltillo city
- Sandersville town
- Sardis town
- Satartia village
- Saucier CDP
- Schlater town
- Scooba town
- Scott CDP
- Sebastopol town
- Seminary town
- Senatobia city
- Shannon town
- Sharon CDP
- Shaw city
- Shelby city
- Sherman town
- Shubuta town
- Shuqualak town
- Sidon town
- Silver City town
- Silver Creek town
- Skene CDP
- Slate Springs village
- Sledge town
- Smithville town
- Snow Lake Shores town
- Soso town
- Southaven city
- Standing Pine CDP
- Starkville city
- State Line town
- Stewart CDP
- Stoneville CDP
- Stonewall town
- Strayhorn CDP
- Sturgis town
- Summit town
- Sumner town
- Sumrall town
- Sunflower town
- Sylvarena village
- Symonds CDP
- Taylor village
- Taylorsville town
- Tchula town
- Terry town
- Thaxton town
- Tillatoba town
- Tishomingo town
- Toccopola town
- Toomsuba CDP
- Tremont town
- Tucker CDP
- Tula CDP
- Tunica town
- Tunica Resorts CDP
- Tupelo city
- Tutwiler town
- Tylertown town
- Union town
- University CDP
- Utica town
- Vaiden town
- Valley Park CDP
- Vancleave CDP
- Van Vleet CDP
- Vardaman town
- Verona city
- Vicksburg city
- Victoria CDP
- Wade CDP
- Walls town
- Walnut town
- Walnut Grove town
- Walthall village
- Waterford CDP
- Water Valley city
- Waveland city
- Waynesboro city
- Webb town
- Weir town
- Wesson town
- West town
- West Hattiesburg CDP
- West Point city
- Wheeler CDP
- White Oak CDP
- Wiggins city
- Winona city
- Winstonville town
- Winterville CDP
- Woodland village
- Woodville town
- Yazoo City city
Use the links below to see similar links of cities and places for other states as well: