Maryland Census 2020 Non-Hispanic Population By County

Updated on April 24, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, as at April 2020, there were 5,447,479 people (of all racial backgrounds) who identified as Non-Hispanic (not hispanic or latino) in Maryland, which was 88.19% of the total population of Maryland.

Montgomery County had the highest number of of people who identified as non-hispanic (844.65K), followed by Baltimore County (793.04K), and Prince George's County (761.74K). On the other hand, the three counties with low number of people who identified as non-hispanic were: Kent County (18.14K), Somerset County (23.55K), and Garrett County (28.49K).

You can also see similar information for other states and also for the US by state.

Hover over or click on the counties in the chart below to see the number and percentage of each county's population that identified as non-hispanic. You can also see this information in a table at the bottom of the page.

Maryland Census 2020 Non-Hispanic Population By County
Maryland Census 2020 Non-Hispanic Population By County
Items per page:
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County Non-Hispanic Population % of County Population
Allegany 66957 98.31
Anne Arundel 531465 90.35
Baltimore 793043 92.80
Calvert 88581 95.47
Caroline 30473 91.53
Carroll 165146 95.52
Cecil 98275 94.75
Charles 154940 92.99
Dorchester 30754 94.54
Frederick 239598 88.18
Garrett 28485 98.89
Harford 246917 94.63
Howard 304955 91.77
Kent 18137 94.47
Montgomery 844652 79.53
Prince George's 761738 78.76
Queen Anne's 47336 94.91
St. Mary's 107232 94.25
Somerset 23545 95.63
Talbot 34174 91.07
Washington 144416 93.35
Wicomico 96497 93.16
Worcester 50382 96.04
Baltimore city 539781 92.16