Ranking of Maine Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020

Updated on October 18, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 Census, as at April 2020, among all Maine cities and places, Portland city had the highest population density per square mile (3.18K people per sqr mile), followed by South Portland city (2.20K people per sqr mile), and Kittery CDP (1.78K people per sqr mile).

On the other hand, Calais city had the lowest population density per square mile (89.71 people per sqr mile), followed by Blaine CDP (91.57 people per sqr mile), and Caribou city (93.28 people per sqr mile).

The chart below shows the top 10 Maine cities and places with high population density, and the table below shows the population density of all Maine cities and places.

You can also see this information for other states, as well as the ranking of all cities and places in the United States.

Ranking of Maine Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020
South Portland
South Berwick
East Millinocket
Livermore Falls
Ranking of Maine Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020
Items per page:
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Rank Place Population Density
1 Portland city 3175.42
2 South Portland city 2195.74
3 Kittery CDP 1776.41
4 Berwick CDP 1447.85
5 Orono CDP 1446.56
6 Fairfield CDP 1424.06
7 South Berwick CDP 1393.96
8 East Millinocket CDP 1383.74
9 Livermore Falls CDP 1280.64
10 Mexico CDP 1263.19
11 Old Orchard Beach CDP 1205.20
12 Westbrook city 1186.80
13 Waterville city 1169.63
14 Yarmouth CDP 1168.51
15 Lisbon Falls CDP 1136.68
16 Sabattus CDP 1120.09
17 Lewiston city 1087.13
18 Oak Hill CDP 1042.33
19 Farmington CDP 1032.87
20 Boothbay Harbor CDP 1028.68
21 Camden CDP 1022.71
22 Falmouth Foreside CDP 1020.79
23 South Windham CDP 1017.53
24 Freeport CDP 990.82
25 York Harbor CDP 977.00
26 Gorham CDP 975.47
27 Bath city 961.31
28 Kezar Falls CDP 958.94
29 Lisbon CDP 931.91
30 Bangor city 926.84
31 Houlton CDP 902.39
32 Winslow CDP 887.28
33 Brunswick CDP 876.31
34 Thomaston CDP 867.64
35 Kennebunk CDP 855.96
36 Farmingdale CDP 841.40
37 Falmouth CDP 827.32
38 Randolph CDP 816.36
39 Cape Neddick CDP 813.99
40 Brownville Junction CDP 788.73
41 North Windham CDP 784.10
42 Little Falls CDP 750.13
43 Biddeford city 749.61
44 Dixfield CDP 738.70
45 Woodland CDP 731.62
46 Millinocket CDP 723.29
47 Bar Harbor CDP 711.76
48 Milford CDP 661.46
49 Dunstan CDP 658.86
50 Castine CDP 657.68
51 Cumberland Center CDP 647.38
52 Lubec CDP 640.05
53 Brewer city 634.72
54 Chisholm CDP 614.41
55 Lake Arrowhead CDP 612.23
56 Topsham CDP 600.72
57 Veazie CDP 599.67
58 Fort Fairfield CDP 568.89
59 South Paris CDP 563.23
60 Southwest Harbor CDP 549.50
61 Rumford CDP 546.18
62 Rockland city 540.12
63 Machias CDP 539.69
64 Norway CDP 534.31
65 Kittery Point CDP 528.83
66 Madawaska CDP 528.60
67 Saco city 528.22
68 Anson CDP 524.72
69 South Eliot CDP 517.13
70 Northeast Harbor CDP 511.98
71 North Berwick CDP 510.32
72 Wilton CDP 506.17
73 Cousins Island CDP 497.81
74 Winthrop CDP 482.17
75 Fryeburg CDP 481.07
76 Newport CDP 480.63
77 Skowhegan CDP 479.16
78 Oakland CDP 469.07
79 Sanford city 459.97
80 Fort Kent CDP 450.57
81 Dexter CDP 443.25
82 Hallowell city 438.28
83 Kennebunkport CDP 424.15
84 Mechanic Falls CDP 422.40
85 Van Buren CDP 418.48
86 Hampden CDP 411.96
87 Auburn city 405.48
88 Bethel CDP 404.08
89 Madison CDP 394.12
90 Guilford CDP 385.86
91 Mars Hill CDP 384.25
92 Jonesport CDP 381.35
93 Gardiner city 380.28
94 Bradley CDP 376.15
95 Turner CDP 373.67
96 Lincoln CDP 359.15
97 Eastport city 354.35
98 Damariscotta CDP 345.15
99 Augusta city 342.70
100 Corinna CDP 342.41
101 West Kennebunk CDP 342.34
102 Hartland CDP 339.86
103 Littlejohn Island CDP 339.63
104 Dover-Foxcroft CDP 331.24
105 Limestone CDP 329.99
106 Bingham CDP 316.84
107 Wiscasset CDP 315.97
108 Newcastle CDP 304.51
109 Gray CDP 302.21
110 Pittsfield CDP 300.28
111 Grand Isle CDP 297.03
112 Greene CDP 289.33
113 Bridgton CDP 286.48
114 Patten CDP 271.03
115 Richmond CDP 253.94
116 Cornish CDP 251.56
117 Bucksport CDP 248.16
118 Greenville CDP 245.53
119 Island Falls CDP 244.79
120 Unity CDP 244.47
121 Waldoboro CDP 240.94
122 Milbridge CDP 237.59
123 Winterport CDP 233.77
124 Searsport CDP 229.62
125 Rangeley CDP 227.08
126 Milo CDP 226.01
127 Alfred CDP 222.25
128 North Anson CDP 217.48
129 Washburn CDP 209.72
130 Mapleton CDP 207.47
131 Bowdoinham CDP 206.42
132 Blue Hill CDP 204.60
133 Belfast city 203.82
134 Old Town city 191.40
135 Standish CDP 179.21
136 Winter Harbor CDP 177.52
137 Casco CDP 177.29
138 Kingfield CDP 175.93
139 Naples CDP 160.19
140 Clinton CDP 156.48
141 Oxford CDP 156.12
142 Mattawamkeag CDP 148.69
143 Ashland CDP 143.31
144 Eagle Lake CDP 139.83
145 Danforth CDP 133.67
146 Vanceboro CDP 130.84
147 Howland CDP 127.01
148 Norridgewock CDP 122.02
149 Steep Falls CDP 121.89
150 Presque Isle city 116.09
151 Oakfield CDP 111.69
152 Ellsworth city 105.93
153 Caribou city 93.28
154 Blaine CDP 91.57
155 Calais city 89.71