Ranking of Montana Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020

Updated on October 18, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 Census, as at April 2020, among all Montana cities and places, Browning town had the highest population density per square mile (3.68K people per sqr mile), followed by King Arthur Park CDP (3.35K people per sqr mile), and Laurel city (3.32K people per sqr mile).

On the other hand, Big Sky Colony CDP had the lowest population density per square mile (0.00 people per sqr mile), followed by Fair Haven Colony CDP (0.00 people per sqr mile), and Hartland Colony CDP (0.00 people per sqr mile).

The chart below shows the top 10 Montana cities and places with high population density, and the table below shows the population density of all Montana cities and places.

You can also see this information for other states, as well as the ranking of all cities and places in the United States.

Ranking of Montana Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020
King Arthur Park
Wolf Point
Cut Bank
Great Falls
Ranking of Montana Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020
Items per page:
0 of 0
Rank Place Population Density
1 Browning town 3683.79
2 King Arthur Park CDP 3348.19
3 Laurel city 3324.48
4 Wolf Point city 2931.17
5 Poplar city 2725.59
6 Cut Bank city 2641.97
7 Great Falls city 2627.51
8 Billings city 2615.31
9 Bozeman city 2587.22
10 Belgrade city 2560.52
11 Havre city 2524.13
12 Miles City city 2484.97
13 Fairfield town 2420.26
14 Columbia Falls city 2414.24
15 Glasgow city 2281.49
16 Chinook city 2267.09
17 Missoula city 2130.31
18 Joliet town 2102.29
19 East Missoula CDP 2045.18
20 Dillon city 2044.14
21 Kalispell city 1976.31
22 Corvallis CDP 1950.98
23 Deer Lodge city 1944.86
24 Sidney city 1931.66
25 Hamilton city 1922.03
26 Helena city 1907.81
27 Harlem city 1838.43
28 Conrad city 1822.59
29 Plains town 1799.59
30 Victor CDP 1765.68
31 Malta city 1742.47
32 Chester town 1739.11
33 Big Timber city 1730.59
34 Lodge Grass town 1708.96
35 Ronan city 1624.24
36 West Yellowstone town 1621.84
37 Baker city 1595.34
38 Stevensville town 1545.97
39 Harlowton city 1526.27
40 Belt town 1509.44
41 Libby city 1506.45
42 Hot Springs town 1451.72
43 St. Ignatius town 1440.88
44 Forsyth city 1430.14
45 Whitehall town 1426.93
46 Livingston city 1425.29
47 Glendive city 1402.75
48 Three Forks city 1388.68
49 Scobey city 1357.38
50 Columbus town 1352.96
51 Roundup city 1347.05
52 Broadus town 1295.65
53 Hardin city 1284.06
54 Big Sandy town 1269.37
55 Hysham town 1261.27
56 Darby town 1245.45
57 Ennis town 1241.94
58 Plentywood city 1230.02
59 Manhattan town 1198.92
60 Choteau city 1182.67
61 Townsend city 1176.25
62 Polson city 1133.86
63 Fairview town 1118.41
64 Whitefish city 1108.72
65 Bonner-West Riverside CDP 1101.63
66 Florence CDP 1069.00
67 Boulder city 1068.29
68 Eureka town 1040.56
69 Lewistown city 1040.13
70 Jordan town 1020.15
71 Philipsburg town 988.88
72 White Sulphur Springs city 960.24
73 Dutton town 958.06
74 Orchard Homes CDP 956.32
75 Evergreen CDP 952.80
76 Troy city 941.64
77 Stanford town 939.03
78 Rexford town 923.06
79 North Browning CDP 917.68
80 Cascade town 914.40
81 Clyde Park town 888.98
82 Fromberg town 883.73
83 Superior town 869.17
84 South Browning CDP 841.76
85 Thompson Falls city 838.05
86 Hobson city 837.99
87 Red Lodge city 832.09
88 Bridger town 830.43
89 Alberton town 825.89
90 Malmstrom AFB CDP 808.95
91 Flaxville town 804.05
92 Bearcreek town 795.48
93 Grass Range town 786.60
94 New Miami Colony CDP 783.71
95 Elmo CDP 770.29
96 Hingham town 762.73
97 Circle town 757.93
98 Dodson town 752.42
99 Culbertson town 735.14
100 Terry town 719.38
101 Sheridan town 687.63
102 Paradise CDP 672.55
103 Hebgen Lake Estates CDP 667.52
104 Moore town 663.25
105 Park City CDP 649.90
106 Richey town 636.57
107 Fort Benton city 631.88
108 Pinesdale town 620.91
109 Medicine Lake town 617.51
110 Black Eagle CDP 615.68
111 Valier town 612.38
112 Harrison CDP 601.60
113 Hungry Horse CDP 577.54
114 Lockwood CDP 559.71
115 Shelby city 548.11
116 Four Corners CDP 544.21
117 Broadview town 530.67
118 Tracy CDP 528.86
119 Saco town 523.10
120 Pleasant Valley Colony CDP 521.94
121 West Glendive CDP 519.89
122 Colstrip city 518.10
123 Springwater Colony CDP 507.80
124 White Haven CDP 503.89
125 Drummond town 501.90
126 Piltzville CDP 497.63
127 Woods Bay CDP 497.21
128 Camrose Colony CDP 492.67
129 East Helena city 483.81
130 Pondera Colony CDP 482.98
131 Absarokee CDP 467.09
132 Lolo CDP 464.95
133 Jette CDP 441.58
134 Pablo CDP 441.02
135 Mountain View Colony CDP 439.38
136 Hidden Lake Colony CDP 436.18
137 Wibaux town 430.60
138 Nashua town 426.81
139 Helena Valley Southeast CDP 426.30
140 Kevin town 426.07
141 Savage CDP 422.57
142 Turtle Lake CDP 419.84
143 Eagle Creek Colony CDP 410.05
144 East Malta Colony CDP 400.36
145 Ekalaka town 387.57
146 Lima town 386.63
147 Custer CDP 378.32
148 Hilldale Colony CDP 368.94
149 Antelope CDP 366.14
150 St. Regis CDP 365.50
151 Brockton CDP 361.68
152 Geraldine town 361.03
153 Opheim town 359.63
154 Somers CDP 355.62
155 Sage Creek Colony CDP 343.51
156 Augusta CDP 342.56
157 Rimrock Colony CDP 334.80
158 Huson CDP 334.64
159 Judith Gap city 330.92
160 Helena Valley West Central CDP 328.47
161 Winifred town 328.40
162 Twin Bridges town 325.34
163 Ballantine CDP 321.99
164 Blackfoot CDP 321.94
165 Reed Point CDP 318.61
166 Froid town 312.71
167 Clinton CDP 311.13
168 Raynesford CDP 310.56
169 Hall CDP 309.10
170 Nibbe CDP 305.79
171 Sun Prairie CDP 304.90
172 Plevna town 303.70
173 Springdale CDP 302.53
174 Little Browning CDP 300.27
175 Kerr CDP 300.09
176 Westby town 297.23
177 Ryegate town 295.86
178 Rudyard CDP 294.66
179 Worden CDP 294.48
180 Huntley CDP 290.84
181 Frenchtown CDP 290.68
182 Churchill CDP 289.96
183 Denton town 287.38
184 Helena Valley Northwest CDP 287.29
185 Walkerville town 286.99
186 York CDP 286.85
187 Turah CDP 272.88
188 Vida CDP 272.27
189 Fort Peck town 267.55
190 Martin City CDP 266.74
191 Glendale Colony CDP 263.55
192 Pompeys Pillar CDP 261.36
193 Pioneer Junction CDP 255.93
194 Landusky CDP 252.62
195 Birch Creek Colony CDP 251.80
196 Kingsbury Colony CDP 249.53
197 Wye CDP 244.35
198 Radersburg CDP 242.60
199 Virginia City town 230.64
200 Shepherd CDP 227.99
201 Crow Agency CDP 225.75
202 Turner Colony CDP 220.71
203 Rhodes CDP 218.26
204 Frazer CDP 218.15
205 Havre North CDP 216.75
206 Glacier Colony CDP 214.91
207 Bainville town 214.36
208 Brooks CDP 206.68
209 Vaughn CDP 206.17
210 Noxon CDP 206.07
211 Melstone town 204.94
212 Batavia CDP 203.75
213 Turner CDP 202.44
214 Acton CDP 200.40
215 Laredo CDP 197.65
216 Charlo CDP 193.33
217 Lakeside CDP 192.12
218 Rocky Boy West CDP 191.33
219 Midway Colony CDP 189.98
220 Dayton CDP 189.30
221 Winnett town 184.61
222 Rocky Point CDP 182.78
223 Rapelje CDP 178.65
224 Kremlin CDP 176.88
225 Wilsall CDP 176.10
226 Greycliff CDP 174.76
227 Sunburst town 173.59
228 Rimini CDP 167.61
229 Gallatin Gateway CDP 165.34
230 Marysville CDP 164.80
231 Bigfork CDP 163.76
232 Edgar CDP 161.85
233 Unionville CDP 160.81
234 Forest Hill Village CDP 156.23
235 Lewistown Heights CDP 154.43
236 Coram CDP 154.17
237 Boneau CDP 153.76
238 West Havre CDP 153.31
239 Trout Creek CDP 150.26
240 Pendroy CDP 150.16
241 Kings Point CDP 148.59
242 Twin Creeks CDP 146.75
243 Peerless CDP 146.59
244 Forty Mile Colony CDP 146.44
245 Logan CDP 144.23
246 Gardiner CDP 143.81
247 Old Agency CDP 143.22
248 Helena Flats CDP 142.91
249 Olney CDP 139.84
250 Norris CDP 137.34
251 Seeley Lake CDP 137.20
252 Heart Butte CDP 136.06
253 The Silos CDP 134.70
254 Sweet Grass CDP 134.53
255 Lavina town 134.49
256 Cascade Colony CDP 134.47
257 Craig CDP 130.61
258 Loring Colony CDP 129.33
259 Joplin CDP 125.92
260 Finley Point CDP 124.69
261 Gildford CDP 124.14
262 Lindisfarne CDP 124.12
263 Fort Smith CDP 123.18
264 McAllister CDP 122.54
265 Polebridge CDP 119.80
266 Power CDP 118.11
267 Argenta CDP 117.45
268 Flat Willow Colony CDP 117.16
269 Carlton CDP 117.07
270 Wolf Creek CDP 116.98
271 Rockvale CDP 116.33
272 Belfry CDP 115.92
273 Fishtail CDP 115.90
274 Riverbend CDP 115.43
275 Helmville CDP 115.42
276 Charlos Heights CDP 113.98
277 Arlee CDP 111.36
278 Riverview Colony CDP 110.50
279 South Hills CDP 109.66
280 Box Elder CDP 108.11
281 Nye CDP 107.56
282 Twin Hills Colony CDP 106.73
283 Kila CDP 106.64
284 Camas CDP 104.15
285 Brandon CDP 103.93
286 Windham CDP 103.46
287 Wisdom CDP 103.18
288 Conner CDP 102.28
289 Bloomfield CDP 101.71
290 Bear Dance CDP 101.25
291 Stockett CDP 100.21
292 Silver Star CDP 100.07
293 Bull Lake CDP 99.35
294 Pine Creek CDP 98.91
295 Square Butte CDP 98.10
296 Glen CDP 96.19
297 Gildford Colony CDP 95.14
298 Dewey CDP 94.85
299 Pony CDP 94.63
300 Potomac CDP 94.58
301 Utica CDP 92.15
302 Whitlash CDP 91.67
303 Haugan CDP 90.77
304 North Harlem Colony CDP 88.87
305 Rosebud CDP 87.68
306 Geyser CDP 87.64
307 Helena West Side CDP 87.08
308 Hilger CDP 85.58
308 Montana City CDP 85.58
309 Montaqua CDP 85.25
310 Essex CDP 84.82
311 Deerfield Colony CDP 84.66
312 Willow Creek CDP 84.28
313 Big Stone Colony CDP 82.79
314 East Glacier Park Village CDP 81.21
315 Homestead CDP 80.48
316 Pinnacle CDP 79.52
317 Jeffers CDP 78.78
318 Hardy CDP 77.81
319 Roberts CDP 76.38
320 Amsterdam CDP 76.11
321 Gilman CDP 73.42
322 Moccasin CDP 72.61
323 Corwin Springs CDP 71.76
323 St. Mary CDP 71.76
324 Helena Valley Northeast CDP 71.62
325 Whitewater CDP 70.67
326 Roscoe CDP 70.21
327 Azure CDP 69.83
328 Boyd CDP 69.13
329 Beaver Creek CDP 67.79
330 Outlook town 67.30
331 Rollins CDP 66.82
332 Sand Coulee CDP 66.62
333 Marion CDP 66.33
334 Whitetail CDP 65.04
335 Sleeping Buffalo CDP 64.57
336 Canyon Creek CDP 64.21
337 Starr School CDP 63.17
338 Gibson Flats CDP 60.83
339 Saddle Butte CDP 60.18
340 Coffee Creek CDP 59.70
341 Danvers CDP 59.29
342 Lincoln CDP 56.88
343 Wise River CDP 56.86
344 Fox Lake CDP 55.33
345 New Rockport Colony CDP 55.26
346 Silesia CDP 55.18
347 Zurich CDP 54.09
348 Centerville CDP 53.66
349 West Glacier CDP 53.36
350 Luther CDP 52.64
351 Parker School CDP 52.51
352 Surprise Creek Colony CDP 52.22
353 King Ranch Colony CDP 51.36
354 Sun River CDP 51.05
355 Lake Mary Ronan CDP 50.52
356 Busby CDP 50.22
357 Sangrey CDP 50.06
358 Snowslip CDP 49.56
359 Martinsdale CDP 49.33
360 Alzada CDP 48.67
361 Butte-Silver Bow (balance) 48.19
362 Sapphire Ridge CDP 48.11
363 Simms CDP 47.43
364 Spring Creek Colony CDP 47.39
365 Clancy CDP 47.26
366 Rocky Boy's Agency CDP 47.09
367 Goldcreek CDP 46.12
368 Fort Shaw CDP 45.07
368 St. Pierre CDP 45.07
369 Cyr CDP 44.96
370 Fortine CDP 44.71
371 Wineglass CDP 44.67
372 Martinsdale Colony CDP 43.63
373 Emigrant CDP 43.17
373 Springhill CDP 43.17
374 Alder CDP 42.86
375 Warm Spring Creek CDP 42.45
376 Riceville CDP 40.80
377 Ismay town 40.52
378 Big Arm CDP 40.23
379 Brockway CDP 39.78
380 Redstone CDP 38.66
381 Toston CDP 38.47
382 Dell CDP 38.04
383 Brady CDP 37.54
384 Ashland CDP 37.40
384 Jackson CDP 37.40
385 Racetrack CDP 37.37
386 Hays CDP 36.76
387 Maverick Mountain CDP 36.22
388 Crane CDP 36.09
389 Ulm CDP 35.68
390 Horizon Colony CDP 34.62
391 Fort Belknap Agency CDP 34.44
392 Lame Deer CDP 34.12
393 Fox CDP 34.03
394 Heron CDP 33.96
395 Belknap CDP 33.83
396 Dixon CDP 33.35
397 De Borgia CDP 33.25
398 Winston CDP 32.39
399 Monarch CDP 32.37
400 Ravalli CDP 32.34
401 Highwood CDP 31.88
402 Twodot CDP 31.70
403 Kicking Horse CDP 31.46
404 Camp Three CDP 30.98
405 Santa Rita CDP 30.90
406 Saltese CDP 30.43
407 Big Sky CDP 29.92
408 Hinsdale CDP 29.85
409 Cardwell CDP 28.88
410 Fords Creek Colony CDP 28.67
411 Wyola CDP 28.25
412 Roy CDP 28.20
413 Elliston CDP 28.03
414 Weeksville CDP 27.83
415 Pray CDP 27.60
416 Hogeland CDP 27.49
417 Ayers Ranch Colony CDP 27.25
418 West Kootenai CDP 26.25
419 Jefferson City CDP 25.71
420 Spokane Creek CDP 24.87
421 Miller Colony CDP 24.63
422 Reserve CDP 24.46
423 Stryker CDP 24.28
424 Fallon CDP 24.02
425 Musselshell CDP 23.12
426 Muddy CDP 22.57
427 Carter CDP 22.43
428 Lodge Pole CDP 21.96
429 Evaro CDP 21.74
430 Neihart town 21.63
431 St. Marie CDP 21.36
432 Zortman CDP 20.74
433 Bridger CDP 20.01
433 Dupuyer CDP 20.01
434 Maxville CDP 19.79
435 Inverness CDP 19.75
436 Shawmut CDP 19.57
437 Lakeview CDP 19.47
438 Golden Valley Colony CDP 19.27
439 Indian Springs CDP 18.89
440 Loma CDP 18.87
441 Herron CDP 18.80
442 Lindsay CDP 18.52
443 Little Bitterroot Lake CDP 18.27
444 Happys Inn CDP 18.25
445 Bynum CDP 17.20
446 Sylvanite CDP 17.15
447 East End Colony CDP 16.89
448 Rader Creek CDP 16.84
449 Ponderosa Pines CDP 16.77
450 Gallatin River Ranch CDP 16.54
451 Floweree CDP 16.14
452 Pryor CDP 16.00
453 South Glastonbury CDP 15.84
454 Basin CDP 15.66
455 Wheatland CDP 14.82
456 St. Xavier CDP 13.94
457 Babb CDP 13.71
458 Swan Lake CDP 13.40
459 Condon CDP 13.32
460 Lonepine CDP 13.18
461 Anaconda-Deer Lodge County 12.79
462 Klein CDP 12.68
463 Sula CDP 12.53
464 Yaak CDP 12.14
465 Garrison CDP 11.94
466 Duncan Ranch Colony CDP 11.57
467 Mammoth CDP 11.42
468 Grant CDP 10.86
469 Trego CDP 9.55
470 Ovando CDP 9.21
471 Avon CDP 8.53
472 Cooke City CDP 8.07
473 Birney CDP 6.43
474 Milford Colony CDP 4.51
475 Silver Gate CDP 4.36
476 Jardine CDP 3.19
477 Elkhorn CDP 1.78
478 Sedan CDP 1.66
479 Biddle CDP 1.64
480 Niarada CDP 0.57
481 Big Sky Colony CDP 0.00
481 Fair Haven Colony CDP 0.00
481 Hartland Colony CDP 0.00
481 Hillside Colony CDP 0.00
481 Kilby Butte Colony CDP 0.00
481 Prairie Elk Colony CDP 0.00
481 Rockport Colony CDP 0.00
481 Seville Colony CDP 0.00
481 Springdale Colony CDP 0.00
481 Sunnybrook Colony CDP 0.00
481 Zenith Colony CDP 0.00