Ranking of New Mexico Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020

Updated on October 18, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 Census, as at April 2020, among all New Mexico cities and places, Paradise Hills CDP had the highest population density per square mile (4.23K people per sqr mile), followed by Placitas CDP (3.68K people per sqr mile), and Valle Vista CDP (3.46K people per sqr mile).

On the other hand, McGaffey CDP had the lowest population density per square mile (0.00 people per sqr mile), followed by Lake Sumner CDP (1.16 people per sqr mile), and Old Town CDP (2.12 people per sqr mile).

The chart below shows the top 10 New Mexico cities and places with high population density, and the table below shows the population density of all New Mexico cities and places.

You can also see this information for other states, as well as the ranking of all cities and places in the United States.

Ranking of New Mexico Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020
Paradise Hills
Valle Vista
University Park
Ranking of New Mexico Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020
Items per page:
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Rank Place Population Density
1 Paradise Hills CDP 4233.00
2 Placitas CDP 3682.77
3 Valle Vista CDP 3460.49
4 Anthony city 3221.28
5 Morningside CDP 3218.14
6 Albuquerque city 3014.68
7 Tortugas CDP 2913.40
8 Bayard city 2225.73
9 Tyrone CDP 2122.69
10 University Park CDP 1959.55
11 Bernalillo town 1837.85
12 Butterfield Park CDP 1765.30
13 Berino CDP 1756.86
14 Sandia Heights CDP 1735.46
15 Las Vegas city 1682.99
16 Santa Fe city 1675.29
17 Clovis city 1632.49
18 Roswell city 1629.48
19 North Valley CDP 1604.99
20 Las Maravillas CDP 1588.81
21 Hobbs city 1534.18
22 Portales city 1526.24
23 Dexter town 1472.40
24 Las Cruces city 1447.81
25 Alamogordo city 1444.48
26 Gamerco CDP 1403.26
27 Do�a Ana CDP 1368.49
28 Farmington city 1352.96
29 South Valley CDP 1321.12
30 Los Ranchos de Albuquerque village 1319.46
31 Espa�ola city 1280.19
32 Hurley town 1231.16
33 Sunland Park city 1229.63
34 Agua Fria CDP 1201.76
35 Mesquite CDP 1201.65
36 Los Alamos CDP 1186.46
37 Texico city 1152.96
38 Loving village 1152.30
39 Artesia city 1136.84
40 Santo Domingo Pueblo CDP 1133.86
41 Isleta CDP 1097.59
42 Gallup city 1084.64
43 Taos town 1076.15
44 Pecan Park CDP 1051.59
45 Lovington city 1041.39
46 Valencia CDP 1034.39
47 Carlsbad city 1022.90
48 Bosque Farms village 1021.60
49 Rio Rancho city 1006.62
50 Vado CDP 983.85
51 Jemez Pueblo CDP 960.15
52 Silver City town 958.99
53 Williamsburg village 950.72
54 La Huerta CDP 950.39
55 Los Lunas village 920.57
56 Tularosa village 905.63
57 Deming city 882.91
58 White Cliffs CDP 865.40
59 Navajo CDP 862.01
60 White Rock CDP 828.16
61 Santa Clara village 822.57
62 San Ysidro CDP 806.41
63 Corrales village 787.18
64 Pecos village 784.13
65 El Cerro Mission CDP 776.13
66 Ranchos de Taos CDP 767.46
67 Raton city 758.85
68 Peralta town 752.16
69 Eunice city 746.40
70 La Villita CDP 736.00
71 Talpa CDP 732.43
72 Hagerman town 719.05
73 Lake Arthur town 710.31
74 San Pablo CDP 705.26
75 Kirtland AFB CDP 704.50
76 El Cerro CDP 693.87
77 Ruidoso Downs city 691.36
78 Black Rock CDP 681.56
79 Santa Cruz CDP 670.38
80 Rio Communities city 640.25
81 Cochiti CDP 614.88
82 Grants city 614.45
83 Salem CDP 609.13
84 Williams Acres CDP 608.80
85 Rodey CDP 603.03
86 Socorro city 602.41
87 Alcalde CDP 600.62
88 Virden village 595.88
89 Picacho Hills CDP 575.13
90 Shiprock CDP 571.24
91 Santa Rosa city 570.13
92 Milan village 566.04
93 Mountainair town 559.27
94 Tucumcari city 555.14
95 Los Luceros CDP 543.49
96 Red River town 533.87
97 El Rancho CDP 533.58
98 Reserve village 525.92
99 La Hacienda CDP 524.79
100 Hatch village 512.17
101 Santa Teresa CDP 504.20
102 Totah Vista CDP 503.10
103 Zuni Pueblo CDP 489.26
104 Monterey Park CDP 480.96
105 Ruidoso village 476.00
106 Pojoaque CDP 474.12
107 Jacona CDP 472.24
108 Maxwell village 472.12
109 Seton Village CDP 469.71
110 Santa Clara Pueblo CDP 460.48
111 Cloudcroft village 458.42
112 Cuyamungue CDP 457.86
113 Jal city 456.55
114 Homer C Jones CDP 453.38
115 Mountain View CDP 451.00
116 Sandia Knolls CDP 446.73
117 Hernandez CDP 445.86
118 Tatum town 445.39
119 Peak Place CDP 442.50
120 Los Chaves CDP 436.28
121 Jaconita CDP 428.88
122 Capitan village 426.78
123 San Miguel CDP 425.66
124 Springer town 422.40
125 Livingston Wheeler CDP 418.20
126 La Mesilla CDP 414.04
127 Flora Vista CDP 413.54
128 Tijeras village 410.74
129 San Antonito CDP 404.60
130 Lee Acres CDP 403.96
131 Bloomfield city 400.10
132 Chimayo CDP 397.74
133 Meadow Lake CDP 396.23
134 La Puebla CDP 395.80
135 Fruitland CDP 393.85
136 El Duende CDP 390.17
137 Pe�asco CDP 389.73
138 Belen city 388.30
139 Ohkay Owingeh CDP 381.39
140 Sausal CDP 379.57
141 Arrey CDP 374.81
142 Cimarron village 374.06
143 Pueblo of Sandia Village CDP 371.27
144 San Jose CDP 370.30
145 Melrose village 368.01
146 Sombrillo CDP 366.30
147 Sandia Park CDP 365.57
148 Aztec city 363.43
149 Chama village 354.43
150 Ojo Amarillo CDP 354.28
151 Cochiti Lake CDP 352.31
152 Elephant Butte city 346.27
153 Fairacres CDP 341.58
154 Questa village 340.73
155 Ojo Encino CDP 340.55
156 Clayton town 340.17
157 Kirtland town 339.75
158 Cannon AFB CDP 337.35
159 Escondida CDP 335.22
160 La Cienega CDP 333.18
161 Cuartelez CDP 332.79
162 Midway CDP 329.16
163 Grady village 322.98
164 Arenas Valley CDP 317.47
165 Mesilla town 316.44
166 Becenti CDP 313.46
167 Tome CDP 311.02
168 Columbus village 309.03
169 Holloman AFB CDP 303.51
170 Casas Adobes CDP 300.87
171 Vadito CDP 299.35
172 West Hammond CDP 299.15
173 Cedar Crest CDP 298.55
174 Pinos Altos CDP 297.47
175 Pulpotio Bareas CDP 296.45
176 Angustura CDP 294.93
177 Arroyo Seco CDP 289.93
178 Eldorado at Santa Fe CDP 288.96
179 Rio Lucio CDP 288.15
180 Happy Valley CDP 287.65
181 Tecolotito CDP 283.89
182 Moriarty city 280.62
183 Organ CDP 280.51
184 Chaparral CDP 280.22
185 El Valle de Arroyo Seco CDP 278.91
186 Lordsburg city 277.15
187 La Mesa CDP 273.44
188 Fort Sumner village 268.21
189 Hot Springs Landing CDP 266.30
190 Center Point CDP 264.89
190 Thunder Mountain CDP 264.89
191 Wagon Mound village 262.94
192 Veguita CDP 261.84
193 Chamita CDP 260.98
194 Arroyo Hondo CDP 259.75
195 Rincon CDP 258.86
196 North Light Plant CDP 257.18
197 Crouch Mesa CDP 254.28
198 Cobre CDP 253.38
199 Pueblitos CDP 252.85
200 San Jose CDP 252.61
201 Lemitar CDP 252.29
202 Kingston CDP 251.18
203 Radium Springs CDP 251.09
204 North Hobbs CDP 250.72
205 San Antonio CDP 249.84
206 Adelino CDP 246.30
207 Sedillo CDP 244.01
208 La Union CDP 240.68
209 Chamberino CDP 240.67
210 Rio en Medio CDP 236.69
211 Little Walnut Village CDP 236.50
212 South River CDP 235.68
213 Jarales CDP 234.25
214 Conejo CDP 231.04
215 Tres Arroyos CDP 229.94
216 Mount Taylor CDP 228.57
217 Cordova CDP 228.45
218 Rancho Grande CDP 226.98
219 Yah-ta-hey CDP 220.37
220 Nambe CDP 219.33
221 White Sands CDP 219.20
222 Sundance CDP 218.71
223 Willard village 217.92
224 Dulce CDP 217.37
225 Spencerville CDP 216.57
226 Truth or Consequences city 216.17
227 Crestview CDP 214.28
228 Rosedale CDP 213.42
229 San Felipe Pueblo CDP 212.14
230 Upper Fruitland CDP 212.06
231 Skyline-Ganipa CDP 206.76
232 Glen Acres CDP 206.54
233 Madrone CDP 201.79
234 Estancia town 201.36
235 Velarde CDP 201.30
236 Las Tusas CDP 199.84
237 Sunlit Hills CDP 196.20
238 Tesuque CDP 193.36
239 Chupadero CDP 193.22
240 Cuba village 192.38
241 Carnuel CDP 191.62
242 Waterflow CDP 191.61
243 Abiquiu CDP 189.80
244 Lake Roberts CDP 187.08
245 Rio Chiquito CDP 186.02
246 Polvadera CDP 183.63
247 East Pecos CDP 183.43
248 El Rito CDP 182.29
249 Picuris Pueblo CDP 181.73
250 Madrid CDP 177.65
251 Watrous CDP 173.89
252 Atoka CDP 170.55
253 Napi Headquarters CDP 170.31
254 Placitas CDP 169.61
255 Garfield CDP 168.51
256 Indian Hills CDP 165.81
257 Pinehill CDP 165.79
258 Chili CDP 164.78
259 Nenahnezad CDP 164.28
260 Fort Wingate CDP 162.77
261 Elida town 162.35
262 North Hurley CDP 158.49
263 Golden Acres CDP 157.12
264 Chamisal CDP 155.43
265 Chical CDP 152.93
266 Cundiyo CDP 152.30
267 La Bajada CDP 150.15
268 Pueblito CDP 149.45
269 La Luz CDP 147.69
270 Lumberton CDP 146.32
271 Boles Acres CDP 146.08
272 Brazos CDP 142.75
273 San Ildefonso Pueblo CDP 141.28
274 Paa-Ko CDP 140.94
275 Barton CDP 140.01
276 Las Campanas CDP 139.92
277 Purty Rock CDP 139.75
278 Tesuque Pueblo CDP 136.93
279 Tano Road CDP 136.26
280 Ponderosa Pine CDP 135.28
281 Des Moines village 134.46
282 Hyde Park CDP 134.27
283 Laguna CDP 134.20
284 Edith Endave CDP 132.15
285 Bluewater Village CDP 130.85
286 City of the Sun CDP 130.34
287 Santa Fe Foothills CDP 129.74
288 Magdalena village 129.51
289 Chilili CDP 126.94
290 Paraje CDP 126.44
291 Corona village 125.73
292 Iyanbito CDP 125.05
293 Ribera CDP 124.77
294 Las Nutrias CDP 123.20
295 Luis Lopez CDP 122.60
296 Las Palomas CDP 122.27
297 Tohatchi CDP 121.36
298 Canova CDP 120.68
299 Cedar Hill CDP 120.21
300 Hachita CDP 117.33
301 Carrizozo town 116.25
302 Jamestown CDP 116.17
303 Chamizal CDP 115.38
304 Ca�ada de los Alamos CDP 114.43
305 McCartys Village CDP 112.24
306 Winston CDP 112.18
307 Mimbres CDP 111.86
308 Lyden CDP 111.49
309 South Acomita Village CDP 111.36
310 Twin Lakes CDP 111.33
311 Tierra Amarilla CDP 110.47
312 Edgewood town 108.71
313 Naschitti CDP 108.56
314 La Cueva CDP 106.95
315 Mesita CDP 106.14
316 Arroyo Hondo CDP 104.32
317 Alamillo CDP 103.29
318 Hanover CDP 103.05
319 Sagar CDP 102.73
320 Ca�oncito CDP 101.21
321 Keeler Farm CDP 100.61
322 Algodones CDP 98.53
323 Mosquero village 98.22
324 Ventura CDP 97.98
325 Paguate CDP 97.35
326 Soham CDP 95.03
327 La Plata CDP 94.98
328 Roy village 94.42
329 Middle Frisco CDP 93.50
330 Hope village 92.36
331 North Acomita Village CDP 92.22
332 Logan village 91.55
333 Santa Ana Pueblo CDP 91.14
334 Quemado CDP 91.07
335 Pe�a Blanca CDP 90.61
336 Broadview CDP 90.29
337 Anton Chico CDP 90.15
338 Acomita Lake CDP 86.58
339 La Joya CDP 85.34
340 San Lorenzo CDP 84.73
341 Church Rock CDP 84.07
342 Mescalero CDP 82.74
343 Highland Meadows CDP 82.02
344 Dixon CDP 81.33
345 Ojo Sarco CDP 81.25
346 Lamy CDP 81.07
347 Blanco CDP 79.91
348 Loco Hills CDP 79.30
349 Caballo CDP 78.53
350 Folsom village 78.29
351 Cedro CDP 77.15
352 Oasis CDP 77.05
353 Continental Divide CDP 76.80
354 Los Cerrillos CDP 76.67
354 Taos Pueblo CDP 76.67
355 Galisteo CDP 75.03
356 Valencia CDP 74.21
357 San Rafael CDP 73.91
358 Seama CDP 73.69
359 Ensenada CDP 73.41
360 Glenwood CDP 73.35
361 Sena CDP 72.91
362 Cuyamungue Grant CDP 72.17
363 Canjilon CDP 71.07
364 Sanostee CDP 71.00
365 San Ysidro village 70.99
366 Medanales CDP 70.85
367 Eagle Nest village 70.25
368 Encinal CDP 69.81
369 Los Ojos CDP 69.69
370 Anzac Village CDP 68.69
371 La Boca CDP 68.24
372 Mora CDP 68.08
373 Manzano Springs CDP 67.55
374 Truchas CDP 67.39
375 Glorieta CDP 66.81
376 San Jon village 66.60
377 Crystal CDP 66.38
378 Hillsboro CDP 65.61
379 Rock Springs CDP 64.11
380 Pleasanton CDP 63.70
381 Homestead CDP 63.19
382 Faywood CDP 62.78
383 La Cueva CDP 61.60
384 Seboyeta CDP 61.38
385 House village 61.27
386 Prewitt CDP 60.91
387 Thoreau CDP 59.97
388 McIntosh CDP 59.90
389 Lower Frisco CDP 59.50
390 Costilla CDP 58.50
391 Grenville village 58.09
392 High Rolls CDP 55.93
393 Tse Bonito CDP 55.70
394 La Madera CDP 55.67
395 Twin Forks CDP 55.23
396 Haystack CDP 54.67
397 San Acacia CDP 54.46
398 North San Ysidro CDP 54.39
399 Sheep Springs CDP 51.12
400 Vaughn town 51.08
401 Newcomb CDP 51.04
402 Ojo Caliente CDP 51.01
403 Nakaibito CDP 50.73
404 Casa Colorada CDP 50.55
405 San Mateo CDP 50.10
406 Rowe CDP 49.74
407 Youngsville CDP 49.49
408 Punta de Agua CDP 49.24
409 Pastura CDP 48.98
410 Pueblo CDP 48.38
411 Gallina CDP 47.50
412 Turley CDP 47.11
413 Pinedale CDP 47.04
414 San Antonito CDP 46.83
415 Dora village 44.55
416 Moquino CDP 44.30
417 Cedar Grove CDP 43.01
418 Crownpoint CDP 42.96
419 Nadine CDP 41.87
420 Tecolote CDP 41.60
421 Ponderosa CDP 41.53
422 Angel Fire village 41.38
423 Jemez Springs village 41.24
424 Capulin CDP 41.11
425 Monument CDP 40.36
426 Llano del Medio CDP 39.76
427 Tajique CDP 39.20
428 Trout Valley CDP 38.40
429 Malaga CDP 37.69
430 Ramah CDP 37.58
431 Windmill CDP 37.36
432 Buckhorn CDP 37.10
433 Abeytas CDP 36.50
434 Beclabito CDP 35.20
435 Luna CDP 34.90
436 Encantado CDP 34.65
437 Lobo Canyon CDP 33.95
438 La Tierra CDP 31.81
439 Whites City CDP 31.70
440 La Madera CDP 31.54
441 Gila CDP 30.44
442 San Cristobal CDP 29.92
443 Middle Mesa CDP 29.81
444 White Signal CDP 29.69
445 San Fidel CDP 29.47
446 Cubero CDP 29.37
447 Alamo CDP 29.36
448 Cruzville CDP 28.99
449 Bibo CDP 28.86
450 Lake Roberts Heights CDP 28.84
451 Villanueva CDP 28.53
452 Floyd village 28.24
453 Zia Pueblo CDP 28.12
454 Cliff CDP 27.70
455 Sunshine CDP 27.62
456 Mountain View CDP 27.02
457 Taos Ski Valley village 27.00
458 Datil CDP 26.74
459 Coyote CDP 26.48
460 Rio Rancho Estates CDP 26.35
461 Stoneridge CDP 26.30
462 Encino village 25.61
463 Pinehaven CDP 24.69
464 Bent CDP 24.45
465 Vanderwagen CDP 24.10
466 Conchas Dam CDP 23.30
467 Catalpa Canyon CDP 22.87
468 Gila Hot Springs CDP 21.21
469 San Pedro CDP 21.00
470 Navajo Dam CDP 20.96
471 Ca�ones CDP 20.54
472 Candy Kitchen CDP 20.28
473 Torreon CDP 20.24
474 Torreon CDP 20.16
475 Ca�on CDP 19.68
476 Nageezi CDP 19.65
477 Ute Park CDP 18.55
478 Causey village 18.16
479 Brimhall Nizhoni CDP 17.54
480 Stanley CDP 17.49
481 Timberon CDP 17.00
482 Manzano CDP 15.39
483 Bluewater CDP 14.79
484 Alma CDP 14.45
485 Nogal CDP 13.80
486 Playas CDP 13.41
487 Rodeo CDP 13.18
488 La Jara CDP 12.42
489 Pajarito Mesa CDP 12.22
490 Black Hat CDP 11.52
491 Animas CDP 11.49
492 Puerto de Luna CDP 10.92
493 Cotton City CDP 10.30
494 Pueblo Pintado CDP 10.26
494 Timberlake CDP 10.26
495 Mayhill CDP 10.11
496 Regina CDP 10.04
497 Rivers CDP 9.81
498 Duran CDP 9.38
499 Deer Canyon CDP 9.26
500 Aragon CDP 8.99
501 Borrego Pass CDP 8.85
502 Lindrith CDP 8.79
503 Lake Valley CDP 8.75
504 Manuelito CDP 8.33
505 Sacramento CDP 8.10
506 Apache Creek CDP 7.80
507 Escudilla Bonita CDP 7.57
508 Weed CDP 7.47
509 Newkirk CDP 7.35
510 Red Rock Ranch CDP 7.33
511 Nara Visa CDP 7.23
512 Orogrande CDP 6.16
513 Mogollon CDP 6.14
514 Fence Lake CDP 5.67
515 Redrock CDP 5.00
516 Lybrook CDP 4.89
517 Pinon CDP 4.65
518 San Luis CDP 3.86
519 El Morro Valley CDP 3.02
520 Pie Town CDP 2.90
521 Golden CDP 2.83
522 Old Town CDP 2.12
523 Lake Sumner CDP 1.16
524 McGaffey CDP 0.00