Massachusetts 2020 Census Total Population By County

Updated on January 23, 2023.

The total population of Massachusetts from the 2020 Census was 7,029,917, based on data from the US Census Bureau.

Middlesex County was the most populated county (1,632,002), followed by Worcester County (862,111), and then Essex County (809,829). On the other hand, the 3 counties that were least populated include: Nantucket County (14,255), Dukes County (20,600), and Franklin County (71,029).

You can also see this information for other states and also for the US by state.

Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of Massachusetts population that lives in each county. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

You can also see the population by county for the different racial groups as well as the different ethnicities in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts 2020 Census Total Population By County
Massachusetts 2020 Census Total Population By County
Items per page:
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County Population % of Massachusetts Pop.
Barnstable 228996 3.26
Berkshire 129026 1.84
Bristol 579200 8.24
Dukes 20600 0.29
Essex 809829 11.52
Franklin 71029 1.01
Hampden 465825 6.63
Hampshire 162308 2.31
Middlesex 1632002 23.22
Nantucket 14255 0.20
Norfolk 725981 10.33
Plymouth 530819 7.55
Suffolk 797936 11.35
Worcester 862111 12.26