North Dakota Non-Hispanic White alone Population By County in 2018

Updated on February 3, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2018, there were 638,458 people that identified as Non-Hispanic White alone in North Dakota and they represented 84.00% of the total population of North Dakota in 2018. Cass County had the highest number of Non-Hispanic White alone population (152,848), followed by Burleigh County (84,576), and Grand Forks County (58,781). On the other hand, Sioux County had the lowest number of Non-Hispanic White alone (551), followed by Slope County (710), and Billings County (855).

When it comes to the percentage of each county's population that identified as Non-Hispanic White alone, Griggs County had the highest percentage (97.29%), followed by LaMoure County (96.57%), and Wells County (95.94%).

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Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's Non-Hispanic White alone population. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
North Dakota Non-Hispanic White alone Population By County in 2018
North Dakota Non-Hispanic White alone Population By County in 2018
Items per page:
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County Non-Hispanic White alone Population % of County Population
Adams 2091 92.03
Barnes 9785 92.84
Benson 2830 40.81
Billings 855 92.63
Bottineau 5847 91.39
Bowman 2833 92.55
Burke 1964 93.52
Burleigh 84576 88.53
Cass 152848 84.51
Cavalier 3598 94.76
Dickey 4575 93.39
Divide 2053 91.29
Dunn 3493 81.19
Eddy 2038 89.62
Emmons 3122 95.74
Foster 3053 95.05
Golden Valley 1656 93.82
Grand Forks 58781 83.17
Grant 2232 94.86
Griggs 2153 97.29
Hettinger 2308 91.7
Kidder 2307 94.05
LaMoure 3939 96.57
Logan 1791 94.91
McHenry 5533 95.36
McIntosh 2427 94.95
McKenzie 10515 77.42
McLean 8462 88.98
Mercer 7682 92.66
Morton 27805 89.58
Mountrail 6149 60.18
Nelson 2649 91.95
Oliver 1821 93.39
Pembina 6249 91.13
Pierce 3710 91.11
Ramsey 9555 82.56
Ransom 4928 94.44
Renville 2231 94.98
Richland 14816 91.2
Rolette 2599 18.05
Sargent 3543 91.5
Sheridan 1266 94.76
Sioux 551 12.57
Slope 710 92.69
Stark 26929 87.05
Steele 1804 94.8
Stutsman 19166 91.72
Towner 1964 89.93
Traill 7369 92.18
Walsh 8955 84.47
Ward 56370 82.29
Wells 3737 95.94
Williams 28235 79.09