Kansas Hispanic or Latino Population By County in 2019

Updated on December 18, 2022.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2019, there were 357,005 hispanics or latinos (of all racial backgrounds) in Kansas and they represented 12.26% of the total population of Kansas in 2019.

Sedgwick County had the highest number of hispanics or latinos (78,150), followed by Wyandotte County (49,343), and Johnson County (47,829). On the other hand, Trego County had the lowest number of hispanics or latinos (73), followed by Jewell County (73), and Osborne County (80).

When it comes to the ratio of hispanic to non-hispanic population, Seward County had the highest percentage (63.2%), followed by Ford County (55.58%), and Finney County (50.42%).

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Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's hispanic or latino population. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Kansas Hispanic or Latino Population By County in 2019
Kansas Hispanic or Latino Population By County in 2019
Items per page:
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County Population % of County Population
Allen 469 3.78
Anderson 167 2.11
Atchison 501 3.1
Barber 210 4.71
Barton 3984 15.36
Bourbon 419 2.89
Brown 523 5.48
Butler 3491 5.22
Chase 134 5.18
Chautauqua 133 4.15
Cherokee 570 2.86
Cheyenne 184 7.01
Clark 218 10.87
Clay 222 2.77
Cloud 310 3.53
Coffey 237 2.91
Comanche 136 7.98
Cowley 3954 11.37
Crawford 2381 6.15
Decatur 98 3.48
Dickinson 896 4.88
Doniphan 214 2.82
Douglas 7970 6.52
Edwards 582 20.91
Elk 121 4.83
Ellis 1763 6.15
Ellsworth 392 6.43
Finney 18327 50.42
Ford 18532 55.58
Franklin 1133 4.42
Geary 5289 16.53
Gove 90 3.38
Graham 98 4.01
Grant 3481 48.78
Gray 958 15.98
Greeley 234 19.32
Greenwood 253 4.22
Hamilton 929 36.94
Harper 341 6.27
Harvey 4261 12.37
Haskell 1237 31.03
Hodgeman 129 7.32
Jackson 692 5.26
Jefferson 576 3.01
Jewell 73 2.55
Johnson 47829 7.93
Kearny 1221 32.07
Kingman 276 3.91
Kiowa 150 6.07
Labette 952 4.83
Lane 147 9.63
Leavenworth 5989 7.31
Lincoln 112 3.78
Linn 285 2.93
Logan 181 6.52
Lyon 7241 21.79
McPherson 1289 4.51
Marion 475 4.01
Marshall 258 2.66
Meade 772 19.19
Miami 1154 3.37
Mitchell 156 2.61
Montgomery 2280 7.17
Morris 309 5.5
Morton 581 22.91
Nemaha 233 2.29
Neosho 966 6.08
Ness 309 11.11
Norton 293 5.45
Osage 569 3.58
Osborne 80 2.33
Ottawa 170 2.98
Pawnee 467 7.32
Phillips 178 3.39
Pottawatomie 1248 5.1
Pratt 656 7.2
Rawlins 195 7.82
Reno 6069 9.8
Republic 105 2.3
Rice 1099 11.55
Riley 6092 8.37
Rooks 121 2.45
Rush 128 4.28
Russell 274 3.99
Saline 6439 11.89
Scott 902 18.6
Sedgwick 78150 15.13
Seward 13537 63.2
Shawnee 22858 12.93
Sheridan 148 5.88
Sherman 728 12.27
Smith 89 2.49
Stafford 542 13.28
Stanton 757 38.1
Stevens 2036 37.67
Sumner 1297 5.69
Thomas 569 7.39
Trego 73 2.63
Wabaunsee 313 4.54
Wallace 127 8.37
Washington 221 4.06
Wichita 640 30.22
Wilson 311 3.64
Woodson 104 3.36
Wyandotte 49343 29.72