Kansas Net Migration By County in 2018

Updated on January 22, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2018, the net migration for Kansas was -6,887. Johnson County had the highest net migration (3,751) followed by Douglas County (499), and Riley County (241). On the other hand, Sedgwick County had the lowest net migration (-1,685), followed by Geary County (-1,611), and Shawnee County (-1,015).

Net migration for a county refers to the difference between the number of migrants, both domestic and international, moving to the county and those leaving the county. Or to put it simply, the net migration for a given county is the inbound migration minus the outbound migration for that county.

You can also see similar information for other states and also by state for the United States.

Hover over or click on the chart to see this information for each county. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Kansas Net Migration By County in 2018
Kansas Net Migration By County in 2018
Items per page:
0 of 0
County Net Migration
Allen -32
Anderson 10
Atchison -128
Barber -89
Barton -298
Bourbon -69
Brown 4
Butler -126
Chase -58
Chautauqua -14
Cherokee -31
Cheyenne -40
Clark 5
Clay -10
Cloud -162
Coffey 2
Comanche -7
Cowley -190
Crawford -85
Decatur -7
Dickinson -161
Doniphan 4
Douglas 499
Edwards -48
Elk -10
Ellis -112
Ellsworth -98
Finney -649
Ford -756
Franklin -29
Geary -1611
Gove -16
Graham -17
Grant -251
Gray 25
Greeley -2
Greenwood -7
Hamilton -30
Harper -43
Harvey -173
Haskell -57
Hodgeman -44
Jackson -69
Jefferson -10
Jewell -10
Johnson 3751
Kearny -47
Kingman 29
Kiowa -1
Labette -200
Lane 12
Leavenworth 50
Lincoln -37
Linn 97
Logan -18
Lyon -24
McPherson -68
Marion -28
Marshall 42
Meade -135
Miami 219
Mitchell -42
Montgomery -225
Morris 83
Morton -86
Nemaha 9
Neosho -83
Ness -29
Norton 6
Osage 124
Osborne -60
Ottawa -39
Pawnee -80
Phillips -84
Pottawatomie 101
Pratt -168
Rawlins 7
Reno -263
Republic -3
Rice -80
Riley 241
Rooks -51
Rush 22
Russell 3
Saline -227
Scott -37
Sedgwick -1685
Seward -604
Shawnee -1015
Sheridan 0
Sherman -41
Smith -24
Stafford -57
Stanton -30
Stevens -67
Sumner -76
Thomas -179
Trego -51
Wabaunsee 41
Wallace -43
Washington -18
Wichita -18
Wilson -22
Woodson 43
Wyandotte -722