Ranking of United States Cities By Number of Total Crimes in 2013

Updated on January 9, 2025.

According to the FBI UCR data, in 2013, the US city with the highest number of Total Crimes was New York, NY (194,355); followed by Chicago3, , IL (108,540); Los Angeles, CA (103,798); Philadelphia, PA (70,526); and Phoenix, AZ (69,846).

The chart below shows the top 10 cities with high number of Total crimes in 2013, and the table below shows the ranking of the top 500 cities with high number of Total crimes in the United States.

You can see similar rankings of cities for other crime types in the United States.

Related Topics: US FBI UCR 2013 Topic List.
Data Source: FBI UCR.
See this for other years:
Ranking of US Cities By Number of Total Crimes in 2013
New York, NY
Chicago3, , IL
Los Angeles, CA
Philadelphia, PA
Phoenix, AZ
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, NV
Detroit, MI
San Francisco, CA
Indianapolis, IN
Baltimore, MD
Ranking of US Cities By Number of Total Crimes in 2013
Items per page:
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Rank City Number of Crimes
1 New York, NY 194355
2 Chicago3, , IL 108540
3 Los Angeles, CA 103798
4 Philadelphia, PA 70526
5 Phoenix, AZ 69846
6 Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, NV 59599
7 Detroit, MI 55950
8 San Francisco, CA 55615
9 Indianapolis, IN 55402
10 Baltimore, MD 39791
11 Seattle, WA 39731
12 Jacksonville, FL 38350
13 Tucson, AZ 38106
14 Oklahoma City, OK 37607
15 Washington, DC 37449
16 San Diego, CA 37209
17 Charlotte-Mecklenburg, NC 35875
18 Milwaukee, WI 35500
19 Albuquerque, NM 34939
20 Oakland, CA 33300
21 Atlanta, GA 33116
22 Portland, OR 32742
23 Louisville Metro, KY 32661
24 Kansas City, MO 30719
25 Cleveland, OH 29236
26 San Jose, CA 28858
27 Denver, CO 27894
28 St. Louis, MO 26343
29 Miami, FL 25962
30 Fresno, CA 25320
31 Tulsa, OK 24959
32 Wichita, KS 23980
33 Minneapolis, MN 23520
34 Boston, MA 22890
35 Omaha, NE 21640
36 Sacramento, CA 21281
37 Spokane, WA 21030
38 Cincinnati, OH 20303
39 Colorado Springs, CO 20130
40 Bakersfield, CA 18864
41 Orlando, FL 18834
42 Stockton, CA 18790
43 Little Rock, AR 18399
44 New Orleans, LA 17490
45 Birmingham, AL 17009
46 Springfield, MO 16648
47 Buffalo, NY 15740
48 St. Petersburg, FL 15611
49 Long Beach, CA 15442
50 Tacoma, WA 15166
51 Raleigh, NC 14877
52 Mesa, AZ 14847
53 Glendale, AZ 14591
54 Mobile, AL 14552
55 Anchorage, AK 14541
56 Winston-Salem, NC 14351
57 Baton Rouge, LA 13648
58 Columbus, GA 13534
59 Fayetteville, NC 13480
60 Lexington, KY 13439
61 St. Paul, MN 13285
62 Greensboro, NC 13098
63 Newark, NJ 12515
64 Pittsburgh, PA 12514
65 Aurora, CO 12302
66 Rochester, NY 12290
67 Norfolk, VA 12273
68 Virginia Beach, VA 12055
69 Jackson, MS 12039
70 Riverside, CA 12013
71 Modesto, CA 11755
72 San Bernardino, CA 11425
73 Akron, OH 11304
74 Fort Lauderdale, FL 11136
75 Des Moines, IA 11074
76 Shreveport, LA 11061
77 Tampa, FL 11001
78 Fort Wayne, IN 10781
79 Anaheim, CA 10776
80 Huntsville, AL 10723
81 Miami Beach, FL 10676
82 Lincoln, NE 10384
83 Richmond, VA 10081
84 Tallahassee, FL 9521
85 Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan, GA 9339
86 Toledo, OH 9323
87 Providence, RI 9111
88 Rockford, IL 9066
89 Dayton, OH 9012
90 Columbia, SC 8950
91 Springfield, MA 8842
92 Tempe, AZ 8751
93 Madison, WI 8663
94 Pueblo, CO 8637
95 Lafayette, LA 8455
96 Eugene, OR 8377
97 Reno, NV 8352
98 Kansas City, KS 8015
99 Worcester, MA 7996
100 North Las Vegas, NV 7782
101 New Haven, CT 7726
102 Syracuse, NY 7722
103 Independence, MO 7681
104 Santa Ana, CA 7579
105 Grand Rapids, MI 7576
106 Lakewood, CO 7544
107 Macon, GA 7426
108 Salem, OR 7344
109 Hialeah, FL 7336
110 Everett, WA 7327
111 Hollywood, FL 7276
112 Springfield, IL 7140
113 Topeka, KS 7105
114 Chesapeake, VA 6948
115 Vallejo, CA 6807
116 Vancouver, WA 6562
117 Hartford, CT 6554
118 Chandler, AZ 6552
119 Jersey City, NJ 6522
120 North Charleston, SC 6518
121 Moreno Valley, CA 6514
122 Evansville, IN 6471
123 Newport News, VA 6441
124 Salinas, CA 6393
125 Flint, MI 6278
126 Wilmington, NC 6253
127 Scottsdale, AZ 6118
128 Lawton, OK 5979
129 Billings, MT 5971
130 Richmond, CA 5961
130 Pompano Beach, FL 5961
131 Berkeley, CA 5955
132 Portsmouth, VA 5950
133 Kent, WA 5945
134 Chula Vista, CA 5914
135 Bridgeport, CT 5892
136 Lakeland, FL 5874
137 Gainesville, FL 5805
138 Oxnard, CA 5761
139 Henderson, NV 5747
140 Gary, IN 5669
141 Paterson, NJ 5663
142 Miami Gardens, FL 5598
143 Sioux Falls, SD 5593
144 West Palm Beach, FL 5585
145 South Bend, IN 5579
146 Spokane Valley, WA 5555
147 Federal Way, WA 5471
148 Hayward, CA 5454
149 Antioch, CA 5443
150 Albany, GA 5429
151 Boise, ID 5389
152 Visalia, CA 5358
153 Medford, OR 5349
154 Huntington Beach, CA 5321
155 Fort Smith, AR 5236
155 Peoria, IL 5236
156 Council Bluffs, IA 5226
157 Pomona, CA 5220
158 Renton, WA 5206
159 Lansing, MI 5195
160 Gresham, OR 5190
161 Yakima, WA 5169
162 Oceanside, CA 5152
163 Cedar Rapids, IA 5118
164 High Point, NC 5068
165 Waterbury, CT 5048
166 Ontario, CA 4988
167 Manchester, NH 4986
168 Springfield, OH 4962
168 Allentown, PA 4962
169 Clearwater, FL 4948
170 Tuscaloosa, AL 4946
171 Canton, OH 4937
172 Davenport, IA 4932
173 Roanoke, VA 4922
174 Wilmington, DE 4881
174 Albany, NY 4881
175 Victorville, CA 4836
176 Daytona Beach, FL 4828
177 Fontana, CA 4822
178 Columbia, MO 4789
179 Hampton, VA 4788
180 Concord, CA 4773
181 St. Joseph, MO 4728
182 Las Cruces, NM 4687
183 Elizabeth, NJ 4658
184 Duluth, MN 4648
185 Warner Robins, GA 4584
186 Escondido, CA 4573
187 Athens-Clarke County, GA 4496
187 New Bedford, MA 4496
188 Greenville, NC 4427
189 Hemet, CA 4411
190 Gastonia, NC 4395
191 Fremont, CA 4391
192 Lancaster, CA 4376
193 North Little Rock, AR 4372
194 Brockton, MA 4371
195 Redding, CA 4364
195 San Leandro, CA 4364
196 Hamilton, OH 4342
197 Ventura, CA 4309
198 Pembroke Pines, FL 4302
199 Fullerton, CA 4258
200 Auburn, WA 4251
201 Pasadena, CA 4240
202 Warren, MI 4228
203 Homestead, FL 4201
204 Fort Collins, CO 4177
205 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 4172
206 Palmdale, CA 4131
207 Youngstown, OH 4124
208 Bellevue, WA 4097
209 Peoria, AZ 4091
210 Lake Charles, LA 4082
211 Santa Rosa, CA 4072
212 Fairfield, CA 4052
212 Melbourne, FL 4052
213 Lowell, MA 4022
214 Sioux City, IA 3989
215 Yuma, AZ 3987
216 Lawrence, KS 3982
217 Hammond, IN 3922
218 Rocky Mount, NC 3891
219 Santa Monica, CA 3889
220 Garden Grove, CA 3881
221 Sanford, FL 3879
222 Overland Park, KS 3829
223 Joliet, IL 3825
224 Costa Mesa, CA 3821
225 Compton, CA 3819
226 Lafayette, IN 3818
227 Greeley, CO 3736
228 Greenville, SC 3722
229 Davie, FL 3706
230 Erie, PA 3689
231 Gilbert, AZ 3687
232 Fargo, ND 3668
233 Miramar, FL 3654
234 Thornton, CO 3642
235 Downey, CA 3627
236 Roseville, CA 3621
236 Gulfport, MS 3621
237 Corona, CA 3610
238 West Covina, CA 3603
239 Delray Beach, FL 3600
240 Clovis, CA 3597
241 Aurora, IL 3593
242 Santa Cruz, CA 3591
243 Bossier City, LA 3585
244 Cape Coral, FL 3576
245 Reading, PA 3569
246 Sunrise, FL 3558
247 Fayetteville, AR 3517
248 Kissimmee, FL 3507
249 Terre Haute, IN 3490
250 Inglewood, CA 3480
251 Dearborn, MI 3465
252 Trenton, NJ 3463
253 Elk Grove, CA 3443
254 Santa Maria, CA 3437
255 Bloomington, MN 3428
256 Plantation, FL 3427
257 Charleston, SC 3425
258 Yonkers, NY 3414
259 Irvine, CA 3408
260 Schenectady, NY 3407
261 Glendale, CA 3384
262 Boynton Beach, FL 3376
263 Fall River, MA 3340
264 Jurupa Valley, CA 3334
265 Springfield, OR 3321
266 Jonesboro, AR 3320
267 Muncie, IN 3319
268 Racine, WI 3316
269 Merced, CA 3307
270 Midwest City, OK 3295
271 North Miami, FL 3289
272 Largo, FL 3282
273 Cambridge, MA 3278
274 Redlands, CA 3256
275 Alexandria, VA 3238
276 Ocala, FL 3230
277 Lynn, MA 3219
278 Westminster, CO 3216
279 Santa Clara, CA 3213
280 Lancaster, PA 3208
281 South Gate, CA 3200
282 Lauderhill, FL 3196
283 Boulder, CO 3193
284 Green Bay, WI 3190
285 Indio, CA 3176
286 Rialto, CA 3171
287 Sarasota, FL 3162
288 Flagstaff, AZ 3140
289 El Cajon, CA 3133
289 Norman, OK 3133
290 Lorain, OH 3131
291 Missoula, MT 3121
292 St. Cloud, MN 3117
293 Lakewood, WA 3075
294 Tulare, CA 3066
295 West Allis, WI 3062
296 Bowling Green, KY 3055
297 Santa Barbara, CA 3049
297 Lawrence, MA 3049
298 Fort Myers, FL 3047
299 Rapid City, SD 3045
300 Conway, AR 3019
301 Springdale, AR 3018
302 Pensacola, FL 3009
303 Santa Clarita, CA 3006
304 Burlington, NC 3001
305 Citrus Heights, CA 2987
306 Turlock, CA 2984
307 Torrance, CA 2979
308 Rock Hill, SC 2967
309 Marietta, GA 2951
310 Temecula, CA 2948
311 Champaign, IL 2938
312 Manteca, CA 2933
313 Sandy Springs, GA 2932
314 Waukegan, IL 2928
315 Anderson, IN 2919
316 Bloomington, IN 2916
317 Chico, CA 2908
318 Utica, NY 2889
319 Suffolk, VA 2874
320 Arvada, CO 2851
321 Cheektowaga Town, NY 2849
322 Grand Junction, CO 2840
323 Great Falls, MT 2837
324 Dothan, AL 2836
325 Hawthorne, CA 2828
326 Toms River Township, NJ 2825
327 Coral Springs, FL 2811
328 Sparks, NV 2806
329 Portland, ME 2795
330 Ann Arbor, MI 2784
331 Rochester, MN 2780
332 Westland, MI 2776
333 Port St. Lucie, FL 2768
334 Westminster, CA 2767
335 Kenosha, WI 2759
336 Decatur, IL 2740
336 Sterling Heights, MI 2740
337 Kennewick, WA 2736
338 Hesperia, CA 2716
339 Brooklyn Park, MN 2708
340 Decatur, AL 2702
341 Deerfield Beach, FL 2693
342 Concord, NC 2677
343 Hoover, AL 2671
344 Norwalk, CA 2663
345 Carson, CA 2660
346 Pawtucket, RI 2616
347 Whittier, CA 2610
348 Burbank, CA 2607
349 Lodi, CA 2603
350 Sunnyvale, CA 2592
351 Orange, CA 2580
352 Rancho Cordova, CA 2556
353 Vineland, NJ 2547
354 Marysville, WA 2535
355 El Monte, CA 2533
356 New Britain, CT 2532
356 Grand Island, NE 2532
357 Kenner, LA 2523
358 Vista, CA 2496
359 Saginaw, MI 2495
360 Bend, OR 2488
361 Olathe, KS 2477
362 Boca Raton, FL 2469
363 Scranton, PA 2467
364 Taylor, MI 2455
365 Greece Town, NY 2454
366 Nashua, NH 2439
367 Clinton Township, MI 2436
368 Irvington, NJ 2435
369 Madera, CA 2423
369 Palm Bay, FL 2423
370 Upland, CA 2401
371 Tracy, CA 2400
371 Kokomo, IN 2400
372 Buena Park, CA 2388
372 Southfield, MI 2388
373 Bradenton, FL 2364
374 Palm Desert, CA 2329
375 Carlsbad, CA 2316
375 San Mateo, CA 2316
376 Vacaville, CA 2314
376 Cherry Hill Township, NJ 2314
377 Upper Darby Township, PA 2312
378 Hillsboro, OR 2310
378 Lynchburg, VA 2310
379 Delano, CA 2309
380 Bloomington, IL 2308
381 Chino, CA 2306
382 Longmont, CO 2299
382 Coral Gables, FL 2299
383 Lakewood, CA 2296
384 Perris, CA 2282
385 Stamford, CT 2277
386 Surprise, AZ 2275
387 Schaumburg, IL 2253
388 Roswell, GA 2251
389 Hanford, CA 2249
390 Woodland, CA 2248
391 Newport Beach, CA 2242
392 Casa Grande, AZ 2241
393 Walnut Creek, CA 2240
394 Amherst Town, NY 2228
395 Pittsburg, CA 2212
396 National City, CA 2211
397 Cheyenne, WY 2202
398 Bethlehem, PA 2200
399 Cicero, IL 2192
400 Broken Arrow, OK 2190
401 Woodbridge Township, NJ 2184
402 Cary, NC 2181
403 Owensboro, KY 2179
404 Huntington Park, CA 2176
405 Bellflower, CA 2174
406 Yuba City, CA 2170
407 Milpitas, CA 2168
408 La Mesa, CA 2152
408 Elgin, IL 2152
409 Bensalem Township, PA 2145
410 Casper, WY 2130
411 Frederick, MD 2128
411 Janesville, WI 2128
412 Livonia, MI 2120
413 Warwick, RI 2117
414 Livermore, CA 2115
415 Greenwood, IN 2113
416 Evanston, IL 2103
417 Colton, CA 2098
418 Nampa, ID 2093
419 Iowa City, IA 2085
420 Daly City, CA 2082
421 Alameda, CA 2077
422 Redwood City, CA 2074
423 Albany, OR 2065
424 Colonie Town, NY 2063
425 Hamilton Township, Mercer County, NJ 2052
426 Lee's Summit, MO 2049
427 Auburn, AL 2045
428 San Rafael, CA 2037
428 Haverhill, MA 2037
429 Quincy, MA 2012
430 Mount Vernon, NY 1990
431 Montebello, CA 1986
432 Pocatello, ID 1978
433 Lynwood, CA 1976
433 Naperville, IL 1976
434 New Brunswick, NJ 1971
435 Norwalk, CT 1970
436 Burnsville, MN 1969
437 Wyoming, MI 1964
438 Moore, OK 1963
439 Alhambra, CA 1944
440 Gilroy, CA 1930
440 Bismarck, ND 1930
441 Smyrna, GA 1925
442 Rogers, AR 1918
443 Cranston, RI 1915
444 St. Charles, MO 1895
445 Davis, CA 1890
446 Kirkland, WA 1884
447 Colerain Township, OH 1872
448 Coon Rapids, MN 1869
449 Mountain View, CA 1867
450 Paramount, CA 1862
451 Simi Valley, CA 1857
452 Union City, CA 1856
453 Goodyear, AZ 1841
454 Chicopee, MA 1839
455 Loveland, CO 1832
456 West Haven, CT 1806
456 Pasco, WA 1806
457 Apple Valley, CA 1801
458 Dubuque, IA 1799
459 Shoreline, WA 1796
460 Menifee, CA 1782
461 Oak Park, IL 1775
462 Blaine, MN 1773
463 Thousand Oaks, CA 1755
464 Idaho Falls, ID 1753
465 West Des Moines, IA 1751
466 Redondo Beach, CA 1749
467 Pico Rivera, CA 1739
468 Skokie, IL 1737
468 Somerville, MA 1737
469 Plainfield, NJ 1726
470 Murrieta, CA 1718
471 Redmond, WA 1708
472 Porterville, CA 1705
473 Eau Claire, WI 1700
474 Clifton, NJ 1697