North Carolina Births By County in 2021

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2021, the number of births for North Carolina was 116,827. Mecklenburg County had the highest number of births (14,634), followed by Wake County (12,654), and Guilford County (5,780) On the other hand, Hyde County had the lowest number of births (37), followed by Tyrrell County (38), and Graham County (83).

You can also see similar information for other states and also for the US by state. You can also see links at the bottom of the page for the number of births for each county in North Carolina.

Hover over or click on the chart to see this information for each county. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
North Carolina Births By County in 2021
North Carolina Births By County in 2021
Items per page:
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County Births
Alamance 1853
Alexander 354
Alleghany 102
Anson 268
Ashe 218
Avery 136
Beaufort 432
Bertie 167
Bladen 344
Brunswick 1035
Buncombe 2352
Burke 828
Cabarrus 2571
Caldwell 717
Camden 88
Carteret 474
Caswell 175
Catawba 1608
Chatham 643
Cherokee 239
Chowan 142
Clay 87
Cleveland 1099
Columbus 579
Craven 1250
Cumberland 5101
Currituck 314
Dare 317
Davidson 1718
Davie 393
Duplin 700
Durham 4058
Edgecombe 592
Forsyth 4300
Franklin 766
Gaston 2573
Gates 96
Graham 83
Granville 602
Greene 201
Guilford 5780
Halifax 527
Harnett 1839
Haywood 511
Henderson 989
Hertford 190
Hoke 888
Hyde 37
Iredell 1890
Jackson 314
Johnston 2581
Jones 84
Lee 770
Lenoir 653
Lincoln 872
McDowell 386
Macon 314
Madison 186
Martin 225
Mecklenburg 14634
Mitchell 136
Montgomery 255
Moore 1192
Nash 1026
New Hanover 2091
Northampton 167
Onslow 3729
Orange 1132
Pamlico 86
Pasquotank 457
Pender 622
Perquimans 111
Person 439
Pitt 2013
Polk 130
Randolph 1509
Richmond 565
Robeson 1757
Rockingham 884
Rowan 1578
Rutherford 620
Sampson 775
Scotland 377
Stanly 654
Stokes 396
Surry 726
Swain 156
Transylvania 237
Tyrrell 38
Union 2348
Vance 535
Wake 12654
Warren 168
Washington 113
Watauga 301
Wayne 1541
Wilkes 664
Wilson 873
Yadkin 352
Yancey 175

Number of Births for Counties in North Carolina

Use the links below to find the number of births for each county in North Carolina.