South Carolina Births By County in 2012

Updated on July 26, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2012, the number of births for South Carolina was 57,551. Greenville County had the highest number of births (6,105), followed by Richland County (4,893), and Charleston County (4,759) On the other hand, McCormick County had the lowest number of births (52), followed by Allendale County (104), and Bamberg County (164).

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South Carolina Births By County in 2012
South Carolina Births By County in 2012
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County Births
Abbeville 281
Aiken 1944
Allendale 104
Anderson 2176
Bamberg 164
Barnwell 322
Beaufort 2040
Berkeley 2588
Calhoun 166
Charleston 4759
Cherokee 700
Chester 456
Chesterfield 505
Clarendon 341
Colleton 442
Darlington 793
Dillon 427
Dorchester 1844
Edgefield 185
Fairfield 242
Florence 1837
Georgetown 590
Greenville 6105
Greenwood 890
Hampton 222
Horry 3081
Jasper 327
Kershaw 713
Lancaster 884
Laurens 782
Lee 200
Lexington 3190
McCormick 52
Marion 421
Marlboro 308
Newberry 418
Oconee 814
Orangeburg 1144
Pickens 1203
Richland 4893
Saluda 272
Spartanburg 3575
Sumter 1567
Union 299
Williamsburg 356
York 2929